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(a/n we hit 5k omg y'all)

-time skip to three days before Winwin's bday party-

"JENO IF YOU DON'T WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP RIGHT FUCKING NOW I WILL BREAK UP WITH YOU AND TAKE RENJUN WITH ME!" Jaemin yells while rushing into his boyfriend's room frantically. They have to leave for the airport in 45 minutes and Jeno still refuses to wake up.

"He's not our can't just take him" Jeno groggily answers, slowly moving to stretch his back. He sits up and stares at his blue-haired boyfriend with an eyebrow raised. Jaemin sighs and rests his hands on his hips in a motherly manner.

"I do not care whether or not he's our child I stand by my point! Plus his mom likes me better so she'll be fine with it!" Jaemin screeches.

"I've been spending hours with her every day for two weeks straight just to teach her how to waltz. You cooked and cleaned once and you still think you're her favorite?" He responds sassily.

"Yah! My cooking is unforgettable!" Jaemin yells

"It's so early can't you quiet down a little?" Jeno winces at the loud noise.

"We have to leave in forty.....four minutes so respectfully WAKE YOUR ASS UP"

"What do we have to leave for?" Jeno asks still not fully awake.

"The airport???? Junnie's surprise???"

"That's not until Sunday." Jeno sighs and closes his eyes again.

"Nono. Today is Sunday" Jaemin says. Jeno's eyes shoot open as he frantically gets out of bed.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER" Jeno yells while scrambling to get ready. Jaemin sighs and lays down on his bed dramatically. Once Jeno is finally ready the two head out to pick up what Renjun calls "WayV" also known as his life long best friends. Jeno is freaking out whereas Jaemin is still trying to calm down from earlier.

"What if they hate us? And then they tell Renjun he shouldn't date us and he goes back to China with Kun!" Jeno thinks out loud

"Are you clinically insane?!" Jaemin exclaims and flicks Jeno on the forehead.

"It could happen!" Jeno tried his best to reason back

"We'll be fine as long as we aren't late so floor it!"

-at the airport-

"They're late" Kun says with a disgusted expression while crossing his arms

"Mom, we literally just walked off the plane we haven't even exited the jet bridge" Yangyang looks at him weirdly and marches forward with a smile. His boyfriends look at each other knowingly then follow him.

"I bet they're late" Kun mumbles and continues walking after the three. They exit they gates and see two tall and extremely handsome teenagers holding a sign that says 'Welcome to Korea, WayV! ' Kun scoffs at that and walks towards them. He has to be sure these two are good for his Injunnie.

"Jeno and Jaemin?" Kun asks with an eyebrow raised and a hand on his hip.

"That would be us!" Jaemin says happily.

"Let's go" Kun responds coldly. The two look at each other scared before Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang approach them.

"Don't worry about him. He's just really protective over Renjun. He always has been," Yangyang explains.

"It's okay, we understand" Jeno says with his eye smile and leads them to the car. The car ride to their hotel is silent and very uncomfortable but Jeno and Jaemin are willing to push through it for Renjun. When Jeno stops in front of the hotel the rest exit, dragging their luggage right behind them with Jaemin talking to Yangyang about some random show they both enjoy. Jeno parks close to the entrance then runs in to help them.

"Your rooms will be 830 and 831" The clerk says with a smile and pushes her sleek black hair behind her ear. She hands Kun the keys and slightly bows her head at the six of them, they return the action before walking away. Kun stops everyone before handing over one of the keys to Xiaojun.

"Yangyang, you're with me" He announces and pulls the boy closer to him.

"Wait what?! That's not fair! I wanna be with them!" He cries out while trying to loosen Kun's grip on him.

"Mama~ Why can't I be with them" Yangyang whines as his two boyfriends look at Kun with pleading eyes.

"Because Xiaojun and Hendery are both tops so they won't do anything without you and since our rooms are right next to each other I actually want to get sleep" Kun explains reasonably while Jeno and Jaemin look at each other impressed.

"I wouldn't have even thought of that" Jaemin admits. Hendery and Xiaojun look sadly at each other as Kun drags their boyfriend to the elevator. The rest follow after and they finally arrive at the two rooms. Kun hands Hendery the second key and they go intro their rooms while Jaemin and Jeno wait patiently outside. The four exit their rooms and are ready to surprise Renjun. He's been texting his boyfriends nonstop asking him where they are and saying if they stand him up on their date he'll break their arms

"How can someone so small be so aggressive" Jeno sighs while putting his phone in his back pocket.

"He's actually really scary" Xiaojun explains as the rest nod.

"I doubt that. Let's go!" Jaemin says happily while clapping his hands. The six walk out the building and to Jeno's White Jeep Wrangler and start driving towards where Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun's date was supposed to be. Jaemin answers Renjun's call for the first time after him trying over 10 times.

"YAH! NA JAEMIN! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO?! I SWEAR TO GOD WHENEVER I SEE YOU TWO AGAIN YOU WILL NEVER GET TO TOUCH ME OR I WILL CUT YOUR HANDS OFF!" He screams through the phone and Jaemin flinches while pulling his phone away from his face.

"Baby~ let's not be rash" Jaemin says softly

"RASH?! RASH? YOU GUYS STOOD ME UP! I LOOKED LIKE AN IDIOT!" Jaemin puts their aggressive boyfriend on speaker phone then looks at Jeno for help.

"We're very sorry about that, Bub. But we're on our way now!" Jeno tries to cut in and calm him down.



"Babe- we're 15 minutes away..." Jaemin pauses and looks at his clueless boyfriend before continuing with "FUCKING FLOOR IT" he yells and Jeno finally gets the point




fun fact! i have no idea how long the three have been dating for!!!! I lost count!!!! if it makes no sense that's on me!!! <3

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