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"What do you mean he wants me?" Renjun asks and Jaemin throws the letter towards him as he runs through his hair with his hands. Jeno stands up and walks towards Renjun to read the letter with him as soon as they finish Renjun tears the paper up.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" Jeno says angrily Jaemin looks up at them with tears streaming down his face the two rush to comfort him.

"He could never really have me" Renjun whispers and Jaemin grabs onto him tightly while sobbing into his shoulder. Renjun and Jeno try their hardest to calm him down but soon after the realization that they will have to break up with Renjun hits, Jeno also start crying. Renjun looks at both of them, determined not to lose them and hugs both of them tightly. After a while of trying to calm them down it finally works.

"We can't just give up" Renjun sighs

"There's nothing we can do. We can't let that happen to Haechan, he can't find out about this" Jaemin explains sadly. while holding tightly onto Renjun, never wanting to let him go.

"This can be a good thing!" Renjun says trying to cheer him up.

"how?" Jeno asks

"Think about it! If we pretend to break up, I'm never gonna actually leave you guys for a fucking stalker, then we can find out who it is that's been sending the messages and meet up at the a.m.r. to discuss things and like hang out!"

"You do kinda have a point but he's been watching you he'll know if we meet up" Jaemin expresses his concerns with Renjun's plan.

"then we can pass each other notes secretly and if we absolutely have to meet my mom or Winwin could sneak you guys into the house" Renjun explains and they begin devising a plan. The next day rolls around and Renjun wakes up to get ready for school, he turns in his bed and notices that the warmth that was surrounding him was no longer there. He pouts and crawls out of the bed, picking out a cute but still comfortable outfit to go for that 'we may have broken up but I'm still a bad bitch' look he was trying to attempt. After he's done getting ready he walks downstairs to find a plate filled with pancakes and two notes next to it. He sits down with a smile and opens the letters.

'Hey princess, we're sorry we weren't there when you woke up but I made you these pancakes so please forgive me (and give me extra boyfriend points cause Jeno did nothing). I love you! I'll see you at school! We got this!
Your Nana'

'Jaemin's letter had false information, I most definitely did do something! While he was cooking I stayed in bed with you to make sure you were warm therefore I also deserve boyfriend points. I love you. I won't let anyone else have you.
Your Nono'

After reading the letter he smiles happily and eats the breakfast Jaemin prepared for him, despite the fact that he hates breakfast. He puts on his game face and prepares to act like he hates them again. This shouldn't be too hard I just have to pretend I don't love them I have plenty of experience.

He walks into the large building, already getting many stares. People whisper from besides him "Where's Jeno and Jaemin? They always come together" Renjun glares at the gossipers with the mention of his "ex"-boyfriends' names and continues walking. The gossiping continues but that makes him happier. The quicker the news spreads about them breaking up the sooner he gets to find out who has been terrorizing his loved ones for years. Before he gets to his locker Haechan runs up to him and grabs his arm.

"It's not true right? You guys didn't break up did you?" Haechan asks in between gasps for air. Renjun shrugs and nods while removing Haechan's hand from his arm.

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU GUYS WERE SUPPOSED TO LAST FOREVER!" Chenle comes up from behind them screaming at Renjun in Mandarin.

"Jesus Christ, sometimes shit just doesn't go as planned. Got it?" Renjun responds back in Korean so Haechan can understand as well. He continues walking to his locker with the two following him and interrogating him. Once he gets to his locker Lucas also runs up to the group.

"Jeno and Jaemin are back to the way they used to be but like ten times worse! I've never seen them like this! Even I'm scared" He informs them while looking at Renjun practically begging him to stop them.

"Not my problem," Renjun stares at him and then continues, "anyway I'd like to be alone right now so could you guys please let me be?" His friends reluctantly nod and walk away from him. He finally has the chance to open his locker and as soon as he does he hears someone lean on the lockers next to his. Without even looking he rolls his eyes and slams one of his books into the locker.

"Lucas! Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?!" He finally looks over at the culprit.

"You..are not Lucas?" Renjun says confused, he recognizes the person from somewhere but he can't pinpoint it exactly.

"I am not" The taller teen smiles and winks. Renjun immediately recognizes the voice and his eyes widen in disbelief. Could this be him?

"Weren't you the guy that said no one would ever love someone like me?!" Renjun says angrily. The other scratches his nape, embarrassment written all over his face.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that. I was really deep into the closet then and I was just jealous of how close Jeno and Jaemin were to you" he admits.

"Didn't you get beaten up for that shit?" Renjun asks the boy responds with a nod. This could be him.

"I'm actually pretty new to the school as well! I only got here last year so I knew what you were going through, I shouldn't have said what I did" He attempts to apologize. The boy from Photography has been here since at least sophomore year, it can't be him.

"Well what do you want with me now...Yunho, right?" Renjun asks and grabs his needed materials from his locker, extremely uninterested now that he knows it's not who he's looking for.

"Do you maybe wanna go on a date? We could get some coffee or go to a movie" Yunho asks with hope filling his tone only for it to be shattered by Renjun closing his locker loudly and glaring at him.

"I broke up with my boyfriends a day ago, do you honestly think I would be interested in anyone? especially you?" Yunho looks away from Renjun's eyes sadly then walks away. Renjun shrugs and walks to his first period. When he sees Jeno, he fights the urge to smile and run up to him giving him a million little kisses like he normally would, instead he walks to his teacher's desk and asks if him and Haechan could switch seats. Mr. Kwon gives him a questioning glance but nods and announces that him and Haechan will be switching seats. Haechan looks at Jeno, not believing this is actually happening then gets up and moves. Renjun sits down in his new seat and focuses on the teacher, he knows if he looks at Jeno again he'll smile too happily. The rest of the class is spent with Haechan passing notes to Jeno and Renjun trying his best to get them to reconcile, not knowing nothing has changed. After Haechan's fifth attempt of passing a note to Renjun he looks over at him with the notes in his hand and a small smile. Haechan looks back at him happily, hoping he just fixed his best friend's relationship but Renjun quickly drops his smile and crushes the notes and focusing back on the teacher. After class Renjun packs up his things and walks to his locker without saying a word to Haechan. On his way there, many people come up to him and ask him out. As if now that he's "on the market" everyone wants to get him. He declines every offer and continues to his locker, when he opens it a note falls from the top. He stares at it for a second before picking it up to examine it closely.

'Meet me on the rooftop @ lunch
-The Boy from Photography'




it's almost 4 am and i haven't slept so here's this. i'll correct any errors when i wake up 💕

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