Chapter 26

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As if the day was any less stressful, I saw something that made my feet feel like they got glued to the floor.

Michael and I were sitting and discussing how good it was to let the pack secure the ceremony.

It was a hit.

I proposed that we should employ some of the wolves of my pack so they could use an experience and we'll be able to protect Dellilio until he turns into a complete Vampire.

In the blink of an eye, Dellilio was here.

"Someone's been flexing their new abilities." I teased and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"I can't help myself like a child can't when he gets a better toy." Dellilio smiled, taking a seat next to me.

"I was thinking of hiring some of my pack's wolves to provide you security for this week, and I know some of those who want to do a job just for experience if not for money's sake," I said and he nodded.

"Do whatever you think is the best." He said, pressing a kiss to my temple, I blushed as usual cause we weren't alone.

"I'll go and get the file in which; there are the names of all the warriors that guarded the ceremony, I'll tell give you their full names from there cause I just know the first names so that you can call Alpha Logan later," I said, getting up and making my way towards the record room.

Michael had told me that this file won't be in Dellilio's study, it will be in the record room which is made especially for this stuff.

For the highly confidential protection of data, only the family members know about this place but they don't have any link with it.

I was walking down that hallway and there is also Annie's room there.

When I heard groans and moans.

What's with these hallways and moans?!

I stopped myself from nearing her room door.

I was struggling a lot but my feet had a mind of their own.

The door was ajar, and there was dim light inside the room when I gasped, upon hearing Annie's voice and the voice of the other person.


It was Robert.

"Can't you stay tonight?" Annie asked a little bit breathlessly, holding his face between her hands.

"I can't, anyone can come looking for any of us, I'm sorry." He said as he kissed her.

I was fortunately not in their range of sight, but if anyone would walk out then I'll be doomed.

Judging by the conversation their rendezvous was ending, I sprinted forward.

Towards the record room and got in, closing the door behind as if someone was chasing me.

What did I just see?!

The problem wasn't that they were kissing, or I just found out that they are romantically involved.

The problem was the haunting thought that I will have to tell Dellilio about this, and if I won't then he'll find out about this at some point.

I pushed away from the thoughts somehow and started to look for the file.

This room was enormous, huge bookshelves sat there, their heads touching the ceiling.

The shelves were labeled, I found my file at the starting of the castle management file aisle.

Getting it, I made my way out and to the boys.

They were still there, waiting for me.

I adjusted my clothes and hair, thinking that anything can give away the secret.

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