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After the little incident, Jaemin leaves and Renjun finally walks to the table of Haechan's friends. Great first impression he just made.

"Hello...I'm Renjun. Pleasure meeting you all," He quietly says with a small head bow. The others stare at him with their mouths agape.

"Everyone be nice to him he's new here from China" Haechan says as if he wants them to pity the poor boy.

"You know Jaemin?" One of Haechan's friends asks Renjun in perfect Mandarin, which shocks him at first but he responds back in his native language.

"Uh...I guess? He was the first person I met here,"

"He's like bad news!" The green-haired boy continues in Korean.

"What do you mean?"

"He's one of the school's bullies! Albeit, there are only two but he's known for being the meaner one." He speaks as if it's something everyone knew, and judging by the nods of agreement, everyone did.

"I'm shocked he was being so nice to you...but after what Channie-hyung did I'm sure that'll change" the boy says the last part in their native language out of fear of what Haechan would do to him then looks at the aforementioned and sticks his tongue out at him.

"I don't know what you're saying but I can tell by that look it's bad so shut your mouth, Chenle, before I shut it for you," Haechan says and pulls Renjun to sit down next to him.

"Okay so that was Chenle, he's also from China so you both can communicate well, hopefully. Then there's Soojin, she's adorable but her girlfriend Shuhua never leaves her side. They only sit with us when the rest of their girl friends are being dumb so you won't see them here every day. After that there's Luc- guys where did Lucas go?" He asks while staring into the crowd of people. Just then an extremely tall, tanned boy with blonde streaks in his hair walks up to us with a multitude of bruises scattered on his body along with a black eye.

"YAH! DONGHYUCK-AH! DID YOU MAKE J-SQUARED MAD AGAIN?!" The tall boy yells angrily at Haechan. Haechan looks at him with no trace of shock or worry on his face then proceeds to say nonchalantly,

"It's not my fault they can't take a hint. Why'd you get involved Lucas?"

"Well they were talking shit about you behind your back again. I couldn't just let that slide," Lucas said fuming.

"Don't worry we'll get them back soon, meet Renjun. He's new and he's super nice so don't scare him away yet."

"'re Renjun?" Lucas says while looking directly at him.

"Uh...Yeah?" he responds quietly and quickly.

"Nice to finally meet you," Lucas smiles widely and speaks in Mandarin, which makes Renjun relax around him. The younger smiles back and Lucas immediately starts telling him basically everything there is to know about him and the school. He may be really energetic but to Renjun it's a good break from Haechan's terrifying aura.

They continue talking and Renjun finds out that he shares his last class of the day with Haechan and Lucas. When the bell rings they say goodbye to the others and start walking together to their History class. Renjun walks in first, laughing heartily at something Lucas said with a smile stretching to his ears. Of course, just like every class the students' gazes fall upon him but now he just shrugs it off before walking over to introduce himself to the teacher, Mr. Lee. While he does so Haechan and Lucas go to their assigned seats and take out their notebooks.

Mr. Lee looks up at Renjun with a soft smile then welcomes him to the class.

"Ah yes. Let's see where you can sit," he says while scanning the classroom then looks back at Renjun with a smile, "there is a space right in between Jeno and Jaemin," as soon as the words leave Mr. Lee's mouth and travel through Renjun's ears both his smile and his heart drop. He slowly turns to see them both leaning on the backs of their chairs amused with one desk in between them.

"this cannot be happening right now" He whispers in Mandarin.

"what was that?" Mr. Lee asks.

"oh nothing! I'll head to my seat," He switches to Korean and starts walking to the back of the classroom.

As he passes his friends they give him hopeful looks and a thumbs up but he's already prepared for the worst. Once he sits down the two boys turn to look at him at the exact same time, as if it's something they had premeditated.

"Baby~ have you forgiven me yet? I bet you begged Minhyuk to sit next to me" Jaemin smirks.

"Baby? Don't try and make him feel special, Jaem. He's just another nobody," Jeno says harshly.

"If I had a choice I'd be near my friends, not you two." Renjun says while staring forward, trying to not let Jeno's words affect him but they do.

"Wow baby, I didn't know you could be so mean...but it's okay I forgive you cause you're cute" Jaemin smiles and Renjun feels another blush creeping onto his face. 

"S-Shut up..."

"Look at him! He's all red!" Jeno points out which only causes his face to darken to a deeper shade of red

"N-No I'm not!" he argues back.

"Jeno, don't tease my baby. He's mine," Jaemin glares at the black haired boy

"No, I want to have some fun with him...he's mine now," Jeno responds with a smile

"I don't belong to either of you" Renjun says after he finally regains his composure. The two glance at him then back at each other but he doesn't pay any attention to them, instead he catches Lucas' attention as the older turns around and sends him a quick wave and a smile which he returns with no hesitation.

"Why are you getting so close to him? Is that your boyfriend or something?" Jeno says with a sudden spark of jealousy.

"Why do you care? Are you jealous?" Renjun responds but then Jaemin grabs his arm softly but determined. He turns to look at him only to find his classic pout stuck to his face.

"Baby~ you would never cheat on me right?"

"Jaemin, there is nothing going on between us. I can date whoever I want" He responds with a hint of annoyance but then Jaemin's grip around his arm slightly tightens and Renjun looks at him confused.

"No, baby, you can't date whoever you want. Trust me you really don't wanna try," Jaemin pauses for a second and stares at him with a threatening look Renjun has never seen before from him then continues, "you're mine."

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