Chapter 19

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I grabbed the door handle to avoid losing my balance, as shocks traveled through my body with just one kiss on the neck, maybe this is where his mark will be that is why this spot is so sensitive.

I had goosebumps all over, his hands gripped my waist from behind, firmly.

With just one move of his hands, I was facing him.

"Dellilio." I breathed out, feeling my stomach dip in a comforting way.

His eye color changed and Zeus arose.

"Mate." I smiled, my hand caressing his face.

He didn't say anything in return, he just kissed me.

So slowly that it made my goosebumps have goosebumps.

I was on fire and my body was tingling everywhere.

This feeling was different, the erratic breathing, the out-of-control heartbeat, his eyes looking in mine so intensely as if we didn't know how to speak, this is the only language we know.

Everything with this man has been quick, in the blink of an eye kinda quick, I met him quick, I found out he's my mate quickly, we took some days to fully open up but he did let me in his secretive world quick, he accepted me quickly, and now I think I know what else is gonna happen quickly.

His eyes changed back again, and Dellilio was back.

His lips formed into a smile, as he looked at me like someone looks at a baby bird, with such a precious look.

"I love you, Savannah Maxwell." He said making my already out-of-control heartbeat go more loco.

Bexley was quiet, I could feel she was also speechless and just wanted me to do the talking when she'd be enjoying our mate's sweet nothings.

"I love you too Dellilio," I whispered, not blushing this time, I just wanted to let it all out.

He gave me the widest yet most satisfying smile ever as he grabbed my waist and pulled me impossibly close, crashing his lips on mine.

I wasn't surprised as I would've done the same thing if I had got the chance.

I smiled between the kiss, not pushed against the door anymore as I felt my feet move on their own will, Dellilio's body guided mine as we made our way to the bed, not breaking the kiss, the kiss that turned from soft to rough and passionate one.

My hands made their way to his jacket's lapels, tugging on them, he removed his lips from mine for a split second as he removed his jacket.

I started to undo his shirt's buttons slowly, as our kiss slowed, slow and long caresses of lips, feeling each other's essences.

When his shirt was open; that I could see his carved to perfection muscles again, I felt his hand make its way to the back of my neck and he opened the little bun my hair was tied in, letting them fall just above my hips.

I felt so little in his grip, it made me feel secure in a sense, the way he was behaving I can say he was also feeling safe with me.

Dellilio's lips made their way to my neck, latching on that specific spot, licking, sucking, and biting teasingly, my hands tugged at his hair; to tell him to not stop.

I felt his canines out, as they ever so slightly brushed against that spot and I shuddered under his grip, my canines were out by this time.

I couldn't help myself as I softly grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his, feeling almost hungry for the feeling of them.

His fingers found their way to the back buckles of my dress as they slowly opened them, just as the fabric separated giving him access to the small of my back, the feeling of his fingers on my back was heavenly as another wave of shock shook me completely.

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