Chapter 30

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Savannah's P.O.V:

"No Dellilio, I'm not in the mood." I snapped, he was trying to talk to me but I was not ready for it.

We were back in our room now.

"Listen to me Savannah, I'm not ashamed of what happened there, but if you think I did something wrong then tell me, just don't sit here quietly while I'm scavenging reasons of your disappointment related to me," Dellilio answered.

"You want to talk? okay, then tell me why the fuck was I not informed about this secret den when you spilled your secrets to me? and what else does happen there? are you a bit psychotic? that you have this secret den of torture, do you even realize how messed up that is? what is this side of you that I'm still not aware of? why do I still find out new things every day about you, when we've said 'I love you to each other when we've marked each other when I'm freaking pregnant with your baby?! what's left behind, how far were you waiting to go until you spill your secrets to me? when we'll get married or something, this is far Dellilio, this was the point where you should've came clean to me about everything, but no Dellilio Rupen can not share anything serious with his mate." I cried out.

He scrunched his nose in disgust and worked his jaw.

His eyes got narrow and he looked confused.

"You know what? this speech of yours made me believe that you don't understand me, people are right when they say that the mark isn't the whole relationship...our minds have to work in sync too, we should understand each other, but fuck it, why am I even giving this emo speech right now, as much as I don't want to stress you out right now, I still will not hold back to say that you still don't know 1% of who Dellilio Rupen is even though he has shown you his hundred percent!!" His voice went high but he controlled himself.

"Whenever we clash, I try to be the one who understands the feelings of the other one, you ask me something and I answer you everything, but the worst part is that you ask in such an insulting manner that I feel like I've committed the biggest sin ever, by keeping my father's death a secret, by keeping this torture den a secret."

"Dellilio it's not that, I'm just hurt bec-" He stopped me and went on.

"Because I didn't tell you about a secret den where I torture those who hurt innocents, and because this has nothing to do with you? a fucking secret den is not something a couple should fight about Savannah, you are not that naive mate, I'm still gonna think it's your mood swings, not you, but this is not that big of a matter to fight about."

"I know that this seemed sketchy because I don't have a good public image and you were fed bad things about me, and then you find out that the man whose baby you're carrying and the man who is your mate has this tortured place, I know this sounds fucking creepy but fight about that, don't fight about me not telling you about the den, argue about 'What goes on there?' or let me explain it to you, but you are making such big of a deal about this." His voice dropped several octaves.

"I'm not this bad Savannah, you wanna know all about me okay then listen, I don't have any more secrets, and it was not a secret but you thought I kept it from you, then if we see it that way then I only killed my father and you know the reason behind that, that is illegal or maybe unfair according to human laws but we are not sane, we are brought up this barbaric, all the supernatural kinds are."

"With lesser feelings of kindness, then there is this den's secret, which is not a secret it is not my creepy kink or something to tease people like this, I'm don't have a dark side, and I've shown you everything that I am, I just didn't show you what I do in anger cause there was no reason to and you saw it today, this is it Savannah, this is all of Dellilio Rupen, why do you think I keep things from you or I have some sides that are unknown to you, no mate." He neared me, nonstop tears were trickling down my face.

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