Chapter 28- Road To The Past

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Jewels P.O.V

Its been days since Mike and I started to make him remember his past, it was tough at first, but gladly, it wasn't that hard after all, all you need is patience, but sometimes, you need a bit more extra.

/At The Park\

"Mike lets go, lets move on to the next part, hurry!" I shouted while my ice cream was melting all over my hand as the sun was scorching hot.

"Just a couple more minutes, I really need to take a piss, just a minute more!" He shouted back with his eyes tearing up of too much waiting.

"You think a minute can be enough time for you to pee? I mean look at the line, theres like..5..6..9..people lining up, and you think you can make it? Lets go, I bet theres a vacant rest room ahead." I replied.

"Urggh, fine lets go, but lets find one quick." As he left the line while walking in an unusual way.

Mikes P.O.V

"Urggh, I didn't know Jewel was this grumpy, or was she even grumpier before? I hope not." I said to myself.

We were trying to find a vacant restroom around and every time I looked left to right, I start remembering some memories, but not that clear..

"Uhmm Jewel, were you this grumpy before I lost my memory?" I asked.

She looked straight into my eyes with a frustrated look and said,

"No, Im not." In a cute and innocent way.

"Wow, that was unexpected." I said to myself.

Jewels P.O.V

"Mike, up ahead, theres a vacant rest room over there, go do your business!" I announced.

He ran up to the room and not even half through he was already taking his pants off, which was sorta embarrassing, but lets face it, its Mike, and we cant do anything about it.

Mike then left the room,

"Phew, thank God, I feel great now, nothing to hold on and stuff, now where next?" Mike asked with relief.

"Actually, I..I don't know, sorry, but its kinda hard, lets just continue when you really want to Mike." I answered.

"Thats a great idea, for now, lets head to the mall, its burning hot out here, or maybe its just you." He answered with quite a few tricks on his sleeves.

"Oohh, that pick up line though, to be honest Mike, sometimes, I want to write "I Miss You" on a rock, and throw it at you, so you would know how it hurts for me missing the old you, or rather, I just want to see you in pain." I stated.

"Hmpphff good one, my turn, If I were to reach the sky and pick a star at every time you make me smile, Id have the whole night sky in the palm of my hand just by being with you." He replied.

I was left speechless after his words, I felt so happy after hearing it, and to make it better he concluded,

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite."

I almost died after hearing those words, I wanted to faint but I didn't, but his words are so irresistible I wanted to cry of joy.

"Bet you weren't expecting that did you? Enough chit chat, lets head to the mall now." He announced.

/At The Mall\

"Say, Jewel, that name on that poster seems pretty familiar, you know anything about it?" Mike asked as he pointed his finger on the poster.

The poster clearly said Isabel and might have made him wonder who that was, so I decided to say no,

"No Mike, I don't recall any Isabel before, do you?" I answered.

"I just started remembering and you think I know this Isabel person?!" He shouted.

"Then why are you shouting?!" I shouted back.

"Because I want to say, Id rather lose to you in an argument, than to lose you in an argument."

Holy crap, that, was, not, BAD! I was surely not expecting that.

"Nice, I was planning on that, I just made up the Who is this Isabel thing just to make you say that, and you did, so I said it, hope you liked it." He explained.

"Mehh, I don't like it." I answered.

"Wait what...?" He asked with surprise.

"I love it!" I shouted.

"Ohh you, as he hugged me."

Soon after we decided to go home, I kissed a goodbye at Mike as we left, surely, he already remembers where he lives and wont get lost.

Mikes P.O.V

"Phheew, what a day, I like this Road To The Past, its fun remembering all these memories, but kinda tiring too, I hope I could remember everything now." I said to myself.

As I looked in the mirror while washing my face and brushing my teeth before going to sleep, I saw this girl, she was about to ride the plane, I didn't know who she was, but sorta familiar, so I didn't mind and went to sleep.

The next day, Jewel wasn't around because she attended some sort of activity at school, and as everyone should know, I don't go to school yet, because its gonna be tough for me, so I decided to walk around the city.

I was walking around as a stranger comes up to me,

"Hey Mike, its me Pete, hows Isabel? I heard shes doing fine in New York, how are you?" Pete asked.

"Uhm, do I know you? And who is this Isabel?" I answered back.

"What are you talking about? Its me, Pete, Isabel's boyfriend, don't you remember?"

"Im sorry, but I had an accident a week ago and had amnesia, and I hope you understand why I might not remember you, or this Isabel person." I explained.

"Ohhh, sorry, but one thing to tell you before I leave, Isabel's your best friend, thats it, sorry but I better go, see ya next time dude." As Pete ran.

I then was left to wonder,

"Who is this Isabel person, she seems super familiar, is she my other girlfriend?! Am I a double timer?! Do I not remember because I had amnesia?! Hmm, I guess not, if she really was, that Pete dude should've already beat me to a pulp by now."

I continued walking around and I ended back in the park, I sat down in the soft grass beside a shady tree and started to fall asleep, as I started to get knocked out, I started remembering the girl I saw riding the plane back home when I was fixing myself, then it hit me.

I remembered who this Isabel was but not completely, that Pete was right, Isabel is my best friend, my partner in crime, but it was still not clear to me on what happened to both of us, all I remember was that she was my best friend,

Then I quickly fell asleep under the shady tree.

- Hi guys, did you notice that there were quite a few Pickup Lines/Quotes in todays Chapter, I hope you like it, and heres something to tickle your head, I told the real life Jewel some of those Quotes and she liked it, so I decided to add it here, so you guys would know. :)

- Lets hit this Chapter to maybe 15-30 Reads and 5 Votes till I post the new chapter? Seems like the last one was a bit too much :D

- Enjoy the story, leave a Comment or Vote for more :)

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