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"Man...fuck those two. Top students? pfft top students my ass they can't even remember our anniversary how the fuck are they gonna remember any schoolwork?" Renjun mumbles and taps his finger on the table impatiently.

"Excuse me, darling, are you waiting for someone?" A familiar voice asks from Renjun's side. He turns his head to face the man and immediately leaps with joy.

"LUCAS!" He runs up to the older and hugs him tightly.

"Hey, darling! It feels like it's been forever since I saw your cute face" Lucas says as he squeezes Renjun back

"Sit down! I'm just waiting for Jeno and Jaemin!" Renjun drags the older down with a wide smile.

"Are you sure? You know how they feel about me" Lucas asks before Renjun dismisses his statement

"They're an hour late on our me, they can't say shit about you"

"On your anniversary? That's just cruel!" Lucas' face saddens and he rests his hand on Renjun's.

"Ahem." Jeno clears his throat from the side of the table to get their attention. Lucas notices him and stands up, towering over Renjun's boyfriend with a cold face.

"You hurt my Injunnie's feelings" He lowers his voice protectively. Jeno clenches his fist before grabbing Renjun's hand to calm himself down. Renjun understands the gesture and rubs circles on the back of Jeno's hand comfortingly while at the same time trying to signal to Lucas to cut it out before they make a mess inside of this Wendy's

"Actually, he's my Injunnie"

"If you cared so much then why are you over an hour late? On your anniversary?" Lucas raises his eyebrow at the younger and Jeno almost loses it but then the bell above the entrance rings and someone calls out for Lucas.


"Wait...Hendery? Why the hell are you in Korea??" Lucas asks shocked. When Renjun hears one of his best friends name his face lights up and he looks at the door to see all of his best friends and Jaemin standing with huge smiles.

"Oh my god no fucking way...WAYV!" Renjun beams and runs up to the group hugging them all tightly and doesn't let go until Jeno has to pry him off. Even after Jeno does that Renjun hugs each of them individually as tears of joy stream down his face.

"This is why we were so late. Sorry, baby" Jaemin explains. Renjun hugs his boyfriends tightly and smiles into their chests. They don't hesitate to hug him tightly with fond smiles. Lucas begins catching up with Hendery, who was a close friend of his before he moved to Korea a few years ago and lost touch.

"I love you both so much" Renjun says quietly

"What was that, princess?" Jeno asks with a small smile knowing exactly what Renjun just said. Renjun blushes at the new nickname before hitting Jeno's chest.

"Nevermind. I didn't say anything" He huffs and begins to walk away but Jeno grabs his wrist and forces him to face him.

"I love you too, Bub"

"Me too, Baby"

Renjun widens his eyes and covers the blush spreading across his cheeks with his hands. Kun pulls him away from them protectively and glares at them both. They pout and try to pull him back but Kun smacks their hands away.

"You guys are ruining my poor baby" He complains and rubs circles on Renjun's back who is still a blushing mess and remains in cloud nine because of his boyfriends.

"I mean if you'd let us we'd ruin him a lot more" Jaemin says proudly. Kun fake gags and drags Wayv + Renjun and Lucas out the restaurant. Jeno and Jaemin follow after the group of teens walking down the street happily. They try not get jealous every time Hendery or Lucas get a little bit too touchy with their baby but that never works out so they look like they're little kids throwing a tantrum behind the rest of the group.

"Hey! Lucas! Do you wanna join WayV?" Renjun finally says something in Korean

"I don't know what that is but sure! Anything for you, darling" Lucas responds and Renjun signals to his boyfriends who are giving Lucas intense stares. Lucas nods with a knowing smile and continues talking to Hendery. Renjun grabs Kun's hand in his own and Jeno almost rips them apart but Jaemin holds him back to see the interaction.

"Mama~" Renjun says cutely making Kun roll his eyes and try to stay mad at him.

"Kun Mama~" Renjun tries again even cuter and this time Kun actually looks at him.

"Why are you mad at Wenjunnie" Renjun says in a baby voice trying to make the older laugh. When he succeeds he smiles widely and laughs with him.

"But seriously what's up? You're super quiet. You didn't even stop him when Lucas tried to carry both Hendery and Xiaojun on his back" He asks genuinely, looking at the other with doe eyes that make Jeno and Jaemin behind him melt

"I just can't believe you're already dating them...without even talking to me first...but I can't even disapprove cause they actually treat you well from what I can see...and they planned all of this" Kun trails off

"Kun. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. If you want you can, like, take them and get to know them" Renjun says hoping for the older's approval. He looks at Renjun suspiciously then accepts the offer because he can't say no to him. He lets go of Renjun's hand and leaves him to talk to his boyfriends that are still lurking a few feet behind them.

"Hi, Kun" Jaemin beams

"What's up?" Jeno asks

"I'm kidnapping you two" Kun says with a straight face

"" Jeno says and throws his car keys to Renjun, who is just watching them with a smile.

"Take them back to your house! We'll meet you there later! Love you" He starts walking away and yells louder the further he gets from Renjun. He nods and catches up to his friends.

"I'm gonna invite the others over to my place is that okay with everyone?"

"Am I gonna have to speak Korean?" Xiaojun asks softly

"Xiao, we've been learning Korean since second grade. If you're not fluent at this point I don't know what to do with you" Renjun rolls his eyes.

"Plus like two others besides Lucas are Chinese as well" He continues

Bad Bitches ONLY

ceo of being adorable
what's up bitches did you miss me?

oh so you haven't forgotten about us?

Ge! I've missed you 🥺

ceo of being adorable
i've missed you too LeLe🥰
and Haechan its been
4 months and i still
talk to you guys every day.

you rarely talk to us 😤

ceo of being adorable
ma'am you're always with (g)i-dle

who the fuck is that and
why is she always with them

ceo of being adorable
oh i didn't explain the
groups to you guys...
i'll explain when you guys
come over tonight 🥰
(this is me asking
you guys to come over and
meet my friends from China...
Lucas is already with us)

we'll be there at 6

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