Chapter 17

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I was about to walk out of my room with Liah and Sneka, as now it was their turn to get ready; when I felt my phone vibrate with a text notification.

"Are you ready? can I see you?" Dellilio texted, making my heartbeat increase its speed.

How did he get my number? and why is he asking if he can see me? Gosh, is he missing me?!

I did a little happy dance in my mind with that thought.

"I am, but I'm with Sneka and Liah what should I tell them to come to you?" He better have a solid answer to that cause these two aren't joking.

"Wait right there, I'll come and get you." He replied and I felt myself smile like a fool, staring at the pitch-black screen of the phone.

There was a knock heard at Sneka's door after a minute.

"It's Delli." She said before opening the door.

"Sorella, sei bellissima." He said but I didn't get it.

Translation:{"Sister, you look beautiful."}

"Oh please Delli, I haven't even started really." She scoffed.

Sneka had foundation on her face, and it made her look like a ghost cause she was about to blend it in, when Dellilio came.

"Bene, sono qui per portare il mio compagno con me, vero?" He said to Sneka.

Translation: {"Well, I'm here to take my mate with me, can I?"}

"Hmmm, no." She mock-smiled at him.

"Oh per favore sorella."

Translation: {"Oh please, sister."}

"Mi dispiace, mio ​​caro fratello ma non può venire." Said Sneka.

Translation:{"I'm sorry, my dear brother but she can't come."}

"Hmm, ero educato ma penso che non ci sei abituato, quindi...come Savannah." He said to Sneka and then reached me, extending his hand.

Translation:{"Hmm, I was polite but I think you're not used to it, Savannah."}

I shared an amusing look with the two ladies who were eyeing Dellilio suspiciously but then, Sneka gave me a thumbs up when Dellilio turned around and his back faced her.

Liah had a poker face.

I took his hand and we made our way to the door.

I sneaked a look behind and both of them were gushing.

After a wave and some dirty signals by both of these mental cases, we left the room finally.

I felt myself getting more and more nervous with every passing second, I don't know what's my problem.

No matter how close we get or how much we open up to each other, I still feel a new kind of nervousness envelope me every single time I come face to face with this man.

We walked for a few minutes and he opened a room door.

We both walked in and he switched on the lights.

"You simply look like the most beautiful woman in this world." He sighed, looking me up and down.

"You don't look bad yourself." I dared to say, as I tried to hide my blush somehow.

He chuckled.

"But you look so beautiful that I must say, I feel like I have to remind you that after every minute, but the fortunate truth is that you look this stunning every day." He smiled.

Gosh, what the fuck do I say to this now?!

I freaked out.

Before I could say anything, he took a step forward.

As if nearing his prey, I knew in two strides he'll be right in front of me, and I was right.

I couldn't understand his eyes at that time when he neared his face to mine.

"Mate." He whispered before softly placing his lips on mine, they were connected in less than a second, as his lips caressed mine and his tongue entered my mouth.

I was backed up against the closed door, his body pressed against mine and I moaned, not knowing why because I was thinking so many things at that time.

My hands made their way to his chest and I grabbed the lapels of his black suit's jacket, pulling him more onto my lips.

His hands grabbed my waist firmly.

Our slow and passionate kiss turned to a rough passionate one, but after don't know how much time, we finally stopped to catch our breaths, his forehead rested against mine as he looked into my eyes and smiled affectionately.

I pecked his lips again, keeping my lips on his for a moment and enjoying the feeling.

"I have something to tell you." He said.


"Oracle Bridget is the one that developed my contact with the Vampire King, but her whole kind isn't supporting this move of hers' and they are so pissed that maybe there will be a war in the upcoming days." He said almost making my breathing stop.

"So basically the Oracles don't prefer you to become a Hybrid that's why they are against Oracle Bridget?" I asked and he nodded.

"This is such a stupid thing, I mean I don't know shit about supernatural politics but what will they get after a war? I'm pretty sure you will not back away from becoming a Hybrid right?" I asked to confirm.

"I will not." He assured and I sighed.

"You just need to stay focused on the main goal, I know Moon Goddess will take care of the rest," I assured.

He kissed my lips softly, one more time.

"I was not 100% sure about this war before, but now I am." He said with a smile.

"For all I know, the Oracles are probably 1200 in total and they still think they can take down the Lycan Alpha on whose one call he'll gather millions of werewolves and also the Lycans of America, how naïve are they?" I asked.

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Think I've got myself a cheerleader." He smiled with amusement and I blushed to realize how I quoted the tales of his bravery.

"I will say, a supportive mate, even though I know I won't be much help but still I'm willing to do anything, and I'll be with you every step, I'll even fight," I assured.

"You'll be the most help I can desire of, if we get things covered then you can fight cause I'm not one of those who keep you inside their houses cause they fear you'll get yourself killed," He went on.

"I mean this is a scary situation; knowing my mate is out there fighting but I know what you are capable of and I'll be worrying about you the whole time, still, I'll let you fight if needed but do not get yourself killed or I'll kill you myself, twice." He said poking my nose.

"Cuz I want you to be careful and come back alive this time so I could trust you with your life for the next time, only, if needed." He reminded and I nodded like a kid getting nagged by their parents.

"Also I have one more thing to ask you." I nodded and said.

"I also want to ask something."

"At the same time then?" He asked, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Same time."

"Will you mark me tonight?" We both asked in unison, taking a moment to understand what the other one said, and smiles appeared on our faces, thankful smiles.

"It is one of the many things I've wanted to do to you since the day I first laid my eyes on you and found out that you are my mate." He stated, kissing me passionately and I didn't hesitate to put all my feelings into this single kiss as I kissed him back.

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