Chapter 4

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"Michael please go wait outside, I'll prefer to listen to both sides of the story." As these words left his mouth it felt like my breath left my body, his accent was so powerful and sexy I can't even function my thoughts, his voice was so full of authority, a combination of deep, raspy, authority, and heavily sexy voice. His accent was music to my ears, he had an accent.

When I thought a little bit more, I came to know he had an Italian accent, and with his voice combined it was the best combo.

I didn't know it right away, cause I have an accent too and I'm not that sharp to point any accent or anything, so I had to think a bit more to know he has an Italian accent.

Which can give you goosebumps...his voice suited him well, I felt myself wanting to listen to it more and more.

As soon as Michael left the room he turned in my direction descending the three little steps which were attached to the throne stage or floor whatever it is, he came towards me and dunno why that made me hella nervous, I haven't done anything wrong I shouldn't be the one nervous here.

Even though his expressions were soft like he was nearing a born baby, still him walking towards me, made a shiver run down my spine.

He walked past me and I turned around to see where he's going but he stopped some steps behind me and turned his face to me.

Before I could make my feet move and walk to him, he spoke again making me standstill at my position.

"What happened there?"

"Huh? uh." I stuttered like a loser, gosh this is embarrassing, "I mean Alpha as I told you before, I just showed you the documents which were handed to me to deliver here, I apologize if Beta thought I was an intruder but, you know I'm not I just stopped to catch my breath, Alpha you can even ask Alpha Logan about it I'm the daughter of Shawn Maxwell the head of Omegas in our pack." I cleared again and he nodded slowly his eyes not leaving my face, when I was speaking I didn't feel it that but now when I stopped talking, his gaze made me shiver again.

"Your name miss?" He asked.

"Savannah Maxwell."

He nodded again looking at me as his expressions turned into a sly smile..he looked so cute when he smiled, just as I was admiring him Michael came in again and walked towards us.

"I'm sorry miss this was all indeed a misunderstanding." He said to me, I tried so hard to prevent my jaw from touching the floor, did he just apologize to me?

"Mr. Maxwell is a trusted man and being his daughter makes you a special guest here and you don't have to kill him I understand Spanish." Beta said to me but I was confused & surprised, maybe they read my expressions as the Alpha spoke next.

"Before becoming your pack's head Omega he used to manage accounts and finances here and he served there for more than 30 years, he started with my father when they were both kids my father was getting ready to be an Alpha and Mr. Maxwell started his accounting practices." I got the whole point as he explained, so it was the Crescent pack where dad used to work before becoming the Omega head but he was not a pack member here, my pack was his pack too so he was just worked here.

"His loyal services here are much appreciated and he's never a guest, he's a member of the castle, we honor him a lot as a loyal ally and an old friend." Beta smiled.

"Thank you so much," I said bowing in front of both of them.

They both tensed when I did that, I swear I saw Michael mouth a sorry to the Alpha.

"I'm Michael Theodore the Beta of Crescent pack."

"Savannah Maxwell." I introduced shaking his outstretched hand.

"I'm Dellilio Rupen." He said his Italian name in his accent making my knees go weak, as I found myself looking at him numbly when he outstretched his hand for me to shake.

"N-nice to meet you Alpha." I stuttered shaking his hand but as our skins made contact with each other' a shiver ran down my spine and my hand felt some out-of-the-world kind of tingle that made my heart go crazy.

Bexley screamed something which made my mind freeze.

"Mate! mate! mate!" I looked at him with wide eyes, as he smiled at me.

Both knew what this meant and both heard our wolves screaming, Mate! at us.

The room around me started to spin but I closed my eyes and opened them again, and thankfully felt a lot better.

He smiled a bit more widely at me than before and I returned it.

His eyes shined when he smiled, though it wasn't that smile where his teeth were on display still it made my heart swell.

"It's just Dellilio for family and being Mr. Maxwell's family, means my family," Alp-Dellilio said to me.

"We insist you stay here for the day it's been long since some old friends visited, I want to make it up to you for all the inconvenience, and after all the weather is not pleasant." Beta said.

"Thank you so much for the offer Beta, but sadly I have to return home as I left saying that I'll be back as soon when I'll deliver these documents here, I'm sorry."

"Just Micheal is fine..and no need to worry, we'll let your parents know you are here do you have anything else on the schedule?"

"No, I don't have Be-Michael."

"That's great then, come let me show you your room for the day," Michael said motioning me as I walked out of the throne room with him before we left Dellilio gave me a heartwarming smile, when I walked past him his scent invaded my nostrils making my senses go numb for a second.

I didn't want to leave him, but I had to.

"Make yourself at home and don't worry you won't get bored, as soon as you'll freshen up I'll be here then we can see the whole castle and you'll meet Sneka and Annie." I nodded but gave him a confused look after his last line.

"Del's sister and mother." He said further.

I made an O-face instantly after realizing it.

"Thank you," I said again.

"No problem, everything you'll need is already here, and if you need other things just ask Tristan." He said pointing at the man standing right next to my room's door he gave me a little salute with a smile I did the same as a giggle left my mouth.

"Okay," I said nodding with a smile as Michael smiled too.

"Prenditi cura di lei e stai attento, ok? aiutala se ha Bisogno di qualcosa." Michael said something in Italian to Tristan and he nodded.

Translations : {"Take care of her and be careful, okay? help her if she needs anything."}

And damn his voice sounded hotter in Italian.

I'm being such a hoe right now but you know a girl can admire the beauty around her it isn't illegal or something, but still, Michael is hot but not any close to Dellilio he has his unbeatable level of hotness.

I'll have to wait for the time when I finally realize this isn't a fucking dream and scream with happiness or maybe even kill myself out of excitement, Alpha Rupen is my fucking mate.

The Lycan Alpha is the mate of the head Omega's daughter.

Now I know why Moon Goddess made me wait for such a long time cause I had the best surprise waiting for me.

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