Chapter 28: Guardian (Final Chapter)

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Let me tell ya, this story has been an adventure. It's an idea dump with a storyline that turned out okay.


"You did not expect to get past me that easily did you?"

"Honestly? Yes, yes I did." Dark Steve snarked. His face pulled up into a scowl.

Alex stepped forward, taking lead. "Give us Sabre back, Origin. I will fight you if I have to."

Origin waved his hand around lazily, sparks of blue energy flicking off it, "You are welcome to try, you may have succeeded the first time but that was only with my son's help. He was always smarter than you." He jabbed.

"I was smart enough to leave you." She fired back.

"That was a mistake. One you will learn the extent of. You escaped the first time after you got your memories back, but this time you will not. You will be imprisoned, and kept here."

His eyes were narrowed into a glare, the blue glowing from the power he was restraining. "Forced to be alone."

Rainbow Steve spotted a sword in the hand of a nearby statue and grabbed it quickly, knowing what this was leading up to.

He hovered off the ground, clearly preparing himself for the inevitable fight. "You could always come back to me." He snapped his fingers dramatically. "Have your life back."

"You wish," Alex spat, her hands tinting green from the power orb in her hand and her lime green eyes ablaze.

Origin sighed, "So be it." And attacked.

Alex surged forward, Dark Steve followed, not far behind. They throw orbs of energy towards the assailant, flying around, dodging, and directing lightning. Galaxy Steve sighed, weary, but jumped into the fray as well, so much for this being a future problem, he thought.

Rainbow Steve stayed behind, cursing his lack of powers. He gripped his newly acquired stone sword tightly, swinging at Origin whenever he got close enough to the ground. He would do his part and trust the others to do theirs.


Light Steve always hated fighting, he much preferred a peaceful stance. Talk through it. Unfortunately, that was never the case.

It seemed every time they encountered a new Steve it ended in disaster. Friends were few and far between. He would not lose anyone, seeing as he could not fight he went for the more pacifist route.

He would release Sabre, the very thing they came here for in the first place. How could they be so easily distracted? Their entire mission, plus, Sabre had powers, didn't he?

Sabre was basically Origin and Alex combined meaning he had some of their powers along with his own.

Sabre was always a needed puzzle piece.

If the others couldn't defeat Origin then surely they could with Sabre.

At least, that was what Light understood of it. He'd only heard bits and pieces of the story surrounding the situation, and he hadn't even seen Sabre the entire time...

Now, before Origin interrupted they were going to open Sabre's room. Light thought that was a good place to start looking. First, he tried a simple way, the doorknob. Which turned out to be locked.

He turned around and watched the battle rage on, it seemed no one was available to help. He set his attention back on the door.

Hmm... it seemed some problem solving was in order.

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