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(A/N this chapter is really bad in my opinion, I could've wrote better so if I keep updating it that's why)

As soon as the final bell rings Renjun races to start packing up and get out before Jeno and Jaemin can get him but his efforts are in vain because as soon as he walks out the classroom they call out for him, loudly, everyone turns to look at him and he makes a run for it. I have Haechan's number I can just text him later. He says to himself while sprinting through the entrance gates of the school.

There's no way Jeno and Jaemin could've caught up to him so he stops to catch his breath while leaning on the side of a wall. Once he's rested he starts walking to his new house, closely following the directions shown to him on his phone. When he looks up he sees a small corner cafe and decides to stop for a drink since it's on his way. He cautiously walks in and immediately regrets it when he notices the entire menu is in Korean but he muddles through his order then goes to sit down at a booth near a window. He scrolls through pictures of his friends he took back home, reminiscing on the memories they made throughout all of their lives; through friendship and even a few relationships amongst the five of them that never had the chance to ruin their bond. He hasn't been able to really speak to any of them since he got to Korea a couple of months ago so he takes this chance to text the group chat they've cleverly named: 50 Shades of Gay. He smiles fondly at their responses. When his order gets to his table he bows his head slightly to thank the server. He finally remembers to send a quick text to Haechan, just to tell him why he left in such a hurry. He's so immersed in their conversation that he doesn't notice the bell above the door ringing to indicate a new customer, it's only when someone sits at the booth across from him that he looks up. His world freezes and he feels everything is going against him as he stares straight into Jeno and Jaemin's faces. (A/N it's a ff did y'all expect anything else?)

"Why are you two here? Can't I live in peace?" he asks exhausted

"Wow baby boy, so harsh can't we hang out with you?" Jeno asks with a smirk. He widens his eyes at the new nickname and looks down at his cup, trying to hide the blush creeping onto his face.

"C-can't you guys just hang out w-with each other?" Renjun quietly replies, just loud enough for them to hear.

"Oh but baby we like it better when you're with us"

"I w-wanna go home," he pouts cutely then stands up, "I'm gonna go home." He walks to the counter to pay for the cappuccino that he barely got to drink and walks out of the café, he's smart enough to know they're gonna follow him so instead of going straight home he walks to a park right near his house. Once he gets there he dashes to the swings in the back and swings slowly while calmly singing some of his favorite songs. After about five minutes of waiting to see if they two will come after him, he starts to have hope that they gave up. He begins to stand up when someone's hands wrap around him and keep him on the swing. He tries to break away from their grasp but the other overpowers and picks him up bridal-style like he weighs nothing.

"Baby...don't try to run away. I'll always be two steps ahead of you." Jaemin whispers into his ear.

"What the hell are you talking about? I gave you the idea that he was here. I'm the one that's two steps ahead" Jeno cuts in and grabs Renjun from Jaemin.

"Well, I figured out that he was on the swings. Just butt out Jeno, he's mine." Jaemin glares at the slightly taller boy.

"I think you're confused...he's mine." Jeno gives him the same challenging stare.

"I don't belong to either of you! God! At least buy me dinner before you fight over me...can I please just go home?" Renjun says while darting his eyes between the two. Jeno slightly loosens his grip on him and he jumps down from his arms.

"Thank you very much" He says sarcastically and sends them the fakest smile he could possibly muster and walks away.

I should be right around the corner. He thinks while glancing at the directions on his phone he hears footsteps trailing behind him, increasing in speed the further away he gets. Curiosity and fear of getting kidnapped take over he turns around only to be greeted again by Jeno and Jaemin.

"Why are you two still following me?" He says and rolls his eyes.

"We live right there" Jaemin says nonchalantly as they both point in the direction Renjun's house was in, they point at different houses but Jeno seems to be across the street from him and Jaemin is next door.

"...No way..." He says with dread lacing his voice.

"Come on baby boy don't be so pathetic. You know you're happy about this," Jeno says enthusiastically but the pure horror of them surrounding him never leaves Renjun's face.

He doesn't say another word. He just turns around and walks straight to his house. He's greeted by the fresh smell of his mother's cooking and it automatically cheers him up. He smiles as he walks calmly towards the kitchen then runs up to his mom and hugs her as if he hasn't seen her in years. That is not the case though, they've just always been incredibly close so she knows when and how to cheer him up and today he really needed it.

"Mom~," Renjun whines at her and sits on the counter next to where she is cooking

"Yes, sweetheart?" She says and looks back at him with a kind smile.

"IT WAS AWFUL!" He raises his voice dramatically and flails his arms to emphasize his point, "IT WAS JUST TERRIBLE. THERE ARE THESE GUYS AND THEY WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE AT ALL THEY WERE EVEN FOLLOWING ME HOME SO I ASKED WHY AND I FOUND OUT THEIR HOUSES ARE BASICALLY SURROUNDING ME" she doesn't really pay much attention to it as he's always been incredibly dramatic so this is just daily routine for her.

"Oh, well, did you make any friends?" He smiles fondly when she says that.

"Yes," he nods, "I made a five friends, right now i'm closest to someone named Haechan, but he's kinda scary. Oh, there are three people who are also from china named Lucas, Shuhua, and Chenle, i'm also pretty close to them but it's slightly different." Renjun explains as his mother listens but still focuses on the cooking

"That's only four people, love" his mother points out

"Oh right! Shuhua has her girlfriend, Soojin. They're both really sweet!"

"That's great sweetheart!" she pauses for a second "after all you've been deserve some good people in your life."

"yeah, I guess you're right..."

"You should invite them over! I'm going on a business trip to Beijing soon, you can have them over! I'll have your brother make sure you don't make a mess!"

"Oh god" He sighs and turns to walk to his room.

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