Chapter 5

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I got freshened up and left the bathroom wrapping a towel around me.

Opening the cupboard I found sweatpants and a T-shirt, perfect for me.

The sweatpants were chalk grey and the T-shirt blood red, both my favorite colors.

There were even dryers and hair straighteners on the vanity.

Maybe this is a guest room for girls specifically.

I dried my hair quickly leaving them open cause they were newly dried, they needed some air.

Changing into my clothes I slipped my shoes from earlier on.

As I opened the room's door Tristan stood there his body still, I coughed to get his attention and not to scare him suddenly.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Good Evening ma'am."

"It's Savannah, nice to meet you," I said offering my hand, he looked at my hand with surprise evident in his eyes, but nervously he shook it all too gently.

"Tristan, at your service." He replied.

"Well Tristan you can relax, I don't think I need help and it looks like I'm bothering you."

"No ma'am it's my duty, you are not." He said politely.

"Ohkay...then where is Michael he said he'll be here?"

"Here," Michael said from behind as he approached us.

"So I suppose you and Tristan were introducing yourselves," Michael said.

"Yes we were, I was asking him about you," I said honestly.

"Well as I promised I'm here, let's go, shall we?" He said motioning me to walk further than him.

I nodded and started to walk.

Michael guided me to the dining hall and I suddenly remembered that my phone had died.

I stopped walking, so did he.

"If you don't mind is there any phone I can use for a call?"

"Yeah sure, come." He said ushering me to another hallway.

Oh God, this place is huge and leg wrecking.

He motioned towards a closed-door saying that this is the closest room with a phone to us. I entered after a knock, someone could be there but no one was, I saw a phone, a landline exactly.

"This is specifically the call room and the room near to us which has a phone, I have a phone in fact who doesn't, but it was not polite to offer you my phone when you asked for a phone, not my phone, I hope you did not mind that?" Michael asked.

"Of course not I needed just this, thank you."

"I'll wait for you outside, take your time." He said as he left the room walking backward, he did not turn his back on me and left giving a smile as he closed the door.

"Ahora es el momento de esta mini guerra mundial." I sighed to myself.

Translation: {"Now it's time for a mini world war."}

I dialed my mother's number and she picked up after six rings.

"Hola mamá, es Sav aquí." I spoke.

Translation: {"Hi mom, it's Sav here."}

"Savannah! donde diablos estas?!"

Translation: {"Savannah! where the hell are you?!"}

"Deja de gritar mamá! escúchame primero,"

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