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"Uhh Haechan. Can we talk to you? Please?" Jaemin asks quietly from the door to Renjun's bedroom. The two turn to face them before Renjun looks back at Haechan questioningly and Haechan nods as a response and lets go of Renjun's hand. Renjun slowly stands up and walks out of his room without saying a word or even looking at his boyfriends.

"He's still mad at you two," Haechan says after they watch Renjun leave. They turn their heads back towards Haechan and walk closer to him after closing the door behind them. Suddenly, Jaemin bows until he's at about a 45 degree angle.

"I'm so sorry" Jaemin apologizes trying to keep his composure but his voice cracks and when he looks back up you can see he probably would start crying if Haechan doesn't say something

"Dude what the fuck? I'm not an elder. A simple apology would've done" Haechan says still a little shocked. Jaemin smiles and sits down on Renjun's bed near his childhood friend.

"Jeno, you can sit too," Haechan says without looking at him "I know how stubborn you are. You never apologized for anything–"

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you in the past I hope we can move forward as better people and grow stronger from this starting now" Jeno says sincerely.

"I stand corrected" Haechan says and pats the area on the bed in front of him to signal Jeno to sit down.

"We truly are sorry. I wish we would've said so sooner. Even if you don't forgive us we had to apologize," Jaemin admits sincerely.

"I forgave you two a while ago" Haechan smiles widely.

"What? When?" Jeno asks confused.

Haechan distorts his face making it seem like he's thinking about his answer, leaving Jeno and Jamein anticipating."Like? An hour ago?" Upon hearing his answer the two blink at him shocked, wondering if they heard that right.

"I'm just playing with you guys! I forgave you months ago when you guys started dating my Moominnie" He admits but when he sees how confused they still are he explains further.

"When he first started liking you guys I was all against it but then I started to see him change. He wasn't sad all the time anymore...he didn't look at everyone he met like they would just be another person that would leave him or someone he couldn't trust. He started to get so much more comfortable around us. He would actually eat during lunch. He'd send memes in our groupchat, even though no one understood them. We finally got to hear him laugh and see him smile and I knew it wasn't fake or forced like they always were before...he was great at hiding it before but I could see right through him. It was really hard seeing him go through that all that alone before but when he met you two he wasn't alone anymore. So don't hurt him. Okay? You have to promise me you won't break his heart" Haechan says seriously, which is very rare for him.

"Holy shit why would you say that now I'm gonna cry and ruin my perfectly good makeup" Jaemin says while wiping away the tears that were brimming his eyes. They hear a few laughs from outside the door before realizing

"They're all out there listening to everything, aren't they?" Jeno asks quietly, a little embarrassed. The other two nod and slowly stand up to tiptoe towards the door. When they open it basically everyone who was a guest is there and the people who were listening fall onto the floor on top of each other in one big pile.

"Fancy seeing you guys here" Yangyang says and awkwardly laughs. Renjun emerges from the crowd with the same blank expression from before, still refusing to look at them.

"Junnie, we're so sorry" Jaemin says. Renjun looks up at the two and out of nowhere he's beaming a wide smile and runs into their arms happily.

"Thank you for apologizing to him" He says softly. They both let out sighs of relief and hug him back tighter than ever.

"I'm hungry..." Hendery interrupts the three's moment and everyone erupts into laughter.

"I'll cook for everybody!" Jaemin offers.

"I'll help" Kun says and starts walking downstairs with the rest following behind him. The group sits down in the living room and watch a movie. Jeno pulls Renjun closer to him and hugs him softly.

"Are you sure you're not still mad at us?" He asks quietly

"I am still kinda mad but I know a way to get over it quickly" Renjun whispers back

"How?" Jeno asks confused.

"Like this" Renjun smiles and kisses Jeno softly. Jeno melts into the kiss and turns a dark shade of red after they break apart

"Aw you're so cute when you blush!" Renjun exclaims and pinches his cheek

"Shut up I was just surprised" He says while pouting and covering his cheeks

"Yeah surprised in a cute way" Renjun replies.

"Hey guys? Yeah, there's still like nine other people here. If you two are gonna make out do that in private" Winwin says disgusted

"Sicheng? When did you get home?" Renjun asks

"I can see how much you love classes ended early I've been here for everything"

"Damn bro you must be really unnoticeable" Renjun says in mandarin and laughs at his brother with the rest of WayV.

"Yah! WayV! You guys are supposed to be on my side! I'm part of the group too!" Winwin complains in a whiny tone.

"You boys better not be fighting out there!" Kun yells from the kitchen.

"Sorry, Mom!" the rest of WayV calls out in unison. as everyone else laughs at them.

"Aren't you older than Kun-ge?" Chenle asks Winwin suspiciously. Winwin looks over to him slightly offended

"We're the same age but he was born in January and I was born in October" Winwin explains and Chenle makes an "o" shape with his mouth in understanding.

"Hey Renjun, why are you in Dream and not WayV? Didn't you like...make WayV??" Soojin asks

"I mean I guess I kinda did make it but I've always imagined myself in Dream...WayV was just an easier way to address them" He responds and shrugs.

"I'm sure you all have forgotten but we are still watching a movie" Shuhua says frankly annoyed that everyone has been speaking over her favorite movie, Inception. The rest of the group stays silent only hearing a few arguments coming from the kitchen any time one of them messes up. Right before the movie ends Jaemin and Kun come out of the kitchen (which is a mess by now) with big smiles and tells everyone to come eat.

"THAT WAS THE GOOD PART!" Shuhua screams in mandarin before sighing and joining everyone else for dinner.

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