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"Jesus Christ, Sicheng. You're not my dad" Renjun rolls his eyes at his dramatic older brother while dragging his terrified boyfriends into the house.

"Well I'm not dead or deadbeat but I sure as hell am the closest thing you've got to a dad" Winwin replies nonchalantly while closing the door behind the three.

"Damn bro you didn't have to roast our dead dad like that"

"The cremators did, why can't I?"

"Damn what the fuck. You're ruthless" Renjun says while sitting down on the couch next to Jeno and Jaemin, who are both still very shaken up.

"I still stand by my point. Both of you. What are your intentions with my little brother?" He asks again causing Jeno and Jaemin to look at each other worried.

"Uh...we don't have any bad intentions.." Jaemin says cautiously.

"Hm.. good. Jeno?"

"Yes sir! I mean..y-yes" Jeno says while looking at Winwin like a deer caught in headlights.

"You're a dancer?" Winwin asks a question he already knows the answer to but Jeno nods with a hum.

"Any good?"

"Not nearly as good as you" Jeno throws out the sudden compliment

"How 'bout I see for myself?" Winwin says while standing up and walking towards the stairs for the basement. Jeno looks at Renjun and Jaemin bewildered and they give him reassuring smiles.

"You got this, babe" Renjun says while giving him a thumbs up. Jeno smiles and follows Winwin downstairs.

"Now, let's get some food in your system" Jaemin says and walks towards the kitchen.

"Nana, I'm really okay. I don't eat breakfast"

"That won't do. You've gotta grow up to be big and strong just like me and Jeno"

"I'm older than both of you??" Renjun states, still resting on the couch but now bending over to grab the TV remote.

"I stand by what I said. Come on~ you already know I'm a great cook."

"Fine. Do whatever you want"

A while passes and Renjun almost falls asleep watching his favorite K-Drama, but waking up to breakfast would be a little too cliché so right before Renjun dozes off he's called to the kitchen by Jaemin. He is presented with a full breakfast with tons of side dishes. Renjun looks at Jaemin shocked that the younger would even think Renjun could eat all of this.

"Jaemin this is a lot of food"

"I know. That's why I texted Jeno and told him to meet us up here for breakfast. He should be here any sec-" Jaemin is cut off by Jeno laughing loudly while entering the kitchen

"You two seem to be getting along well" Renjun says while smiling at his brother and boyfriend

"Bro, he's such a good dancer. I'm almost scared for him to come to SSM" Winwin brags about Jeno causing him to blush shyly. +10 boyfriend points for Jeno.

"Boys! I'm home!" Renjun's mom says from the door.

"MOM!" Renjun and Winwin both yell excitedly before running up to their mom and hugging the life out of her.

"Guys I was gone for two days...did one of you manage to cook without burning the house down?" She asks curiously.

"Hey! I can cook really well! It's Sicheng who can't!" Renjun whines

"Yeah but would your lazy ass ever actually cook?" She says while walking into the kitchen and sees Jaemin standing awkwardly with an apron tied tightly around his waist. Her eyes then move to Jeno who has beads of sweat looming on his forehead from dancing.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Na Jaemin" He says politely while bowing

"I'm Lee Jeno" He says and follows the other's actions.

"Renjun are these the ones who you said made your first day of school awful?" She asks while looking back at her son to which he nods.

"But now they're my boyfriends so I take that back" He admits and she nods before looking at Winwin.

"I'm assuming you already cleared them?" She asks the older son

"Yeah they're really chill."

"Okay. Nice to meet you both!" She turns back to face them with a bright smile that looks exactly like Renjun's.

"Jaemin did you cook?" She says while admiring the food before them.

"W-well yes I did" He says still confused that she had no reaction to Renjun saying he had two boyfriends.

"This looks amazing! Come on everyone, sit down we need to eat before this gets cold!" She claps her hands together. The five of them eat together peacefully and Jaemin quickly becomes Renjun's mother's favorite boyfriend with his advanced cooking skills.

"Jaemin you can come over and cook any time you'd like. This is delicious" +15 boyfriend points for Jaemin.

"Oh, thank you ma'am" He says with a charming smile.

"Jeno, you can come over whenever you want to dance." Winwin says happily. +5 boyfriend points for Jeno.

"You guys can also come over whenever you want to hang out with your loving boyfriend. Who you two have completely forgotten about" Renjun crosses his arm and turns away from them dramatically. -3 boyfriend points for Jeno and Jaemin.

"Aw baby~ of course we would come to see you" Jaemin walks over to Renjun and wraps his arm around him and Jeno soon follows after.

"Mmhm" Renjun hums sassily.

"We swear!" Jeno says even going as far as to hold up three fingers to swear to the older.

"I don't believe you" Renjun says while jumping off of his chair and walking to his bedroom

"Ma'am I'll be right back to clean this all up" Jaemin says to Renjun's mother before dragging Jeno along to run after their boyfriend.

"I think they're adorable together" Ms. Huang says to Winwin, he nods in agreement.

-Meanwhile in Renjun's room-

"You guys like my family more than me!" He pouts and turns his body on the bench so that he's facing out the window and not the two boys in front of him

"Bub, you know that's not true"

"I'm calling Kun and telling him to take me back to China" He huffs and grabs his phone

"Who's Kun? That's not important- Baby, you don't wanna go back to China. You wanna stay here and cuddle us" Jaemin says with a wide smile as Renjun slowly turns to look at them.

"...I guess you're right" he says and walks over toward them.

"Cuddles?" Jeno says with puppy dog eyes no one could say no to.

"I mean how could I resist" Renjun smiles and jumps on the bed with them.

"See aren't you glad you didn't go back to China" Jeno says triumphantly.

"Mmhm" Renjun hums contentedly.

"Oh shit, we have school tomorrow!" Jaemin says suddenly after at least an hour of comfortable silence.

"I DIDN'T DO MY HOMEWORK!" Renjun yells and scrambles to get up before running over to his backpack.

"Do you need help? We finished most of our homework already"Jeno suggests

"Okay 1) I get it, you guys are good students. no need to rub it in my face," Renjun says as they all laugh "and 2) you guys actually could help me. With my art project!" He says happily.

"How could we help you with art?" Jaemin asks.

"Well, my dear boyfriends, you two are the perfect muses" He says, smiling while pulling out his sketchbook.

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