Chapter 22: Found

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Thanks, FanGirlz22 for unintentionally giving me that little reminder to update. ;)

3rd Person POV

Galaxy woke up in a forest. Looking around he spotted a rainbow figure halfway sticking out of a bush, not too far away, unconscious. Galaxy, feeling woozy, tried to stand only to fall again. So he waited until he felt a bit better to wake Rainbow.

'What exactly happened?' He wondered, 'Oh, right. Origin did. IS ALEX OKAY?! OMG! I SWEAR IF HE HURT HER!' With that, he jumps up, pulls Rainbow out of the bush, and slaps him awake.

"OW! Galaxy what the heck?! Wait, where are we?" He asks rubbing his cheek where Galaxy slapped him.


"You need to chill, we will find them but screaming in my face helps nothing. You're the one who asked me 'what would Sabre do' that one time. So listen to your own advice!" Rainbow told him, glaring.

"Yeah, yeah you're right." Galaxy admitted sheepishly. Then Rainbow smirked.

"Don't worry we will find your girlfriend, Galex will sail!" Galaxy just groaned, but the sound of his girlfriend didn't sound too bad. "LET US HEAD FORTH!"


They had been walking for a while and managed to find themselves back at the village, deciding they shouldn't stay long, they went to the house they'd built with Sabre and Alex, hoping to find them there. So, that's what they did. (I used the word 'they' so many times.)


"You're sure you want to stay with us? And that you won't do anything- bad?" Dark was getting sick of this question, yes it wasn't the same question, but it was. Just reworded.

Though he understood the concern. And surprisingly enough it was Sabre who asked this time. Alex had been pestering him like crazy, but Sabre seemed to accept his presence there.

'So trusting, so... kind. Honestly, it is kind of- wait where was I going with that?' Dark thought. He really had no idea where that was going.

'I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him. How odd. I know my mo- Alex doesn't. He was- is? The villain right? Maybe not.' Sabre subconsciously smiled. Alex noticed but didn't question it.

"To answer your question, yes I am very sure." Dark finally answered. Sabre hummed in response.

Meanwhile, Alex's mother senses were tingling, something was going on between these two and she would figure it out! She looked back at the two following behind her. She had somehow taken the lead and was just walking a random direction, making sure not to forget where they came from.

"Is anyone going to say something or should I?" Alex asked breaking the silence.

"What is wrong with some quiet? After all, I do believe you have both had quite the day." Dark stated.

"Well.. nothing I guess, but don't see that as me a agreeing with you. I don't even like you with us!" Alex didn't trust Dark at all and Sabre knew this, but he did, his gut was telling him Dark meant no harm. Meaning whatever Alex said wouldn't change his answer. Dark, on the other hand, wanted to leave, but where would he go? Plus, he liked the company especially Sabre's.

"I did not mean to... agitate you, Alex."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Can we please not do this now? Maybe quiet wasn't so bad." Sabre groaned. Everyone silently agreed.

Back with a rainbow bean and an overprotective galaxy...

"No one is here..." Galaxy pointed out. They'd made it back to their little house and discovered nothing.

"No duh Galaxy," Rainbow said sarcastically. "Let's keep going we may find something." So that's what they did more walking... (yuck exercise am I right?)


"Gal, do you hear that?" Rainbow said after around 10 minutes of walking. They'd been walking through a forest and heard voices? Galaxy nodded.

They walked over to where they heard the noises. There were two figures, a blue one, and a white one.

"How am I supposed to know what happened?" The white one said.

"I don't know! We are both here so it's one of us! Who else could it be?" The blue one replied.

"I was just taking a nap and then I end up here." The white one said innocently.

"Well, it's not my fault...I was reading." The blue one argued.

"We are just blaming each other, it's getting us nowhere so shall we find the real cause?" The white one said after a moment.

"Fine. I suppose you're right." The blue figure agreed, crossing their arms.

Rainbow smiled and whispered, "Yo Galaxy, I think I know who these guys are..."


It might be a while for the next chapter, I have so many ideas for this story. (A possible sequel and prequel-sequel). So I'm not discontinuing it, I am just simply lazy when it comes to writing them, as well as I can have trouble putting my ideas into words. Thanks for sticking with me!

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