Chapter 15

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I got sucked into a void of undiscovered feelings.

Bliss was the most prominent of all.

Then love, care, possessiveness, and lastly I was feeling complete.

Maybe now that we don't have anything hidden from each other, it feels magically full..complete.

When we pulled apart a smile made its way to his face, the smile screamed that that's it.

We did it, he felt like he had accomplished something I could tell by only his triumphant smile.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too," I said looking in his eyes.

I thought adult activities were supposed to be this pleasurable but I was wrong, the feeling of holding your love in your arms, while you look in there and pour your heart out; thinking that this is the most precious moment of both of yours life, how you appreciate them and live by just seeing them every day, looking in their eyes you say I love you to them. This is called pure bliss.

Gosh, this was something out of this world kind of.

"Mate, now I feel complete like I've found the missing piece which was your trust," I whispered to him, as he rested his forehead with mine.

"I've been caging in my feelings for you from the moment I first saw you, I was sure about what I felt for you but still you're right, I feel complete now."

After what felt like ten minutes we both exited the room, smiles on our faces.

If someone would have told me that I'll find a mate and he'll be the freaking strongest Alpha, with a messed up past but still a love-filled heart and the strangest thing of all; that I'll fall for him. I would've called that person stupid and delusional.

I received Liah's text, telling me that they are here.

"Come, I want you to meet someone," I said dragging Dellilio with me.

Scanning the room I finally found my family, Dellilio met everyone but not Liah and Noah.

"Dellilio meet Liah my best friend." I introduced them, "and Noah my other best friend." He greeted both of them.

Liah mouthed me.

'Did you just fucking call him by his first name?!' I couldn't help but giggle at her reaction.

Someone tested the mic behind us, and everyone turned around to see who was it.

"Good evening everyone, I'm so happy that you all made it tonight, being the Beta I know each one of you is our special ally and we would love to share the celebrations of this night with you, pardon me I still can't share the real purpose of this night but I can at least tell you that it will be a big accomplishment for our kind, and our Alpha Dellilio Rupen," Michael said pointing at Dellilio, everyone turned around and looked at him.

The crowd erupted in applause.

Dellilio smiled as thanks and soon everyone went back to doing whatever they were.

"I'm sure Alpha has decided something beneficial for the kind." Mom smiled at Dellilio.

"Of course, I hope everyone gets my intentions behind this."

Soon Dellilio and Noah started talking, don't know about what.

I made my way to Liah and she greeted me again with a hug.

"Bitch you did it, right?"

"How do you know?" I asked feeling surprised.

"The satisfied smile on your face, screams that I confronted him and it turned out well." She squealed.

"You know me so well girl." I gushed.

"Okay, so give me the deets, I have to tell you something as well."

"You go first."

"So.." She trailed off blushing like a little girl, "I found my mate and I was going to tell you when you left to come here for the first time." She smiled.

"Ohmaigoddess!" I squealed taking her hands in mine as we both jumped like little girls.

"Savay." Liah stopped me immediately as she realized we were in a gathering.

"I'm sorry," I said feeling out of breath with all the silent squealed, fortunately, no one saw us other than a couple of guests.

"Who is he?" I asked.

Her eyes scanned the room and landed between Noah and Dellilio.

"Don't tell me it's Noah?" I asked ready to hear just that.

She nodded with her cheeks getting beet red.

"Fuck!!!" I cursed clutching her hands tightly, she giggled uncontrollably.

"I'm so happy for you two, what was his reaction?" I asked.

"He was happy, very happy and we kissed." She whispered as if someone would hear.

"Yaaaaaay!!" I did a slight dance.

"Thank you, babe," Liah whispered, pulling me in a hug.

"I'm so happy for both of us." I cooed.

"Same girl, same."

We were still between the hug when someone cleared their throat.

I knew it was Dellilio, by the proximity of his scent.

We pulled apart and gave them cheeky smiles.

Noah looked at us in a questioning look, whilst Dellilio returned the smile.

"Savannah, I thought it'd better if we talk in our secluded bar," Dellilio said.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled before we all followed Dellilio to a room, he opened the door and we entered a private bar; which was empty and that's why it is private.

We all sat down together and talked about each other, we three told Dellilio about our friendship I even told Noah that we are mates and he was perplexed in a good way.

Then Dellilio told us about him, about his only friend Michael Theodore.

We talked for some time before we got a couple of drinks and went back outside to join the gathering.


Just like that the whole night ended and now finally everyone left, I didn't drink too much but I remember being carried to my room in Dellilio's arms and then sleeping the fuck out of myself as soon as my body touched the bed.

Yup, this sounds very drunk.

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