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After waking up, still on the bench near his window, Renjun caresses his tear stained cheek remembering what had happened the night prior.

"Oh my god Jeno probably saw me having a complete breakdown like a little bitch" He rushes to close his curtains and walks to the bathroom attached to his room. After he takes a warm shower to wash away his sins he picks out a simple outfit; a pink sweater and some denim overalls with round glasses. He takes note that he's going to be late to school but it's his first week so the teachers will excuse it. When he finishes getting ready he grabs his bag and leaves not caring about eating breakfast. He leaves his phone at home due to it not being able to charge last night and not being a necessity to him which made him miss a string of texts and calls from his friends, mainly Haechan yelling at him to get to school before the dean calls home, nothing too important. The cold air hits his face and he instantly regrets waking up, but he still starts walking to school. Jeno and Jaemin shouldn't be a problem right now, anyone would be crazy to walk to school right now knowing they'll be late. Renjun almost passes the park near his house when a car pulls up next to him. I guess this is where I die. He slowly turns his head to look at the driver and sees Jeno and Jaemin sitting in the front seats.

"This is not happening. I'm dreaming right now" He says astounded at the sight

"Aww baby, are we in your dreams?" Jaemin says happily but Renjun ignores him and continues walking.

"Come on bub, hop in, you're gonna be late!" Jeno says convincingly. He stops in his tracks and contemplates the offer for a moment. Beats the cold weather. He gives in and climbs in the back seat.
(a/n i could not physically handle writing 'baby boy' every time jeno is talking to him maybe i'll keep it sometimes but now it's bub love it or hate it)

"You look cute today bub," Jeno says while glancing back at him through the rear view mirror. He slightly scoffs, assuming the raven-haired boy is just teasing him and stays silent. He stays like that for a while and doesn't say a word as they blast music, even though they are all songs he adores, he's just not feeling it. The next time he looks up they've arrived at school with a few minutes to spare. Renjun tries to unbuckle his seatbelt but it gets stuck. If I am trapped in his car I'm gonna throw a fit. He keeps trying to get out when he feels someone's hands helping him and setting him free. When he looks up from his lap he sees Jaemin staring at him with an adoring glint in his eyes. Renjun pushes past him and jumps down from the car to start walking away but stops a few feet away from them and turns around to look at them.

"Thank you both" he says with a slight blush spreading across his cheeks and walks away.

"Let's go easy on him today. He had a rough night." Jeno whispers to Jaemin.

"Yeah, he wasn't as fiery today" Jaemin replies and they both start walking in after him.

Renjun walks up to Lucas and they start sharing details of their nights, Renjun, like a logical human being doesn't tell Lucas about what really happened last night but he does tell him how his mother wants to have everyone over. He agrees and tells Renjun to text him the details and he'll pick everyone else up. They say goodbye to each other and then separate to walk to their first period. While he's walking, Jeno runs up behind Renjun and wraps his arm around the smaller boy.

"Wow baby boy you fit perfectly in my arms. It's like you're meant to be there,"

"Jeno, please let me go people are staring."

"And? Let them stare. Now they know, you're mine"

"Jeno~ come on" he whines

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