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As soon as the sun rises in the sky, Jaemin is awake and prepared to go to school. He has his backpack draped over his shoulder and his second coffee of the day secured in his left hand. After texting Jeno telling him to take Renjun to school alone he runs out of the house and doesn't stop until he gets to the gates of school.

"It's only 6:30? I thought it was later?" He whispers to himself before walking into the school with a stoic expression and secluding himself in the large library upstairs. He grabs a random book, it doesn't really matter what as long as it looks dark and scary. All the books he likes to read are at home, if anyone saw them reading those he'd be in deep shit. He flips through the pages before realizing it's Malcom X's Autobiography

"By any means necessary" He says and stands up to check the book out. The librarian knows Jaemin's reputation. Everyone does. She picks up the book and examines it closely before raising her eyebrow at the teenager.

"Got a problem?" He says as he rolls his eyes. She scoffs at his disrespect but he couldn't care less. She checks the book out for him and he snatches it away then walks out the library.

"That boy sure has got some nerve" He hears her say before he exits. He decides not to cause a scene, but just this once.

He slowly walks to his first period classroom. This will be a good day he can feel it already. The teacher hasn't arrived yet, she always arrives just before the first bell so he leans on the wall next to the door and glares at anyone who looks his way as they walk pass. God I can't stand these people!

He sinks down to the floor, covers his head with his hood, and takes out the book he checked out earlier that day. He reads until his teacher finally arrives. Once she does he looks up at her with a bright glint in his eyes. His acting teacher is the only teacher that has never judged him based on his reputation and is currently his favorite teacher.

"Ms. Seo! It's about time you got here I was starting to get worried"

"Oh! Jaemin I almost didn't recognize you!"

"Yeah it's different but I like it!" He says with a wide smile and ruffles through his hair

"I do too!" his teacher says cutely and the two enter the classroom. She hands him the classwork for today and he starts practicing the script. He already knew it because she asked him for advice with it a few days prior but practice makes perfect in his book. Jaemin is already an amazing actor, having been in multiple movies already but those were all supporting roles and they were when he was a lot younger. Now that he's much older and much more experienced he wants a lead role, and no one is gonna stop him from reaching his goal. By the time the bell rings and everyone trickles into the classroom Jaemin has the script memorized and needs a partner. But, no one ever wants to be his partner due to the fact that he harshly criticizes them whenever they mess up or slack off. To him, acting must be perfect and precise. He doesn't realize that this is still a high school though.

"You're doing it wrong! Why do you keep messing up such a simple line!" He yells at the partner that was forced to be with him.

"Maybe if you weren't breathing down my goddamned neck all the time I could get it right!" The smaller boy yells back.

"Na Jaemin! Han Jisung!" Ms. Seo breaks it up before Jaemin can get really angry.

"Jaemin go to Jungwoo!"

"I don't want to!"

"Na Jaemin!" She looks at him sternly.

"Ugh fine" He snatches his bag from the floor and walks out the classroom. It takes him a bit over a minute to get to Jungwoo's classroom. When he arrives he walks in unannounced, grabs Jungwoo by the wrist, and drags him out of the classroom.

"Okay class that's it for today's lesson! free period!" Jungwoo rushes his words before he fully leaves the room.

"What is up with you, Jaemin?" He asks sincerely when they arrive at the abandoned music room.

"It's not even my fault, Jungwoo-hyung!"

"Well what is it?" He says softly still trying to calm him down

"Some kid in my acting class was messing up and when I tried to give him some constructive feedback he was on my ass about it!"

"Well what do you think he was doing wrong?"

"The emotions weren't right! The character was supposed to be heartbroken but he was acting more angry!" Jaemin crosses his arms and sits at the piano bench

"Jaemin...acting isn't precise" Jungwoo solemnly says.

"What do you mean? Of course it's precise! You're literally following a script!" He rebuts

"No," Jungwoo chuckles "in acting you can't just follow the script. You can't just memorize the script and expect it to be good. You have to feel the emotions of the scripts and everyone feels things differently. You may have interpreted as heartbreak and the other boy could have interpreted it as anger. You can't dictate other people's emotions"


"No buts. Now, go back to class and apologize."

"Jungwoo-hyung! That'll ruin my reputation!"

"Oh people will finally see you're actually a good person how awful!" Jungwoo expresses sarcastically

"Jungwoo-hyung~" He whines

"No. Go."

Jaemin sulks back to his acting classroom, memorizing what he plans to says in his head. On his way he bumps into someone but doesn't pay any attention as he continues marching forward. The person scoffs at him and keeps walking. He has plans for Jaemin anyway. Jaemin arrives at his classroom and paces in front of the door before finally entering. He walks directly up to the student everyone refers to as Han and stares at him stoically.

"Sorry." He mumbles out, not changing his expression.

"You claim to be such an amazing actor. You could at least pretend to be sincere" Han crosses his arms with an eyebrow raised. Jaemin looks over at Ms. Seo with an expression that reads 'you really want me to reason with this asshole?' Jaemin turns his head to face Han, who still looks unconvinced. At that, Jaemin looks down at the floor and his face softens completely.

"Han, I deeply and sincerely apologize for my actions earlier. I understand that I was wrong. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me" He says as tears brim his eyes while looking directly at Han. The other kids in the class start whispering when Han abruptly stands up and hugs Jaemin. He wraps his arms around Han tightly before whispering in his ear, "was that acting good enough for you?"

With that, Han realizes it was all an act but before he can angrily push Jaemin away he's already walking towards Ms. Seo with his same facade and asks her if he can take a break from class today.

"It was fake! He was just acting!" Han yells from where he was standing and Jaemin slowly turns to face him with a sad and hurt expression.

"How could you say that?" He asks and his voice breaks as if he's holding back a waterfall of tears "I just gave you the most sincere apology I could and you say I'm just acting? I know I have a bad reputation...but I'm not a bad person" Jaemin sincerely looks at Han as the rest of the students surround him. They praise Jaemin for being so strong whereas they scold Han for even thinking Jaemin could be lying. By the time the bell rings Han has already declared Jaemin as his newest enemy but Jaemin is too busy getting praise from everyone in the class. But, he does have to admit, Jaemin's one good ass actor.

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