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After Jeno says that Renjun widens his eyes and abruptly stands up in an attempt to run away but he soon realizes that he is in the middle of them so he does what any (not at all) sane person would do and straddles Jaemin, just trying to move past him but Jaemin obviously doesn't see it that way so when the older tries to get up Jaemin grabs his hips and keeps him down.

"um J-Jaemin. I'm just tr-trying to get b-by"

"I think you're much better right where you are" He smiles. He tries to get up again but Jaemin is not letting him move

"Jaemin people are looking!" He whines and hides his face in the taller's chest. Jaemin rests one of his hands on the back of Renjun's head and slowly drags his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay baby. They can stare all they want. You're ours" He says a lot softer than usual which makes Renjun blush even harder.

"We aren't even dating"

"How 'bout we change that?" Jeno suggests, they both look up at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Renjun asks

"Don't worry about it. Jaemin let him go, we need to talk" With that, Jaemin sets the smallest free and he runs off to Haechan and the others. They all look at him as if they've seen a ghost.

"Are you actually dating them?" Soojin asks in shock.

"What? No!" he retorts but then Chenle pulls out his phone and shows him a bunch of pictures of the three of them together.

"Where did these come from!"

"There's a whole blog, you managed to get the scariest people in the school to go soft for you. You think that would go unnoticed?" Haechan responds

"I mean... I don't really see how they're scary. The only time I've seen either of them hurting someone was earlier today when Jaemin was defending me." He points out but Chenle seems to think otherwise

"You really don't see it?" He says in mandarin to which Renjun shakes his head.

"They terrorize everyone! Even the teachers are scared of those two!" He says dramatically.

"But they're so sweet to me..." Renjun says and Haechan looks at him with a shocked expression

"Wait...please don't tell me you like them. That's not the case, right?" he begs

"Well n-no I don't like them" He says, doubting his own emotions. No I don't like them. That's impossible.

"Okay...good." Haechan says, still not fully reassured.

"Anyways you guys are coming over today after school and you have no choice," Renjun says confidently now that his Korean is better

"Oh right Lucas told us about that what are we gonna do?" Shuhua speaks up

"Just chill. Probably watch some movies and eat way too much junk food."

"Sounds awesome" Chenle chimes in and the bell rings, dismissing the six of them to their final classes of the day. Renjun, Haechan, and Lucas say goodbye to everyone before walking to their History class, this has become routine now. The three walk to the class with Lucas slightly behind Renjun on the left and Haechan behind him on the right. As they walk in Haechan makes some stupid joke which causes Renjun to laugh loudly and most of the class to look at him and smile fondly. They part ways and Renjun starts walking towards his assigned seat.

"Hi Renjun!" a girl with pigtails says in mandarin right before he passes her.

"Hey...Yuqi..right?" he says unsure and she nods happily

"I had no idea you knew Chinese" he says excitedly

"It's a secret talent," she whispers jokingly before continuing "I'm kidding, I'm from China"

"I gotta get to my seat before Mr. Kim murders me. Talk to you after class?" he asks and she nods with a smile. She's actually pretty cute. (a/n she's my ult gg bias if anyone says anything bad about her i'll cry)

"Why are you so happy to be talking to that girl, bub?" Jeno asks possessively when Renjun sits down.

"You sound a little jealous." Renjun says with a wink

"I'm not a little jealous...I'm extremely jealous," he announces with a small smile

"I- um- I was happy cause she's Chinese too so I can speak to her" he says quickly and looks away.

"You're so adorable, baby!" Jaemin exclaims causing Renjun to turn red but keeps his focus on Mr. Kim. He's never really been interested in History but they're learning of Western history right now and American history is his guilty pleasure.

"Can anyone tell me what happened in America during the mid 17th century?" Mr. Kim asks smiling at everyone's confused faces but Renjun raises his hand confidently. When Mr. Kim calls on him dread falls upon him as he realizes he doesn't know how to say any of this in Korean.

He desperately searches the room and meets eyes with Lucas he whispers at him to help and he nods with a wink.

"The Salem Witch Trials were going on from 1692 to 1693, sir. Also, towards the end of the 17th century America went through their Enlightenment era and sparked the American Revolution" Renjun says confidently in Mandarin while looking at his dumbfounded teacher staring at Lucas, who's now translating for the younger.

"Wow, bub. How'd you know all that?"

"Our precious angel is a genius, Jeno. Don't doubt him."

"Guys shut up. I just like American history" Renjun rolls his eyes

"Aww he's so feisty. It's adorable!" Jeno says cutely and pinches the older's cheek

"Yah! Are you a grandma or something?" he whispers at him

"Or something" he replies with a wink

Renjun turns to look at Jaemin with an astonished face "get a load of this guy" he says jokingly while pointing his thumb back at Jeno which causes both of them to laugh and some people in front of the trio to turn around. Renjun whispers an apology but Jeno and Jaemin's faces are completely dead as if they weren't just smiling up a storm. How can they change so quickly? The person who turned around is now getting threatening glares from the two and, instead of accepting Renjun's apology, they apologize for interrupting their moment.

"Are you guys really as scary as everyone says?" Renjun asks quietly, he doesn't really think they can hear him but he just needed to get that out.

"We aren't scary. We just know how to protect the things we love." Jaemin says seriously, it always scares Renjun when he sounds so serious.

"Just like you, baby boy" Jeno says and he whips his head around to face the raven haired.

"Wh-what?" Renjun asks worriedly but Jeno only replies with a wink and the three keep their focus on Mr. Kim, this time for the rest of class.

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