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(longest chapter (so far) 4.3k+ words. also tw // abuse. pls don't hate me. it pained me to write this)

-next morning at school-

"Hey babe you're walking weird, what happened?" Dongju asks as Renjun walks into school with a slight limp.

"I fell down the stairs last night" He answers quickly not even thinking about it. Dongju is immediately worried and begins interrogating him, Renjun uses every single brain cell he has just to come up with a story that somehow would make sense.

"I was like halfway down the stairs when I tripped so I kinda just had to tuck and roll but I landed really weirdly on my leg, hence the limping" He plays it off perfectly. Dongju wraps his arm around Renjun's shoulders and helps him walk properly. This is so weird. Renjun thinks to himself but still lets Dongju support him so he can get wherever he needs to go properly.

At the end of the day Dongju drives Renjun home and helps him walk inside, luckily his boyfriends weren't home and his brother was on a date with Yuta so everything was fine. The two of them walk up the staircase, Dongju adorably scolding the stairs for "hurting his Renjun." The two arrive at Renjun's room and Renjun gets out of Dongju's grasp to sit on his bed. Dongju looks around with a smile glued to his face.

"You know I've seen this room so many times but I never saw the inside. I only saw how adorable you were as you would sit on this bench and draw the sunsets everyday" He says happily, Renjun thinks about the moments realizing he wasn't drawing the sunsets, he was drawing Jeno.

"It wasn't the sunsets" he says before thinking about it. Dongju looks over at him confused.

"Then what were you drawing" he asks confused.

" clouds! Yeah...there was an assignment and we had to like combine...sunsets...together? I can't exactly remember but I just drew the clouds in different boxes and colored them whatever color the sunset was that day" Renjun cleverly makes an excuse of his current art assignment. Dongju nods, understanding what he means and continues to look around the room, he sits down on the soft cushion covering renjun's bench.

"I've also seen you playing should play for me!" He begs. Renjun reluctantly picks up his guitar from next to his bed and starts strumming. He plays a few of his favorite songs while Dongju watches him and slowly moves his body to the beat. Renjun finishes the last song and looks back at the older. Dongju gives him a round of applause and leans back into one of the pillows Renjun laid onto the bench. He grabs the Moomin plushie Jeno and Jaemin gave him and Renjun is almost ready to attack him for putting his filthy hands on his precious child but he refrains himself from the violent act and lets him do whatever he wants to do.

"Shouldn't you get rid of this already?" Dongju asks possesively. Renjun is taken aback at the question. Get rid of his baby? Which was the first gift his babies gave him? Unimaginable.

"Why would I do that?" Renjun asks slighlty pissed off but he masks it well with fake laughter.

"Because the last two gave it to you. It's just a doll anyway, I can get you another one" Renjun blinks at him. First of all, "the last two" really rubbed him the wrong way and to him, it wasn't 'just a doll' that could be replaced. Of course, Renjun can't tell any of that to his "boyfriend" though.

"I get where you're coming from, but I broke up with them not my Moomin doll"

"Fine. Do whatever you want. It's not like my feelings matter anyway." Dongju throws the Moomin on the floor while standing up and storming out the bedroom.

"Wait that's not what I meant" Renjun tries to reason with him but he ignores him and continues to his car and leaves.

They continue on like that for several months, but somewhere along the line the hatred Renjun felt for the older boy turned into fear of him. Always watching his words around him to make sure nothing happens, doing whatever he tells him so he doesn't get angry. He even started meeting with his actual boyfriends less out of fear that his "boyfriend" will find out and do something to him. Jeno and Jaemin obviously take note of this and after a while they lose it. They can't handle not talking to him so they confront him at his locker. Normally, Renjun would be ecstatic to see them but he looks at them with his red, glossy eyes filled with fear.

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