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The bell rings and Renjun starts packing up his things but leaves them at his desk. I'll pick them up before I leave. He walks up to Yuqi to finish their conversation from earlier which is very easy since he's comfortable around her. They share contact information and she leaves with a small wave and a smile. When he turns around Jeno and Jaemin are standing behind him with glares that could kill.

"Aww you guys are adorable! Don't be jealous! I'm way too gay for her!" he says with a wide smile while patting their chests. He notices that Jeno has his bag slung over his left shoulder but when he tries to grab it Jeno just grabs his hand and starts walking, soon after Jaemin follows them, grabbing Renjun's other hand and the three walk together out of the school. Even though they got a lot of stares from everyone Renjun felt safe having them next to him. They finally get to Jeno's car and he orders Renjun to get in but he opposes.

"I can just walk I have to pick up some things from the store anyway so you guys can head home!"

"What do you need from the store?" Jaemin chimes in

"Just some snacks and maybe some games too"

"Why?" they both say simultaneously

"I'm having some friends over today and i don't want them to hate me"

"Wow baby boy...are we not invited?" Jeno says while clutching his chest dramatically.

"W-wait! th-thats n-not what i m-meant!" he retorts

"No baby it's okay we understand" Jaemin says wiping invisible tears from his face.

"You guys can come if you want! I just haven't had the chance to talk to you guys about it!" he replies while looking down at his hands.

"Do you want us to be there?" Jaemin asks

"Yes! Of course!"

"Then we'll be there. Hop in we'll take you to the store" Jaemin continues with a comforting smile.

"Oh you don't have to do that! I can just walk!" he says with a smile and begins to walk off but Jeno grabs his wrist and looks at him sternly which causes him to get in the car without another word. (a/n aka bottom energy)

The car ride was mainly silent aside from the music Jeno chose to play and Renjun humming along to it. It seemed like every song they were playing was one of his favorites. They arrive at the store after what feels like forever and Renjun quickly hops out the car and waits for the other two. They all walk together into the store and Renjun runs straight for the snacks. He looks up at the huge variety of ramyeon and tries to reach for some spicy noodles but is a bit too short to get it.

"What are you trying to get baby boy?" Jeno asks and places his hand on the small of Renjun's back

"The spicy noodles" he pouts. Jeno replies with a nod while reaching up and grabbing three for him. He smiles widely and thanks him by tightly wrapping his arms around him. At first, it doesn't dawn on Renjun that he's never initiated a hug for either of them until he sees Jaemin staring at the two with a jealous pout.

"That's no fair! How come he hugs you first!" he whines and drops the bag of chips he was holding to chase after the silver haired boy. Renjun smiles shyly with a growing blush and releases Jeno before running away to the aisle filled with games.

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