Chapter 20

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I woke up almost feeling dizzy, my head in a haze as I opened my eyes only to find out that I'm still in Dellilio's room.

I tried to turn my head around but crashed my head with Dellilio's, fortunately, that didn't wake him up and he slept peacefully.

His arm was firmly wrapped around my stomach and all I could do was smile.

Enjoying the feeling of his bed, his closeness, his scent, and him.

He looked so cute, so relaxed and I could tell he was sleeping like a baby.

"Mate looks so peaceful." Bexley gushed.

"I know." I smiled.

I tried to remove his arm and get up but failed, and it only made his grip tighter on me.

"Dellilio," I whispered, not trying to scare him.

"Hmm." He moaned rubbing his eye, and adjusting his vision, "why are you awake?" He asked.

"Cause it is morning, the sun is out and god knows for how long," I said.

"What? what's the time?" He said turning around to get his phone from the nightstand.

"How then-?" He hissed.

"It is two in the morning, how did I sleep so long this never happens." He whispered to himself.

"I thought you were smarter than this." I giggled.

"Cause he just fucked his mate, that made him relax the fuck out and he slept in," Bexley said and I shushed her, blushing beet red.

He questioned me with his expressions.

"Okay, do you remember anything?" I asked, knowing that I was blushing crazily.

"Of course, I wasn't drunk or something..." He trailed off, putting two into two, "ohh." Said Dellilio after realizing that he slept in cause he was tired and because he just got marked, and slept with his mate that is why he was so relaxed.

"Good morning then." Dellilio smiled, leaning in to kiss me.

"Uhmm, morning breath." I stopped him and he shook his head dismissively before pressing his lips to mine in a quick peck.

"I was going for this." He smiled.

"Oh, mom," I whispered to myself thinking of what will I tell everyone, about my whereabouts last night.

"Come, let's get ready we have a long day ahead," Dellilio said, offering his hand for me to take.


We went downstairs and no one was around, obviously, it wasn't time for breakfast so Dellilio called Michael and asked him to meet us in Dellilio's study.

"Penso che sarebbe meglio se 30.000 lupi mannari restassero dietro per proteggere la dimora." Dellilio said something to Michael and he nodded in response, after briefing Dellilio with the plan.

"You two realize that I don't understand anything," I said.

"He said 30,000 werewolves will stay back here to guard the mansion," Michael explained.

"But why so many?" I asked.

"Cuz if you'll stay behind then I'll have to make sure you all are well protected, cuz Oracles just don't fight physically but they can do severe damage to anything in their way," Dellilio said.

"I know but didn't we agree on letting me fight too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm saying in case you stay here, I didn't say that you will," Dellilio assured me.

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