Chapter 7: Interrogation

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Sabre's POV

I wake up tired to chair, I look around the room I'm in- it just looks like a living room of some sort. What happened? Oh. Right. Nightmare and Dark just left me! Without warning! I knew something was up. What do I do now? I guess I'll just wait for someone to come here.

It seems my wishes have come true, but unfortunately, it's the faces I really didn't want to see. Rainbow, Galaxy, Alex, and the Overseer. My friends. I don't want them to see me like this, not that they know it's me.

Alex looks me in the eyes. She seems shocked and worried, I wonder what caused that reaction.

"You're awake I see." Overseer says. I just look at him, why don't I just tell them who I am...

"I know a lot more than you think I do.... and Sabre, if anything happens you do not, DO NOT, say who you really are, or I will kill your friends. I will know."

Yeah... can't do that... I can't risk it.

"Not much of talker I guess," Alex says to the others and Galaxy shrugs. Little do they know, I have a ton to say... I just can't say it.

I tug at the ropes keeping me in the chair, I need to get out of here. "Don't try escaping, those ropes are tied tight. Also, you wouldn't get very far, we are all right here." I look at the Overseer, he's right, what am I trying to do. So I stop.

"Well that was easy, now tell us. What is your plan?" It seems the Overseer is doing most of the talking. The others are just watching.

"Plan?" I lower my voice in an attempt to mask it.

"You must have some kind of plan." I shake my head. "Fine, what do you want from us."

"I don't want anything from you, but he does." I mumble I want so badly to say 'It's me! It's Sabre!' And give them hugs. Many hugs.

"Tells us what you do know then."

"I can't."

"Who are you?" It's me Sabre, but I have to lie for their protection... either way they get hurt... this is my fault. My selfish decision led me here.

"Elan." I sigh. Rainbow perks up at that name- Wait- I did tell him my real name! Maybe Rainbow will help me, save me, but what if he gets hurt... oh no. Alex also perks up, she doesn't know that name, does she?

"Do you have any powers?" I shake my head. I'm glad I don't or else Nightmare would use me for them.

"What can you tell us?" He asks. I look towards the group I used to call my friends. They would hate me if they knew it's me, working with Nightmare Steve, I would— er— do hate myself too.

"I'm sorry." I sigh and look down. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alex put a hand on the Overseers' shoulder and walk out of the building. I look up again and see Rainbow staring at me.

He takes a second but notices I'm watching him and he walks out. I hope this ends soon. I hope someone saves me.

Rainbow Steve's POV

They all walk out of the house that has that Elan dude in it, there's something about him. Something familiar. So I stay for a minute and watch him. He has his head down it's hard to make out his face, but he looks guilty.

He looks up at me and stares back staying silent, his eyes have a sad look in them. Then I realized we are just staring here awkwardly, I walk out to meet up with the others.

"-o you think Galaxy?" I hear Alex finish as I walk over to them.

"I don't know Alex, he seemed nice, his aura wasn't a bad one. He even apologized, and he didn't do anything really. Maybe we should give him a chance, a second one." Galaxy reasons.

"But he was working with Nightmare!" The Overseer argues back. Alex turns to me. She looks sad. "What do you think Rain?"

"I agree with Galaxy," I say honestly. If we could get this guy to trust us maybe he would tell us things.

"Are you sure about this? Rainbow, I know your past with Void." The Overseer says, I felt a wave of guilt come over me, I made a big mistake back then, but this time I don't think it will be a mistake.

"I'm sure, I agree with Galaxy; we should give him a chance."

"Alex? How about you?" The Overseer asks.

"I completely agree with Galaxy." She answers with confidence. Girls confuse me.

"Okay then I'm clearly outnumbered here, I'll sleep on it, he stays on the chair tonight. I want one of you in there with him take shifts, tell me if he tries anything. For now, just stay nearby. I have some Steve's to help out." We nod and The Overseer walks away.

I remember the grey thing that came out of Elan's pocket, I walk a few steps away while Alex and Galaxy talk about the situation. I pulled it out and stared at it, it had small rips around the edges, it was obviously worn from excessive usage.

I audibly gasp. Wait... I know what this is... is this Sabre's Blindfold?

Meanwhile at the Nightmare Castle... 3rd POV

"Are you sure this was a good idea? He could easily spill who he is." Dark said to Nightmare who was sitting in his throne.

"Oh I'm sure, after that empty threat I made he won't risk it, have you paid any attention to Sabre at all? It won't matter much if he does anyway." He replies. An evil grin appearing on his face. Dark smirks knowing Nightmare has another plan.

"Sabre has secrets, I know what they are, and he doesn't know. No one does, and we can use that to our advantage. Dark we have the upper hand. Soon enough we will rule, and Sabre will be by our side, willing or not...."



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