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"What did you guys do to him?" Haechan accuses Jeno and Jaemin who look at each other amused and shrug while leaning back into the couch. Haechan gets up from his place on the floor and follows Renjun to his room.

"Hey...you okay?" he asks from the doorway, Renjun looks up at him and nods. Haechan walks further in to the room awkwardly.

"You must really like Moomin, huh?" he says with a nervous chuckle.

"Just say whatever you're thinking, Channie" Renjun responds amused

"Do you like them? I mean I'm not blind. I can see how you look at them. We all can."

"Yeah...I do" he says calmly, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his chest

"I'm not gonna judge you for it or anything but I will say I am worried for you" Haechan says.

"What? Why would you be worried?"

"I know you said they're nice to you but they're still the two most notorious people at the school. What if they try to hurt you and i'm not there to protect you... I'd never be able to live with my–"

"Haechan!" Renjun calls out to interrupt him and wraps his arms around his frame tightly, "I'm completely safe with them they won't hurt me and thank you for worrying about me I'm glad to have such a great friend like you"

"If they ever hurt you I'll make sure they don't live to see tomorrow"

"duly noted but let's get back to Avengers we don't wanna miss any more Thor" Renjun says while chuckling at his comment.

They walk downstairs together and get back to where they were sitting only for Renjun to find Jeno and Jaemin snuggled up close together soundly asleep. He looks around and it seems almost everyone except him and Haechan have fallen asleep so they decide to turn off the movie and let everyone rest while they clean up the mess they made. When they're done Haechan walks back to the living room and says he's gonna take the others home in Lucas' car as as they all leave the house half awake and barely able to comprehend what's going on Renjun walks behind them slowly to lock the door after them. When he gets back to the sofa he sits down next to Jaemin and admires the two of them sleeping. Oh I should probably get them a blanket. He stands up but Jaemin grabs his wrist and pulls him right in between them.

"Stay with us for tonight, baby" he says in a low, groggily tired voice that makes Renjun's heart do backflips. He is unable to speak after that so he just nods and sinks deeper into their embrace, not feeling uncomfortable but definitely not letting himself get too used to this. To them. He eventually falls asleep inhaling their scents like an addict.

When Renjun wakes up Jaemin has disappeared somewhere and Jeno is still fast asleep with his arms tightly wrapped around him. He softly grabs onto Jeno's wrist to try and remove them from his waist without waking him up but he just pulls Renjun closer to his chest.

"I don't want you to leave, bub" Jeno says still mostly asleep so with that Renjun just sighs and closes his eyes again. A few minutes later he reopens his eyes due to a strange clicking noise when he looks up he sees Jaemin a few feet away smiling widely with his phone facing us to take pictures.

"Na Jaemin! You better delete those!" Renjun whisper-yells at the pink haired menace

"Why?! You two look so adorable!" He argues back at the same volume

"What are you guys arguing about so early in the morning?" Jeno says in a deep morning voice

"That was hot" Renjun says without fully thinking about it then rushes to cover his mouth in shock.

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