Chapter 29

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Dellilio's P.O.V:

After the meeting, I calmed myself down for my mate and baby and decided to head back to them.

I threw my jacket on the sofa as soon as I saw one in the front lounge of the mansion and then walked upstairs to our room.

Folding my cuffs to my elbows cause I was feeling suffocated, I was feeling hot as if I was sitting under the sun, without a daylight medallion.

I opened the door and saw everyone still standing in the same spots, I gestured everyone to leave and they did.

Savannah sat there with a scared expression for some reason, I closed my eyes for a brief second as they felt like burning and my head spun.

"Savannah." This whisper left my mouth as I neared the bed, she smiled at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I am Dellilio, I'll be fine soon." She assured me as if I didn't know the truth.

"I feel sick that I failed to protect you, I'm sorry I've spent my life in creating my image as a great Alpha, who helped people and saved lives but I failed to save my own mate's life...and my baby, Savannah I'm so sorry please forgive me even though there's no reason to, but please, I shouldn't have let you go there alone." I felt like dying with the guilt of this, but all she did was smile at me, her knuckles grazed my face's side lovingly.

"And I thought you were going to throw it on me; that I went out alone and then got myself bitten, I swear to Goddess Dellilio, there is not even one percent of your fault, it is my fault because see, there are situations in which both parties are faultless but in this situation, I was the one at wrong, I should've walked inside the mansion gates but I don't know I just felt like going out pf the boundaries, it was strange and I'm sorry." She said nonchalantly.

Which was relieving but also nerve-racking at the same time.

Why was she so calm about this, and thank Goddess that she was okay with this, she'll recover fast like this.

"Savannah, I told everyone that we are mates and from now on I will go with you wherever you go, even in the washroom," I ordered.

"You told who?"

"All the Alphas." She gasped at my answer.

"So what? we were going to do that in a week anyway so why not now, also I had to cause I was in the need of something, I'll tell you later but for now, sleep, the doctor said you need it, maybe the little one needs some too and then we'll discuss everything." I said as I laid her back and turned her on her side.

"I'm here," I assured her when she turned around to see if I was leaving, I turned down the lights and got under the sheets next to her.

I was a mess right now, I was lost, and the only thing that will help me get my shit together is my mate, and being close to my mate.


I don't know how many hours passed but when I woke up, it was dark outside, almost.

I didn't intend to sleep cause I was not tired or something, I just wanted to clear my head off for some time.

Savannah was wide awake, she was looking at me with a small smile.

"You okay mate?" I asked as soon as I caught my senses, she nodded with an even wider smile.

This is when Theodore mind linked me.

"Man's here." It was all it took him to make me stand on my feet and almost sprint for the door within a blink of an eye, but then I remembered something.

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