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(A/N thank you all for 700 reads 🥺🥺, that's crazy)

"Ge could you order a few pizzas for later on?" Renjun asks with a sigh.

"Are we not gonna talk about how Jeno and Jaemin are sitting in your room right now or am I supposed to pretend they don't exist just like how you pretend your feelings for them don't exist" Winwin says and looks at his younger brother blankly. Renjun's jaw drops and he rushes to cover his brother's mouth

"What are you doing? They can hear you! You could've at least spoken in Chinese so they wouldn't understand!" he whisper screams at him and turns his head to make sure they weren't walking out.

"You should tell them!" Sicheng says supportively

"I can't! They're already dating each other" Renjun says sadly

"When has that ever stopped you?" He says suggesting at his brother's previous polyamorous relationship

"W-well I just met them" Renjun tries to reason

"You're just stalling. I'll order the pizza, go back to your room and talk to them" Winwin says while pushing him towards the stairs

"I can just stay and talk to you! Sicheng! Sicheng stop! Winwin on our momma I will bite you!"

"Yeah, you're real intimidating buttercup" he says with sarcasm lacing his voice.

He reluctantly walks up the stairs and makes his way back to his room. When he arrives he goes straight to his window bench without looking at them and sits on one of his legs with the other draped over the edge. Maybe if I don't look at them they'll disappear.

Not long after, the others arrive. When they enter Renjun's home they stare at Jeno and Jaemin then at Renjun like the three were ghosts.

"What. The. Fuck are you two doing here?" Haechan asks very angrily and breaks the silence.

"We also want to hang out with Injunnie, Hyuck" Jaemin says coldly. They really are scary.

"Renjun, are they pressuring you? Blink twice if you're safe" Chenle says worriedly. He looks back at him confused and blinks twice very obviously.

"Guys...they're my friends as well. Sorry I didn't tell you they were coming it was kind of a last minute thing" He speaks up with a smile.

"That's okay Mr. CEO! Let's have some fun shall we?" Lucas says loudly and wraps his arm around Renjun's shoulder while leading him to the living room with the rest following suit.

"What should we do first? Movies? Food? Games?" Chenle throws out suggestions while walking backwards to face the rest

"Depends...what games are you thinking?" Shuhua responds

" about...truth or dare?" Jeno suggests while looking straight at Renjun. This won't turn out good.

"Let's do it!" the rest cheer energetically. The eight sit in a circle in the middle of the living room, right before they start Sicheng runs down the stairs dramatically covering his eyes.

"I'm going out on a date so you guys are home alone. Please don't break anything and please use protection" He calls out while heading to the front door

"SICHENG!" Renjun yells at him because of the last part then sighs out and shakes his head in disappointment.

"Yo dude, your brother's kind of hot" Chenle says admiring the man walking out the house.

"Chenle what the fuck that's so gross" Renjun responds

"I mean he's not wrong" Lucas adds

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