twenty-one ⚠️

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tw: mentions of rape (wtf am i doing with this. this isn't what i originally planned)

As all of his friends trickle into his home, Renjun texts his boyfriends nonstop to check in on them, making Haechan feel completely ignored.

"I am literally the prettiest person here and you're still not paying attention to me!" Haechan yells dramatically. Everyone turns their attention to him and shake their heads with a sigh. Even WayV, who's only known him for an hour, shake their heads before continuing about what they were doing. Renjun doesn't stop texting them until Kun calls him and scolds him for bugging them when he was the one that told Kun to take them in the first place.

"Guys. Kun is mean to me. I don't think he should be the leader of WayV anymore." Renjun pouts and crosses his arm after the phone call with the older.

"WHO THE HELL IS WAYV???" Shuhua yells exasperatedly.

"Oh, right. I still haven't explained the groups" Renjun says quietly before continuing, "okay children gather 'round" He announces as everyone forms a circle around him.

"It's really simple actually. You all know how I'm an art major?" Everyone nods "Well sometimes I used to draw my groups or individually but I noticed that in the background I would always include the same name or symbol. When I would draw Winwin, Hen, Xiao Xiao, Yang, and Kunnie there would always be WayV in the back...sometimes i'd just cover the walls around them with V's but eventually I started calling them that. it's a lot easier to address them as a whole. But then, I started to do that with basically everyone...if I see people around and they're constantly with people I'll just name their group and address them as so. Soojin and Shuhua are part of (G)I-DLE and not our group cause they hang out with the girls more than they do us." Renjun finishes with a smile. Everyone seems to have understood but Chenle has a question

"Gege, what's our name?"

"Oh! We're part of NCT Dream! it's for young people" Renjun boasts proudly.

"Who else is in it?" He asks again

"For now its just you, me, Channie, and Jen and Jaem"

"Why are they apart of our group" Haechan says rather rudely in Renjun's opinion, but he'll let it slide since Haechan is his best friend

"They're my boyfriends, sweetie"


"Haechan...why do you hate them so much?" Hendery asks calmly, as if he's tiptoeing around a ticking time bomb

"Well...we actually used to be really close" Haechan admits and everyone whips their heads towards him, stunned.

"What? When were you guys friends? You've hated those two all of highschool!" Lucas asks.

"Lucas you got to Korea in our second year. I was friends with them in freshman year. Actually, I've known them just as long as they've known each other. Since kindergarten." He says while looking down at his hands as he plays with the hem of his sweater.

"How could you grow to hate them so much in just a year? Especially if you guys were friends for so long" Yangyang asks curiously

"They..." Haechan starts but is cut off by someone else.

"We hurt him" They gasp when they hear Jeno speak as him and Jaemin sit behind Renjun and Kun goes to sit with Yangyang.

"He was our best friend. Since kindergarten until freshman year" Jaemin sounds hurt as he talks about Haechan.

"How did you guys hurt him?" Renjun asks, a little scared of the answer.

"They left me when I needed them the most" Haechan says angrily.

"What do you mean?" Kun asks what everyone else was thinking.

" it because...?" Chenle gives the older a knowing look and he nods.

"You guys are real dicks for that" Chenle looks at the two angrily.

"Mind sharing with the class?" Renjun speaks up clearly confused. Chenle looks at Haechan and asks if he's sure about this, he nods with a small smile and continues.

"Well, you see, when I was a freshman one of my teachers raped me" a sea of gasps were heard after he said that then a hush fell over the room, "the teacher...he obviously got fired after that but the students found out and kinda used that as their newest way to torment me. Since I was the only openly gay kid at the school then, people would say that I was just faking it for attention and money or they'd say that I actually enjoyed it or some would say I deserved it...just a bunch of fucked up shit y'know" Haechan finishes with an awkward laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"People would say that about you?" Jeno speaks up sadly

Haechan scoffs at him and rolls his eyes, "don't pretend like you care"

"I'm still confused as to what Jeno and Jaemin have to do with this?" Xiaojun confesses.

"They were the ones that told the whole school about it"

"What?!" Renjun shouts and turns to face his boyfriends who lower their heads shamefully.

"We didn't think about what we were doing! We never thought it would spread like that! People just wanted to know why the teacher was fired!" Jaemin tries to reason and grab Renjun's hand but he moves it away.

"Even if that were the case...why would you abandon him?" Renjun asks getting more and more angry

"Because we didn't know how to face him after what we did!" Jeno says rather loudly

"So you ignored him? Completely?" Kun asks as Renjun crawls over to him and hugs him tightly, not even looking at his boyfriends.

"We just felt awful about it and didn't know what to do"

"You guys never even apologized! That's all I ever fucking wanted!" Haechan snaps at them and yells across the room with tears streaming down his face before running up to Renjun's room. Renjun glares at his boyfriends then run up after his best friend. when he gets there he finds Haechan sobbing on his bed while clutching Renjun's favorite stuffed animal. His heart breaks at the sight and he sits down and hugs his best friend comfortingly.

"I'm so, so sorry all of that happened to you, Channie" Renjun says softly and rubs circles into Haechan's back.

"and I'm sorry Jeno and Jaemin did that" Renjun says more angrily.

"Don't be mad at them. Knowing you, you'd probably break up with them cause of this" Haechan suddenly says while resting his palms on Renjun's face, forcing the older to look him in the eyes and focus on him.

"I mean...I was considering it"

"Don't. Don't break up with them. I don't care how mad you are," He says sternly.

"But after the way they hurt you! How could I stay with them" Renjun tries to pout angrily but the way Haechan is squishing his face just makes him look adorable.

"Listen...I don't hate them. I never have...well maybe a little when it first happened but I have been in therapy for years to help get rid of so much of that anger. Plus...I don't want you to hate them because I know how happy they make you." Haechan scolds Renjun, now smiling despite his tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. He lets go of Renjun's face and pokes his cheeks forcing him to smile before holding his hand comfortingly.

"You know I'll always be here for you, right?" Renjun asks his best friend

"Me too, babe" He responds with a smile.


i still don't know what possessed me to write this but the next chapter is lowkey really cute

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