Chapter 12

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"I would love that," I replied, dying on the inside.

He was about to step towards the pool when I felt a light bulb go off in my mind.

"Dellilio," I called, realizing how beautiful his name sounds from my mouth.

He looked at me immediately, a smile lingering on his lips.

"Would you mind if I ask you something?"

"Please ask away." He replied.

"How is it being a Lycan? only if you want to tell." I said cautiously trying not to overstep.

"No one has ever asked me this question." He chuckled, "but I'm happy that you did, being a Lycan is nothing out of a fantasy movie, it's just simply being stronger than a normal wolf, in every aspect."

"What does that mean?" I asked and he motioned me to sit on the chair by the poolside.

"That means, that not especially me, but all the Lycans are stronger mentally and physically like they have their senses heightened even more than a wolf cause wolves and vampires are pretty high sensed creatures." He elaborated.

"Isn't that interesting." I gushed sinking in his words.

"It is but it's pretty hard also, so hard that if you are not strong mentally you may think about giving up, their training is the toughest." He sighed leaning back against the chair's rest.

I decided to try one more thing.

"Was your dad also a Lycan?" I asked and observed Dellilio's demeanor change.

"No, he was not." He said without a smile.

"Oh, but he must be a kind Alpha that everyone here loves him, and my dad always talks about him."

He nodded with a forced smile.

Hmm, something is wrong.

Just when I was observing his face grow annoyed with the discussion of his father I received a text from Liah.

"I found something, can you meet me somewhere?"

"But I'm at the Rupen Territory."

"I don't care Savay I have to meet you."

"Okay, can we meet in the middle?"

"Yeah sure, I'll see you there." She texted and I put my phone back inside my shorts' pocket.

"Savannah?" He called.

"Hmm?" I asked facing him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course."

"What have you planned for us?"

"I don't get it," I said honestly.

"I mean, where do you see us two together?"

"I mean, fortunately, both of us are happy being each other's mates, so I think..." I trailed off, I was going to say I see myself moving here because I'm his mate.

"You think?" He pushed.

"Maybe...umm, I'll move? here?" I said not so sure.

"Why is this a question?" He smiled.

"I was nervous maybe you didn't want me to move here permanently, that's why," I said feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You are joking right." He chuckled, "why would someone not want their mate to be around them 24/7?"

"I don't know, I'm new to this stuff," I admitted.

"Me neither." He smiled.

"I want to get to know you." He said.

"Me too, I feel like something's missing, something is left, maybe it's the fact that we don't know each other so much, I don't know," I said not believing myself that I just said that.

He looked at me and our eyes locked, my wolf wanted what he wanted right now and it happened.

I found the missing piece and the part of me which was feeling empty got filled, as he brought his lips to mine and connected them ever so slightly that I felt chills all over my body, and they didn't go away for a long time.

His lips were so soft and so hot, appearance-wise they were, but they were even hotter temperature-wise.

They molded perfectly with mine, gave me tingles all over my body.

They caressed my lips like they were delicate dandelions.

His kiss showed urgency and the yearning he has suffered from to touch or see his mate, J could tell that there is nothing soft about him, there is nothing beneath this hard exterior, right now.

There was and maybe there will be in the future but these last few years he's been empty on the inside, he doesn't have any weakness or worries, knowing he has nothing to lose he can conquer everything without any fear, but now I could smell weakness on him, I was the weakness, his mate was his weakness, he let me see it with this kiss, but he was now a man with a weakness, he wasn't trying to think about it, I could tell.

That slight kiss was deepened when I pulled him towards me and kissed him passionately, from his side that passion came even more quickly.

When we both felt out of breath we separated.

His eyes still locked with mine as I felt I could see past him, I could tell what's inside his mind and heart just by looking in his eyes.

Our conversations today were the most random and maybe shitty as well like there was no need for half of them, but none of us wanted to admit the fact that we liked each other's presence even though it was because we were talking about random shit, that didn't even sense.

I suddenly remembered that I have to
meet Liah, I could know what's his deal and then confront him to get this over with, so if there is nothing to worry about then we can move on and mate cause we've delayed it a lot already.

I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks when his gaze didn't leave my face.

I gave him a smile which he reciprocated while we caught our breaths.

"Dellilio, I-I have to go for an errand, I'll probably see you at lunch," I said getting up.

"Where are you going suddenly, is everything fine, are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine and everything's fine, I just have to meet Liah for something important, I'll be back by the time of lunch."

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone? I mean I can send as many guards with you as you want or even I can accompany you."

"No, that won't be needed, don't worry I'll be back soon," I said with a sly smile as I made my way inside before letting him answer.

After changing I left the mansion and after some hours of running I reached my destination which was the middle of the Rupen and Marlowe territory.

I called Liah but she didn't pick up because she must be on her way.

She arrived after some minutes and quickly changed into the clothes that were secure in her mouth earlier.

The look on her face was grim, my stomach churned and I could feel the blood leaving my body as I felt like she was going to drop the bomb of bad news on me.

Goddess, I don't want my mate to turn out as a murderer, and specifically of his father. I prayed silently.

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