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(a lot of this was supposed to be in the last chapter but i wasn't expecting it to be over 4k words also there will be so many time skips like wow. tw // mentions of sexual assault and eating disorder tendencies)


Renjun rests for the remainder of the weekend and Monday finally comes crashing in. He happily skips out of his house, despite his mother yelling at him to stay home. Dongju is already outside, waiting for him in his driveway. Renjun hops in the passenger with a happy smile.

"Why are you so happy today?" Dongju asks sounding grossed out.

"I'm just excited to see you! Do you know what day it is?" Renjun asks, still exuding happiness.

"Uh..Monday?" Dongju says flatly while reversing out the driveway.

"No, silly. It's our five month anniversary. Which is why today after school I'm taking you on a date and it will be fully my treat" He says happily.

"Oh, really? And will you also be driving us to this date? I don't wanna waste anymore of my gas on you." Dongju rolls his eyes and continues driving to school.

"Of course I'll drive! I talked to my mom she'll park the car at school then Uber back home after she's off work." Renjun explains, already having planned this.

"Fine. Whatever. We can go on some stupid date" Dongju sighs and taps his fingers on the steering wheel annoyed. Renjun smiles and claps excitedly.

"Ugh stop smiling like that. I hate it" Dongju complains and Renjun instantly drops his smile and flashes the true stoic expression he's been wanting to show him ever since the day they started "dating."
They finally get to school and go their separate ways, each of them wanting to have absolutely nothing to do with the other. Renjun sneaks secret glances at his boyfriends and best friend, securing the plan. The day goes by quickly and Renjun rushes to Dongju's last class to find him. When he walks out of class he looks at him suspiciously.

"Why are you waiting for me?"

"This is what you did the first day we started dating" Renjun says trying to sound excited without smiling.

"Are you ready to go? Let's get this over with" Dongju expresses his disinterest and walks towards the school's parking lot as if he's a zombie.

"You could've said no and just sped up your arrest" Renjun mumbles so quiet that he can barely hear what he said then runs to catch up with Dongju.

Renjun drives him wherever he wants to go and, of course, Dongju chose the most expensive places for "payback for the last five months" Renjun smiles softly at the "joke" and pays for everything he wants with his credit card. Mom is gonna kill me but this is worth it. Back at Dongju's house the police are searching through his computer with the help of Jeno and Jaemin. They quickly find what they needed and Jaemin hands them the evidence Renjun has been collecting over the past months. They skim through it before looking Jaemin in the eyes.

"He could be locked up for the rest of his life..." They say seriously. Jeno and Jaemin look at each other as if they just won the lottery then they all go outside to wait for Dongju and Renjun. The date finally ends and Dongju, as the kids would say, made Renjun's pockets hurt. As they get closer to Dongju's house they see the multiple police cars in front of the house. Renjun parks behind one of them acting confused and Dongju immediately hops out the car and runs towards his house.

"THE DRUGS ARE NOT MINE! I SWEAR! A FRIEND LEFT THEM HERE!" He yells as the police grab him and make sure he can't escape. Renjun runs into Jeno and Jaemin's arms, now that he can finally completely have them back.

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