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(A/N y'all wanted to know what happened? Well, here you go. TW: mentions of abuse and death but it gets a lot better next chapter next chapter is really cute)

"We had fun too, baby!" Jaemin turns around happily only to find Renjun fast asleep in the backseat. After Jaemin takes a few pictures of his sleeping boyfriend they arrive at Jeno's house.

"Aren't we taking him home?" Jaemin questions

"I don't wanna wake him up. Plus this means we finally get to cuddle him." Jeno confesses.

"Completely valid. You should carry him, you're stronger and I want to take pictures of you two."

"Fine, I was driving so I couldn't look at how cute he was while sleeping." Jeno says while happily picking Renjun up and carrying him inside. Just like every other day Jeno's parents aren't home, probably at work or having another affair with someone way too young. They carefully walk up to Jeno's room and gently lay Renjun on his dark blue sheets.

"Should we change his clothes? He's wearing a lot of denim and you know how uncomfortable that is to sleep in." Jeno suggests

"I'd be glad to!" Jaemin jumps at the opportunity to see Renjun shirtless. Earning him a smack on the back of his head from Jeno.

"Don't be a perv, Nana!" Jeno yells at him in a whispered tone and goes to his closet to get one of his hoodies for Renjun.

"He'll look so cute in that!" Jaemin exclaims

"Go grab him some shorts as well...try to find the smallest pair obviously" He says as he unbuttons Renjun's top trying his best not to wake him.

Once he successfully takes off Renjun's shirt he slides the hoodie on that is way too oversized for his small body. Jaemin comes back with the smallest pair of basketball shorts he could find and made sure they had a drawstring just in case.

"I missed him shirtless?" Jaemin pouts causing Jeno to smile widely

"He was beautiful. Let's get him to eat more though," Jeno winks at his boyfriend and reaches his hand out to grab the shorts.

"No," Jaemin pulls the shorts back and huffs out a small breath, "I get to do the pants"

"Fine, but you better close your eyes"

"He's our boyfriend" Jaemin rolls his eyes.

"Don't be a pervert, respect his privacy" Jeno says stoically.

"...You may be right this time"

"Yeah, I know. I always am" Jeno says proudly before walking to his bathroom and changing into shorts.

"No shirt?"

"I don't see the point" Jeno shrugs and hops onto the bed while snuggling closer to Renjun, who's starting to move a bit more in his deep slumber. Jaemin soon joins in after them on the other side of Renjun and wraps his arms around his small waist. Renjun continues moving and it begins to look like he's shaking violently. Jaemin and Jeno share a concerned look and try their best to calm him down. Suddenly, Renjun wraps his arms around Jaemin, who he was facing, and hugs him tightly.

"I think he's having a nightmare" Jaemin says sadly while hugging Renjun just as tight

"I...I didn't mean to...I didn't kill him" Renjun whimpers into Jaemin's chest and wraps around him even tighter. Jeno and Jaemin stare at him confused but mostly worried. Renjun's eyes suddenly shoot open and he sits up then wraps his arms around his legs.

"It wasn't my fault..." He whispers before he realizes he doesn't know where he is. He turns and sees Jeno and Jaemin staring at him with concern seeping from their eyes.

"...Baby..are you okay?" Jaemin cautiously asks

"Oh thank god it's you two" Renjun says while laying back down, the shaking still hasn't stopped so as soon as he lays back down the two engulf him in love and cuddles.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but we're here for you if you do" Jeno says and nuzzles his face deeper into Renjun's neck.

"Later...cuddles now" Renjun responds and the three stay close together until Renjun calms down. Occasionally, Jaemin will wipe some tears away from Renjun's face after that, the two will pepper him with kisses all over his face until he smiles again. Once Renjun's breathing finally evens out they slightly loosen their grips on him.

"Do you maybe want to talk about it?" Jaemin asks into Renjun's ear. Renjun nods and sits up so he doesn't have to face them.

"Just don't look at me differently, okay? I'm a little broken but I'm still me" Renjun says and they nod assuring him he'll always be their baby.

"Well...ever since I was a kid I was always super close with my even closer than I am with Sicheng or Mom. I considered him my best friend for most of my life and because of that I thought he would be fine with me being gay, I never really brought up the topic with him but when Sicheng told me he was bi I thought that meant Dad knew and he was fine with it, apparently not. My dad was the first person I told when I figured out I was gay, I was really happy about it too! I thought he would hug me and say it didn't matter. He still loved me. He always would. But he didn't. He didn't like it at all. I already didn't know how to handle that but then he hit me. He never did that before. And he just didn't stop. Not until Sicheng pulled him off of me. I wasn't even was my fault anyway. Him and Mom got into this really bad argument and then he left. I think he was planning on coming back after a few hours but 30 minutes later we got a call. He was trying to avoid an accident but he swerved off a cliff, that's what they told us at least. But there was no other car, would they just drive away if someone accidentally drove off a cliff because of them? Or did he do it on purpose? I don't think it was my fault. It wasn't my fault. I didn't kill him. I didn't." Renjun finishes and starts shaking again at the memory. Jaemin and Jeno take a moment to process it all before attacking him with hugs. They don't say anything for a bit, they just let Renjun feel whatever he needs to feel until he's okay again. As long as he knows they'll never leave him, he's okay.




this was a short ass chapter it's only like 1072 words but i think it works for now...let me know what y'all think! i love constructive criticism.

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