Chapter 9

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"Liah I don't know what to wear." I panicked as Liah cursed me on the phone.

"I'm standing in front of your house, hang up—let me in." She ordered.

"Coming!!" I shouted running downstairs.

Mom and Dad were ready and were observing my overly excited behavior.

"Come on!" I ushered Liah in and straight to my bedroom upstairs, she shouted barely decipherable greetings to my parents as I practically dragged her.

"Savannah you said you didn't have anything to wear." She said eyeing the enormous pile of clothes on my bed.

"These are not okay for the dinner, at my mate's house especially," I said in an obvious tone.

"I know what you're thinking, a pretty little dress which says 'I'm elegant aka bold aka kiss me right now right?"

"That's quite an interesting way of putting my perspective but it is the right way."

"So I think I have the perfect thing for you." She smirked flashing the bags of dresses in front of me, which we brought here.

"So many things?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No silly, just one now.." She said rummaging through the clothes as if she was searching for something in particular, she finally took out a floral dress.

"This is so pretty," I whispered as I got lost in admiring the dress.

"I knew you'd love it, yaaaaay!" She clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Should I go try it?" I asked.

"Of course you guys are leaving in an hour Savannah." She reminded me.

I quickly changed and then showed Liah the final look.

"I'm speechless you look so pretty in this Sav." She gushed fanning herself.


"I swear boo."

"Aww thank you, babe, now you have to do my hair and makeup," I told her.

"Let's start then, what are we waiting for." She said ushering me to sit in front of my vanity.

After 45 minutes Liah was doing whatever she was doing.

"Now take a look." She said twirling my chair.

I checked myself in the mirror and I looked...Great.

Yeah really really good, she did an amazing job, she simply pencil straightened my hair and they are voluminous so they didn't look bad they looked awesome, and she did light makeup on my face, doing whatever made my natural features prominent, light blush with light eye makeup and liner, the liner is a must for me cause my eyes to look sleepy and tiny without a liner so even daily I go out with eyeliner if nothing else.

After that a little gloss on my lips just to make their natural red color pop out.

"Lee this is so gorgeous, I mean I look so good." I screeched lowly, clapping my hands.

"Thank Goddess you liked it." She sighed and smiled.

"I love it."

"Now go and make Dellilio go crazy, good luck don't let mama down."


We finally reached Rupen territory, my family, Alpha Logan, and our Luna Cameron and Beta Derek.

This time the guards happily opened the gates with smiles on their faces, it was almost nighttime so, many lights were glimmering throughout the mansions' structure.

The outside grounds were decorated with light twinklers it looked so beautiful that my heart wanted to skip the dinner and just sit out there.

As soon as our car stopped in front of the mansion some more guards came and opened the doors for us, then we exited the cars and they drove them away.

A butler came and bowed to Alpha Logan and Luna and then guided us to the front entrance doors and opened it, we all followed him inside.

Mrs. Rupen greeted us along with Sneka.

"Oh my gosh! you're finally here!" Sneka cheered as she greeted me.

Michael came from behind.

"Welcome everyone, Annie and Sneka meet, Alpha Logan and the Luna Ms.Cameron then." He gestured at them, kthey shook hands and hugged, "Mr&Mrs. Maxwell and Beta Derek." He introduced the rest.

"And everyone this is Annie Rupen our Luna, and Sneka Rupen my mate." Michael introduced proudly.

"We are so happy to have you all here," Annie said with a wide smile.

"And we are honored to be here." Mom smiled.

"Come in please," Annie said walking us all further inside.

I got butterflies just by the thought of seeing Dellilio suited up, looking fine and sexy as always.

He hasn't shown up but I was curious to see him, I was fidgeting with my fingers in anticipation.

"Alpha will join us in a minute," Michael whispered scaring the life out of me.

I looked at him in surprise, as I tried to hide my blush.

"Oh—um, ahm." I stammered like a fool but he just gave me a slight smile and quickened his pace then he joined dad and Alpha Logan who was walking towards Dellilio's study.

It dawned on me then, wait—how did Michael know I was waiting for Dellilio?

Goddess, he told him?!

"Of course he did, he's his best friend after all." Bexley nagged from the inside of my senses.

"And how do you know he's Dellilio's best friend?"

"Goddess! I get butterflies just by hearing mate's name, umm—I was saying that because I've sensed it." She explained.

"Or have you talked to his wolf?" I interrogated.

"Um-what no, not at all, why would I?" She blabbered confirming by doubt.

"You hoe, you just can't control yourself, can you?"

"Savannah I swear I didn't talk to him!!" She defended herself.

"I know you did, just admit it, Bex." I sighed.

"Okay I did, but he approached me first, and he's even happier than I am that we found each other." She gushed like a little girl.

Not gonna lie, even I felt relieved hearing her say that.

"So what else did he say? and what's his name?" I asked.

"His name is Zeus and he just talked about you all the time, and how freaking happy mate felt when he saw you for the first time."

"You aren't lying right?" I asked playing with my fingers on my lap, as we women were now seated in the lounge.

"I'm not and you know he was so excited to mark us." She danced with excitement.

"Are you serious?" I asked feeling my heartbeat quicken.

"I promise I'm not lying Savay."

Just when we were talking about him my senses got invaded by his scent, his cold breeze kinda scent that hasn't left my senses since I left this place last time.

Michael coughed from behind the couch we were sitting on and we looked back.

"Alpha is here." He informed.

I knew he wasn't inside the mansion's building yet, I could sense him from afar.

But I wanted to see him, my wolf begged and if I'll be honest, I was also begging to see him.

My wish was granted shortly when he walked inside from the huge front doors.

I nervously lifted my gaze from my hands to his face and our eyes met, he instantly had a wide smile over his face.

"My mate." Said Bexley and me at the same time.

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