Chapter 2: Thinking

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A/N: Just a heads up- Sabre is 16 in this story but the Steve's are not aware of that fact, and 'human' years are not a well-understood concept.

3rd Person POV 2 months ago~ with Sabre~

Sabre had said his goodbyes to Galaxy and Alex. He was ready to start his own life, without crazy people with powers attacking all the time. He continued walking until he met a small body of water. He sat down on the side and took a minute to think.

'Now that I can do whatever I want... what do I want? I can't remember anything in my early childhood, I've been on my own for so long... The only family I have is the people I just said bye to.'  He sighs and looks down at that thought, why couldn't he remember his early childhood? He only has bits and pieces, no parents, no homes. He's been on his own for as long as he can remember. 'I could always try to find Lucas again... but I haven't seen him in so long.'

"All I've ever known is these Steve's. Maybe I shouldn't leave yet, maybe I should stay with my friends and enjoy the peace I've worked so hard to reach... Yeah! What am I doing leaving so soon? I have a place where I'm welcomed to be." He says to himself.

He gets up and turns to head back to the village, but before he can start on his way there is a noise from the side of the pond. He heads over to the bushes where he heard it and before he can realize what's happening, he gets grabbed from behind.

The person is obviously stronger than him, and his struggles don't amount to much. Though, of course, that doesn't stop him from trying, flinging his arms and legs this way and that. The second he opens his mouth a hand is placed over it preventing any noise other than muffled grunts from escaping.

The person releases the hand on his mouth for a mere second before clenching it around Sabre's throat.

He splutters, arms scrambling and hands tugging at the grip, but it holds tight and Sabre notices black consuming the edge of his vision. His struggles slow as he begins to pass out, barely conscious enough to understand the mysterious person's words.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay. You'll love your new purpose."

With that, and catching a glimpse of yellow, he fell limp within the person's hold.

Rainbow Steve POV - Present

It's been around a month since I've gotten back, and things have been amazing! Everyone in the village is so kind and nice, they welcomed me straight away!

It's so great, but I wish Sabre was here, I watched him from the spirit world and he seemed to really miss me, and when he visited me that one time. I miss him so much.

I still don't understand why I can't remember the last few weeks in the spirit realm... it's so odd, I can remember everything else! Even my past with Blue and stuff.

I can't help but feel something is still wrong with Sabre. Sure, I originally thought it was just him leaving, but the feeling that something is wrong is still there.

"Hey, Rain?" I look up to find a smiling Galaxy waving his hand in my face, I must've zoned out.

"You good there, buddy?" He asks, I nod.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." He comes and sits next to me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I debate on telling him or not, because I know he misses Sabre as well and I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I need to tell someone.

"Sabre," I answer simply, I look over to see the smile on his face isn't there anymore.

"You miss him? Yeah, I miss him too, he was one of my only best friends." He sighs.

"No- well- yes, I do miss him but that's not it," He gets a confused look on his face waiting for me to finish what I was saying, "I feel like something is wrong with him, really wrong, like something happened to him."

"We can go look for him if you want," Galaxy shrugs, "but I've already tried to find him multiple times, I think he just tried to disappear."

"Hmm, yea, can we look for him tomorrow? Please? Just to ease my mind a bit?" Galaxy nods, and I give him a quick thank you before he walks off, probably to find some kind of sandwich or something.


Another Short One Bites The Dust

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