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As Renjun walks through the huge doors leading him to his first day of Hell, he feels everyone's eyes glued onto him but he knows that there is absolutely nothing he can do about it so he doesn't let it bother him. His only goal is to get through this year without causing any problems and graduate, then he'll finally be free. With everyone's eyes still on him, he starts speed walking to the main office to retrieve his schedule, on his way there he bumps into someone. Eyes immediately widening, he bows down and speaks a quick apology in broken Korean, still not really comfortable with the language. He slowly looks up to see a boy with bright pink hair and a black leather jacket staring down at him with an amused look on his face.

"And who are you?" the taller boy speaks with a deep voice that can make someone's stomach twist into millions of knots.

"R-renjun" He stutters out before mentally smacking himself.

"I would say to watch where you're going but since you're new here and you're cute I'll let it slide" He says while wrapping his arm around Renjun and walking him to the main office.

"What can I do for you this time, Na Jaemin" the office lady looks at the taller with a tired smile as if she's had to deal with him many times before.

"Good morning to you too, Taeyeon!"

"It is Ms. Kim to you, young man."

"Wanna change that to Mrs. Na?" Jaemin smirks as Renjun looks at the two very confused because he can only understand parts of what they are saying.

"What do you want." Ms. Kim speaks harshly.

"Oh I–" Renjun begins to speak but Jaemin cuts him off while slightly tightening his grip around his waist.

"This cutie right here needs his schedule, he's new."

She finally averts her eyes from Jaemin unto Renjun and smiles gently "what's your name, honey?"

"Renjun. Huang Renjun" He says with confidence, feeling oddly calm around her.

"Oh! you're the new exchange student from China, right?" she tilts her head curiously and he replies with a simple smile and nod, not really wanting to make a big deal out of it.

Jaemin looks down at him and pouts cutely, " didn't tell me you're from China," the new nickname causes Renjun to blush and look down but he can still tell that Jaemin's looking at him. Suddenly, Jaemin slides two of his fingers under the other's chin causing him to look up at the pink haired boy's smirking face as he whispers "What? Do you like it when I call you Baby? you know if you like it so much you can call me Da–"

"Ma'am! May I please get my schedule now?" Renjun cuts Jaemin off while tearing his gaze from the taller's eyes. At this point Renjun's face is burning up and Jaemin is feeling quite accomplished. Once he gets his schedule he quickly bows to Ms. Kim then proceeds to run off, hoping to never see Na Jaemin again and luck may just be on his side because when he finally finds his way to his first period Jaemin is not in it. He happily makes his way to the teacher's desk to introduce himself. The teacher gives him a smile that could probably cure depression then asks the awestruck boy to introduce himself to the class. Once he's finally brought back to reality he widens his eyes and begs not to. The teacher just says he'll be fine while standing up and strongly patting his back.

"Everyone may I please have your attention?" He speaks sternly and the entire class looks forward except for one boy with raven black hair in the back of the class who continues staring out the window.

Mr. Kwon, as everyone else knows him, looks to Renjun with a small smile, signaling him to speak. He obliges and quickly introduces himself "Hello everyone. My name is Huang Renjun. Please excuse my Korean, I am from China and still learning" He says and flashes a smile that causes the entire class to melt at his cuteness. Mr. Kwon then tells him that he'll have to sit next to someone named Jeno and points to the boy in the back who is still staring out the window. He nods and starts walking past his new classmates, smiling politely at all the girls who stare at him and occasionally winking at any boy who dares lock eyes with him. When he finally reach his destination he turns to the seemingly harmless quiet boy with raven hair, Jeno, and whispers a kind "hello" he figures he might as well be friends with whoever is next to him but Jeno doesn't even acknowledge the boy's existence so, in retaliation, Renjun turns to the boy on the other side of him who is wearing a yellow turtleneck that complements his tanned golden skin perfectly.

"Hi," the smaller boy smiles as the other turns his head towards him "I'm Renjun"

"Donghyuck, but call me Haechan. It's nice meeting you, Renjun" He smiles while extending his hand for the other to shake, which he does gladly.

"What's his deal?" Renjun quietly asks and moves his head to signal towards the quiet boy on his left.

"Trust me you don't wanna know him, okay?" Haechan looks past the new boy to Jeno who is now giving him a challenging glare with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Just stick with me...I got your back" Haechan speaks, still staring at Jeno and matches the boy's glare.

"O-oh um...ok-kay" Renjun turns to face Mr. Kwon and catches Jeno glaring at him.
Please don't tell me I've already made an enemy on my first day. He thinks desperately.

Most of his classes go by in a flash and before he knows it, it's already lunchtime. He begins walking to the table under the tree in the courtyard with his earbuds blasting some 2NE1 song which is probably why he didn't hear someone calling for him from a few feet behind. As he gets closer to the table where Haechan and his friends sat he removes his earbuds and sees the looks the people at the table are giving the person behind him. Right before he can turn around someone grabs his wrist and forces him to face them.

"Babyyyy~ I don't like it when you ignore me" Jaemin pouts at the boy's stunned face.

"J-Jaemin? Wh-what do you w-want?" He manages to stutter out.

"You." Jaemin smirks as Renjun turns red again.

"Sit with me today," Jaemin says with a beautiful and wide smile that almost draws Renjun in.

"He's sitting with us today...and tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and every day until we graduate." Haechan speaks up now behind his new friend, pulling him away from Jaemin but Jaemin refuses to let go of the smaller boy.

"Stay out of our business, Hyuck." Jaemin spits out harsh words to which Haechan just rolls his eyes.

"If it has to do with Renjun it has do with me. Don't push it, Na." Haechan responds coldly. After Haechan says that Jaemin tightens his grip on Renjun's wrist causing him to yelp and look up at him with teary eyes. When he realizes what he was doing he immediately lets go and tries to apologize.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Just go away, Na Jaemin. And stop calling me that," Renjun says angrily while staring him dead in the eyes, "I'm not your baby."




not at how i keep updating this cause i don't know how to spell and i need to fix plotholes

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