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(this chapter has over 2.5k words. be prepared)

Renjun stares at the letter, rereading it over and over again. This is him. He smiles to himself and almost pulls out his phone to text Jeno and Jaemin before he remembers, the boy from photography is most likely watching his reaction right now. He puts the letter in his pocket and grabs his art supplies he needs for his next class. After closing his locker he walks towards his art class. He doesn't really have many friends in this class but today everyone seemed to be very interested in him.

"You guys actually broke up?" A random girl asks him as soon as he sits at his easel. Renjun rolls his eyes and nods at her. She smiles excitedly.

"Does that mean I have a chance with Jeno? I know he's bi!" She asks him. With jealousy rising in his chest he locks eyes with her angrily.

"Him and Jaemin are still dating. Also I know his type and it definitely isn't you. Move on." He spits out. She huffs and turns in her seat to look back at her artwork. Throughout the class a few more people ask him out and he kindly declines. He's determined to meet the boy from photography and ruin his entire life. Lunch comes around quicker than he had expected but still he sat in his class anxiously waiting for the bell to ring. He had informed his boyfriends of what was happening at lunch in his art class and they sent him good luck messages to encourage him not to break. He watches the clock as it slowly ticks. In his mind the clocking is taking years to move, but it's simply because his heart is beating way faster than an arm on a clock could ever move. He tried everything to make it move, even resorting to the powers he doesn't have.

"I've watched Harry Potter hundreds of times I can do this" he whispers to himself, still trying to cast spells on the clock.

"At this rate you're gonna summon a demon" Shuhua leans over and whispers to him in Mandarin. Renjun whips his head to face her, shocked because he forgot she was in this class with him. He clears his throat and sits up straight, folding his hands over one another to seem more sophisticated.

"I'm not doing anything" Renjun calmly explains to her.

"Yeah and you also actually broke up with Jeno and Jaemin" she smirks. He widens his eyes before quickly telling her to be quiet. Just then, the bell rings and he runs straight for the rooftop, completely forgetting to grab his things. Shuhua stares at his belongings before texting Jeno and telling him to get it for him.

Jeno is fully prepared to haul ass to Renjun's class to make sure he doesn't lose it all but instead he texts Shuhua back, telling her she can burn it for all he cares. Shuhua rolls her eyes at his text and proceeds to give Renjun's belongings to their teacher. Meanwhile, Renjun is panting from running up the two flights of stairs so fast just to get to the rooftop deck. He leans on the wall to catch his breath.

"Were you that excited to meet me?" a deep voice interrupts Renjun's hyperventilating sessions. He turns his head to face the owner of the voice, trying his best not to look too flustered. When he locks eyes with him he stares confused. He's seen him before. Many times before. It just never clicked that he had seen him so many times because he was following him.

"You're a regular at the café! Xion right?" Renjun asks him.

"Technically it's Dongju. Son Dongju. But you are right about me being a regular at the café" In his mind, Renjun is thinking this guy is a crazy stalker but the only thing his face shows is a wide smile that looks happy to see the other.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Dongju" He says with a smile. Dongju looks at him slightly doubting Renjun's feelings.

"I find it a little weird how you guys broke up as soon as I sent the message" He questions Renjun

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