Chapter 5: Deal

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3rd Person POV

"Yes, we have a deal." Sabre cringed at the selfish words that came out of his mouth, but he wanted Rainbow back.... Bad enough that he would work with the villain in order to do it.

Meanwhile, Nightmare smirked, his plan had worked; he knew Sabre wouldn't join him with his normal confidence levels, so he broke him a bit- watching your friends die on repeat will do that to a person. Especially a child.

"You agreed. Good." Nightmare walked up to Sabre to undo the chains. "Do not try anything, if you do I will send Dark to dispose your friends." He undid the chains and Sabre complied not running or anything he just stood there.

"Now, there are a few more things I need to do." Nightmare said, with an evil smile forming. "Just so you know I'm not one to be messed with..."

Before Sabre could understand Nightmare used his speed to rip off Sabre's blindfold. Revealing one pure blue eye and one pure green eye, both slightly glowing. Sabre quickly closed his eyes once more. He hated showing his eyes, they were weird and abnormal.

Nightmare Steve's POV

So the rumors were true... he is their kid.... well that's interesting, I'll make a plan about that later, for now, I have a new minion to command!

"Open your eyes, Sabre," I say sternly. I have other ways to make him comply if I need to use them. "Open them or I will hurt your friends, personally, and I hit harder than Dark." I threaten and he listens and opens them but looks down, oh well I tried.

I've had this plan in the works for a very long time, a chicken onesie isn't very, me, like. Need to fix that, but first...

"Since you are a 'prince' now you need a room." Ew, I sound so nice right now. Whatever maybe he will listen easier. Not that he has a choice. He nods and I tell him to follow me.

Sabre's POV

He tells me to follow so I do, I hope I didn't make a big mistake. At least I'm out of that cell. He keeps glancing back at me, probably making sure I don't run off, understandable, I'm known for being good at escaping.

We eventually reach a door. He opens it and motions for me to walk inside. I'm so quiet it's even weird for me, I guess I just don't want to talk.

"Switch into what's on the dresser, here's this." He throws me my blindfold. "But do not put it on." And with that, he walks out the door closing it behind him. I heard a clicking noise so he most likely locked it.

I look around the room everything is so evil looking, I guess the bed is nice. The walls are red, the floor black, and the bed yellow, most of the other furniture is normal colors.

I turn to the dresser he wants me to switch into different clothes. So... I do. It's just a yellow hoodie and some black pants. There is also hair dye with a note attached? Jeez, Nightmare is weirder than I thought.

The note simply said: Just use it I don't care how but use it.

So I decided to just do the tips.
I go and look in the mirror... I don't even look like myself anymore.

(Art has been removed. It simply showed Sabre with his multi-colored eyes in the outfit Nightmare required. The tips of his hair were dyed red)

I did everything I was told, wow I really do feel like a kid now.

No, Sabre stop that, you aren't a kid--Haven't been since you woke up alone when you were seven. I tell myself.

I put the blindfold inside the dresser. I look around the room and spot a bookshelf with actual books, I guess reading one couldn't hurt, just to pass some time...

3rd Person POV~1-week time skip~

Today was the day Rainbow Steve would come back, Nightmare was holding up his end of the bargain so he would have Sabre for good.

He knew Sabre would want to come but he couldn't risk him being seen yet. Not that he looked much like Sabre anymore but he was still cautious. He told Dark to keep an eye on the teen. For some reason, Sabre trusted Dark somewhat, but Nightmare he had no trust for.

With that Nightmare headed out to return Rainbow Steve to the world.

~Time Skip~

Sabre was pacing around his room, waiting for Nightmare to return, he didn't understand why he couldn't go with him but he didn't question it. Working for Steve, and an evil one at that, was an odd experience but so far it had been okay. Sabre wasn't forced to do anything... horrible yet.

Sabre heard lighting signaling he had returned, Sabre sped walked out of his room, only to meet eyes with Nightmare. The yellow-colored Steve had a smug look on his face. Sabre only hoped it was signaling something good.

"Did it work?" Sabre asked.

"Yes." Nightmare simply replied.

"Can I see him? Please?" Nightmare knew this question would come so he nodded and grabbed Sabre's arm, teleporting him to where he had summoned Rainbow Steve.

Sabre watch as Galaxy and Alex ramble to Rainbow about what he missed, Sabre couldn't help but smile at this, his first real smile in weeks.

Though the smile quickly faded as he remembered the deal he had made. He wouldn't get to spend time with Rain, but at least he had him back.

Nightmare grabbed Sabre's arm once more and teleported him back to the castle. Now that Rainbow was out of the way, he could put his plans in place.

"It's time for you to be a prince, Little Sabre."



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