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The group hangs out every day until Winwin's surprise birthday, all of them getting extremely close to each other. When the day finally arrives Renjun is at Jaemin's house getting ready with him and Jeno, this wasn't suspicious at all since he goes over their houses all the time but Winwin does think the fact that all of Renjun's friends are also with them at Jaemin's house is a little out of the ordinary. He decides not to question it and just texts his boyfriend. He hasn't heard from him today.


you've barely talked to me today :(

sorry hun, i've been super
busy with choreo i'll
talk to you later! <3

"Did he forget that it's my birthday?" Sicheng asks himself sadly and sets his phone down on the couch. He huffs and crosses his arms dramatically before saying "that's homophobic. I'm breaking up with him"

"Wow...I guess drama really does run in the family," Ms. Huang says from his door, finally stepping into his big room that has yellow flowers painted all over it, which is obviously Renjun's doing. The rest of his room is incredibly neat but only due to the fact that he basically only uses it for sleeping and spends most of his hours in the dance studio or in the living room watching kdramas with his mom.

"Mommy~ Yuta didn't wish me happy birthday!" He whines

"He could be waiting until later" She almost exposes herself and ruins everything without realizing. Luckily her son is too stupid for that.

"What's later?"

"Oh, no. I just meant like until the actual time you were born. Later." She stealthily covers up her mistake.

"Oooh that makes sense"

"That or he forgot" She jokes around

"Hey!" He exclaims while softly pushing her.

"You said it first!" She retaliates

"Mom! I really need you to be on my side!"

"I'm always on your side, angel"

"good. anyway do you know why all of Renjun's friends are over Jaemin's house?"

"Hm. I don't know," she lied "maybe they're just hanging out"

"i can't believe he's hanging out with other people on my birthday" he pouts

"am i not enough for you?" she asks him offended at his words.

"you're all that matters, mama" He quickly covers up

"do you want to go out for lunch?"


"wherever you want, it's your birthday" She smiles and stands up, wiping off her long red dress for no particular reason.

"Okayyy...then...I want to stay home! plus you're gonna take me out for a big birthday dinner anyway"

"Oh am I?"

"it's my nineteenth birthday. you better" He stares at her with a snarky smile. She looks back and rolls her eyes before walking to the kitchen and preparing food for them. When she finishes Winwin rushes over to her and sits down, ready to eat the food that never disappoints him: his mom's classic gong bao chicken.

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