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(a/n y'all we hit 4k i'm thank you??????)

Jaemin smiles as he takes a deep breath. He inhales all the mixed scents of everyone around him and it makes him want to gag but he has to maintain his nice image for now. His classmates continue to try and befriend him but really they're just telling him things about themselves which Jaemin can use to his advantage in the future. The bell finally rings and releases Jaemin from his personal hell.


ceo of being adorable
Nana where are you :(

Yeah :(

aw babies i'm just walking to class
you guys will see my surprise at lunch ♥️

ceo of being adorable



He slides his phone back into his pocket with a smile and flips his hood over his head. Just after the tardy bell rings Jaemin walks into his math class with a cocky grin.

"Late again Mr. Na" Mrs. Li peers at him through her glasses.

"You know it, babe" He winks and clicks his tongue. She scowls and goes back to her desk.

When he sits down he takes out his pen and begins drawing on his arm. He doesn't need to pay attention as he's one of the top students academically and always has been. All of his teachers know this so on top of being scared of him they just let him do whatever he wants. The class drags on and by the time it's over, Jaemin basically has a full sleeve of drawn-on tattoos. The rest of his classes go on like this until it's finally lunch time. He confidently walks to the table where his boyfriends should be meeting him and waits patiently with a wide grin plastered across his face. When they arrive they look at him for the surprise with questioning grins. Suddenly, he removes his hood and reveals his brand new blue hair. Renjun and Jeno gasp and widen their eyes while sitting down.

"Oh my god! It looks amazing!" Renjun sits on Jaemin's lap and ruffles his hair.

"Babe, it's awesome!" Jeno speaks up

"Thank you guys!" Jaemin beams a bright smile.

"Um..I'm sorry to interrupt...but...Renjun...can I ask you something?" a girl from Renjun's art class asks shyly and the three turn to look at her.

"Uh?? Yeah?? What's up Yiren?" Renjun tilts his head and responds.

"Do you want to go to the fall formal with me?" Yiren asks with a shy smile

"Fall formal?" Renjun responds confused since he's never heard of it.

"Yeah! It's a dance we have before Halloween each year!" she grins

"He's going with us" Jeno says possessively while resting a hand on Renjun's thigh.

"Am I? I don't remember either of you asking me" Renjun says sassily and removes Jeno's hand

"Well are you gonna go with her?" Jaemin asks as if saying it was like poison

"I just might" he responds and turns his head to face the girl, who truly means no harm.

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