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(a/n 1k reads omgggg 🥺 i love y'all)

By the time they're back downstairs Renjun looks at the time and quickly tells the two they have to leave.

"Baby~ why do you want us to leave so soon" Jaemin whines and latches onto the smaller boy as if they haven't been there all night.

He smirks playfully while unwrapping himself from Jaemin's arms "Nana~ I have to go find a job" he says in the same whiny tone.

"Fuck that was adorable" Jeno says, clearly simping for both of his boyfriends

"Why do you have to find a job?" Jeno asks, regaining his composure.

"Well I want to, I think it's fun!" Renjun says while pushing them out the house.

"We're gonna come back and pick you up after you're done getting ready, okay?" Jaemin says.

"You guys don't have to do that just enjoy your weekend" he smiles

"We weren't asking for your permission we're going to pick you up regardless." Jeno states before they part ways towards their own houses.

Renjun quickly runs back inside to starts getting ready and Sicheng follows him into his room to interrogate him about the two boys.

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Sicheng we haven't even been dating for a day" Renjun yells at him from the bathroom attached to his room


"Okay well your date seems to have went well? Mr. Out All Night" he says while peeking his head out of the restroom and raising his eyebrows suggestively

"Oh, yeah, definitely. Wanna hear all the details?"

"Uh I'd rather not...so who was this mystery man anyway?"

"His name is Yuta. He's in school for dance, god if only you could see him dance" He says as he starts daydreaming

"Don't drool on my Moomin"  Renjun scolds his brother while walking out from the bathroom

"You look cute. What are you doing today?" Sicheng asks after observing Renjun's outfit

"I'm gonna try to find a job, you should learn a thing or two about that"

"I am a full time student at one of Korea's most prestigious schools and you think I have time for a job?"

"We get it you can move your legs" He says sarcastically and rolls his eyes

"I'm gonna fucking murder you"

"Promise to do it slowly?" Renjun says back and winks. Luckily, before Sicheng can strangle him, the doorbell rings and Renjun dashes downstairs as if his life depends on it (which it does).

"You look cute bub!" Jeno says happily and grabs his hand to walk him to the car.

"So, do you have any places in specific you want to go to first?" Jaemin asks after Renjun is settled into the backseat

"Not in particular I was just gonna look around and see who's hiring then do my research" he replies

"I told you I know him better than you, Nono!" Jaemin laughs and turns to Jeno who looks embarrassed "see we thought you'd say something like that so I, oh so graciously, brought it upon myself to do some research before hand." He says pompously while pulling out a packet of potential jobs for Renjun.

"I personally like the maid café job the most" Jaemin whispers

"Nana stop being a perv" Renjun glares at him through the rear view mirror "but you did well these are really good options"

"Then let's go shall we?" Jeno says and starts the car (a/n yes they've just been sitting there).

The first place they arrive at is a little convenience store close to the school. From what it said in the packet it doesn't pay a lot but he also won't really have to talk to people. He writes down all his notes about the store on his phone before walking inside.

"Hello!" he is greeted by an older woman behind the counter.

"Hello, Ma'am, I was wondering if you guys were hiring by any chance?" he asks politely, making sure to bow beforehand.

"Oh, sweetheart! We were but we just hired someone for the position!" She says apologetically

"Ahh no need to worry! Thank you" he says with a bright smile and mopes back to the car

"They hired someone for the position already"

"Aww we're sorry about that one, bub" Jeno sighs and restarts the car

"Where to next?" Jeno asks while Renjun scans the packet but before he could beg for the animal shelter Jaemin quickly says "actually there's this place that I already called earlier and they're hiring and I honestly think you'd do amazing especially with your knowledge on the topic an–"

"Is it a maid café" Renjun interrupts and asks

"No" he laughs "wait, but what knowledge would you have on maids?" he says playfully smirking which causes Renjun to lean forward and smack his shoulder.

"We're here!" Jaemin says excitedly

"It looks pretty normal, Nana" Jeno says even though knows where they are since he helped Jaemin plan this. This time they both get out of the car with Renjun so he takes this opportunity to grab their hands and drag them towards the small building. As soon as they walk inside Renjun drops their hands and stares at the scenery amazed by everything.

"No way" he says under his breath

"Yes way. This moomin café happens to be looking for a waiter and you would be perfect. Aren't I the best boyfriend ever, baby?" Jaemin says proudly as Jeno nudges his arm

"Oh, right, Jeno helped too" He says and Jeno smiles contentedly. Renjun doesn't reply to them and just runs up to the counter to ask for an application. The three sit down at a table next to the window looking out on the city as he fills out the application. When he finishes he runs back to the counter with a smile that the worker gladly returns.

"She said they should call me in a couple days" he says excitedly as the other two stand up and grab his hands.

"Good. Now let's go on a date" Jeno says unexpectedly

"Wh-what?" Renjun asks and they both stop to look at him before smiling

"What? Can't we take our boyfriend on a date?" Jeno asks with an eyebrow raised


"Or do you not want to go on a date with us" Jaemin says while feigning sadness

"Wait! No! That's not what I meant!" he rushes his words trying his best to convince them

"It's okay baby boy you don't need to lie to us" Jeno says in the same tone as Jaemin

"Nono~ Nana~ you know I didn't mean it like that" Renjun whines at them like a child throwing a tantrum.

"We know" they say simultaneously with wide smiles as the three walk out of the building.

They take him all over the town, from random bookstores to hidden record shops, and then to top it all off they took him out to eat at the cutest little diner he's ever seen. I haven't had this much fun since before we moved to Korea...back when he was still around.

"Today was really fun...thank you guys" Renjun says tiredly from the backseat right before he falls asleep against the window.

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