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AP Environmental was as good as it could be, considering Renjun was barely paying attention. He could hear the people around him whispering about the rumors that have been circulating and, at this point, he's just hoping he doesn't get killed by the end of the day.

"What is Jaemin gonna do about this? I heard they were dating!" someone behind him whispers

"What? I heard that him and Jeno were a thing!" The other whispers back

"What are you guys talking about? Jeno and Jaemin have been dating each other for a while!" another eavesdropper cuts in

Renjun sighs and says loudly in Mandarin, "Why me? Why is this happening?" hoping no one in this class can understand him but he hears his teacher, Mr. Zhang, snicker. I forgot he's from china too.

When the bell finally rings and releases him from his personal prison, he's finally in his free period he runs straight for the music room to find Jungwoo. He is fully aware that Jungwoo has a class right now, but he can't seem to care about it. He finally finds room 127 and dramatically opens the door causing his entire class to look at the foreign student concerned. Renjun spots Chenle who quickly stands up and walks towards him followed by Jungwoo. Without saying a single word to each other, the three of them walk out of the classroom to the abandoned music room in the next hallway.

"Guys I hate it here" Renjun sighs tiredly.

"We've already heard about everything that happened" Chenle says sadly

"Why are they doing this to me? I just want to get through this year without any stress and I can't even get through a week!"

"I really don't know why they're acting like isn't like them at all. They're usually just really mean to the new kids.." Jungwoo says softly trying to calm him down but his words don't work

"Should I just transfer schools? I don't know what else to do! I can just go to some expensive private school and only talk to the friends that I made." Renjun says as if it's the only option

"No!" they say simultaneously. The door opens to reveal another one of Jungwoo's students, but Renjun ignores it and says what's been on his mind.

"Maybe I just don't deserve to be happy," a tear rolls down his face as he dryly laughs and wraps his arms around his already bent knees (A/N dramatic ass...but same). Someone's arms make their way around Renjun's small frame, he doesn't know who it is at first but their scent is enough to calm him down right away. He inhales their honey-like scent deeply and looks up at them sadly, just to see who they are and thank them. As soon as the boy's discernible bubblegum pink hair comes into his view Renjun is quick push him away.

"J-jaemin w-what are you d-doing"

"Baby, I'm so sorry..."

"I-" instead of continuing to speak he gets up and runs past them with Jaemin chasing after.

"Jaemin. I'm okay just leave me alone." he says after a couple minutes of thick silence

"No. I'm never letting you out of my sight again, I have to make sure no one can hurt you ever again."

"Jaemin! What do you want from me?!" Renjun snaps at the taller boy.

"I want you to be happy enough to realize how amazing you are"

"Yeah, well, don't hold your breath" Renjun yells and walks away from Jaemin, this time he doesn't follow.

The next few days Jeno and Jaemin leave Renjun alone, still keeping a close eye on him without his knowledge, but he feels like something is missing from his life, he'll never admit that to them though. He walks down the hallway to get to the courtyard for lunch when he notices a commotion near some of the lockers. He runs over to figure out what's going on and sees Jaemin pinning someone against the lockers and repeatedly punching his face. At this point, the boy is almost dead. Renjun pushes through the crowd of people watching this happen and goes to separate them.

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