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After the party the group heads back to the Huang residence to hang out a little more. Yuta joins them and gets to know everyone a little better.

"Wait, wait, you have TWO boyfriends?" Yuta asks confused

"Yeah! It's fun!" Renjun smiles but his boyfriends raise an eyebrow at the older teen as if he offended them.

"Babe~ your little brother's boyfriends are scary~" Yuta whines to Winwin but as soon as Winwin turns his head to face them, Jeno and Jaemin have wrapped their arms around Yuta in a friendly manner with wide, happy smiles. Winwin raises an eyebrow, confused as to why his boyfriend would say that then turns his back to them again. As soon as he does so Renjun's boyfriends are exactly the way they were before. Yuta backs away and runs to his boyfriend, clinging onto his arm annoyingly. Out of nowhere a knock is heard from the front door. Jeno announces that he'll get it but when he opens the door nobody is there, only a large envelope set down on their welcome mat. 'To: Jeno and Jaemin' is written largely on the front. Jeno picks it up right before peeking inside to make sure it's not a bomb as soon as he sees its contents he gasps and walks towards Jaemin and Renjun. He doesn't say a word to them, instead, he pulls on Renjun's arm dragging him up to his bedroom as Jaemin follows them just as confused as Renjun.

"What's going on?" Jaemin asks Jeno

"this envelope was addressed to me and you" Jeno responds while looking Jaemin directly in the eyes worriedly. Jaemin's eyes widen as he thinks "no. not again" Renjun looks between them still extremely confused.

"Um. I feel like I'm missing something" he announces. They look at each other then back at him, terrified.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like I'm about to die?"

"Okay we need to explain something" Jaemin says suddenly.

"Dear god every time we think we're happy something has to come along and ruin it" Renjun sighs and sits down on his bench, signaling for them to sit down on his bed so they can look at each other while speaking.

"You obviously know about what happened to Haechan in sophomore year" Jaemin starts and Renjun nods confused as to what that has to do with anything, "well, what you know is not the full story, Haechan doesn't even know the full story and we've been working to make sure he never knows" Renjun raises an eyebrow and grabs one of his Moomin plushies.

"There was someone else there" Jeno says seriously

"What? What do you mean?" Renjun asks

"Someone saw what was happening to Haechan and he did nothing. Actually, no, he did do something. He took pictures of it. What's worse is he's a photography major so they're actually high quality pictures"


"shh we can't do anything about it he's using it to blackmail us. He has been doing it for years. Anytime one of us gets happy he threatens us with them. That's why we stopped talking to Haechan when it all first happened, he said if we didn't he'd show the whole school." Jaemin explains

"Why don't you report him?" Renjun asks, still fuming

"We don't know who's doing it. He only signs it as "That boy from Photography" but Photography is one of the school's largest programs and we don't know any of them. I dont know why he's doing this to us or why he hates us so much but we just have to listen to him" Jeno responds

"Is there a letter this time?" Renjun asks. Jeno reaches inside the envelope and pulls out a piece of lined paper, trying not to look at the pictures as well. Jaemin grabs it and opens it quickly.

'Hi Jaemin dear, yes, I know it's you reading this, you always do. I'm sure you'll be wondering "Oh, what will he have us do this time?" and the answer is simple. I want you both to break up with Renjun. It may be shocking but since he has arrived at the school I have taken somewhat of a liking to him. Don't you two worry though, I know I can treat him better than either of you ever could. Over the time he has been here I've been going my research about him and it's possible that I know more about him than you guys! I think it's adorable how he always blushes when he's around you two. I can't wait to make him do that for me. I see he likes Moomin so I have many gifts prepared for him. Speaking of Moomin, his work outfit at the café is so cute! You've seen it right? I'm sure you know his work schedule as well as I do. Though, come to think of guys have never visited him at work have you? How could you two neglect such a precious angel. Actually, I'm not shocked since before you three were dating he hated you two. I do have many more reasons as to why I can and will treat him so much better than you two but you guys are not worth the explanation. Anyways, I'll be expecting the news about your breakup by the end of the week, if not, well I think we all know what will happen then.
-That Boy from Photography
p.s. tell Junnie I'll be watching him ;)'

"Oh my god" Jaemin breathes out before leaping off the bed and rushing to close all of Renjun's curtains.

"What is it? What does he want?" Renjun begs for an answer. Jaemin paves back and forth crushing the letter in his palm angrily, contemplating what he can do to get around this but he realizes there's nothing left. He sits down next to Jeno and it looks like the life has been sucked out of him.

"You." Jaemin says as tears brim his eyes and he stares and Renjun sadly.





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