Chapter 15: Stuck

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Sabre's POV

Great. Back in a cell. It's dark, boring, and cold. Not to mention I can't ESCAPE! Even without ropes or chains holding me back. Dumb evil Steve's! I just keep running straight into danger! It's probably my middle name at this point. Meanwhile, Dark is just staring at me.

"So you just gonna stare or what?" He didn't respond. Oh man, I'll regret this later, but I'm bored. "So, Dark, Nightmare sending you out to his dirty work now? Like a pet? I don't know why he would your pretty weak."

"I might be weak, but you are a fool." I expected him to be more angered by this, like in the past.

"No, I think you're the fool." I'm an idiot. Am I purposely trying to make him mad? Yes, yes I am. Boredom can be a very dangerous thing.

"Why would that be, hmm? Do enlighten me." Now he's staring at me with a smile, I do not like that at all! Though it doesn't seem to be an evil smile. Odd.

"Uh... ...because you're working with a dumb Steve?" He just scoffed and walked out... I'm glad. I'll never admit it but he can be intimidating. Though, I'm already missing the company.

Time skip 10 mins~~ \@^@/ (Tom wasn't needed here, but he wanted to say hi.)

You know I never knew a ceiling could be so interesting, the floor isn't very comfortable; cold. Oh well. And the click of a door! The first noise I've heard other than Dark's deep voice- Wait, door?

Of course, it's Nightmare.

"Sabre, enjoying your stay? Again." All I came here for was Alex I've had enough of this back and forth.

"No. Let me out of here!"

"Sure." He started walking towards me, coming into the cell. Uh oh. I back myself into a wall not wanting whatever is about to happen; happen. He grabbed my arm and tight. Then proceeded to drag me into a nearby room.

"Where are we going? Just let me go!" I struggle.

"Just walking down memory lane is all." What the heck kind of memories could he be talking about, every one with Nightmare sucks. He seems to sense my confusion. "You'll see."

Soon we enter a room that has a big machine in it. It doesn't look like any I've seen before. He shoves me in and quickly closes it up, luckily since I'm not a Steve I can't get locked in; or so I thought. He flicked a lever then I was unable to move, but talking was still a thing.

"Nightmare! Let me out! What are you doing!" He turned to me with a smirk, I would totally be banging on the glass if I could move.

"Just a trip down memory lane is all. And if everything goes to plan hopefully some new abilities." Then before I could ask he flicked another lever, I felt a pain in my head and it all went black.

3rd Person POV

Galaxy and Rainbow were both sneaking around the halls of the palace, they had lost track of Sabre and Dark a bit ago, and we're trying to find Alex.

"This is hopeless!" Galaxy whisper-yelled.

"Galaxy! You ne- wait, shush." Rainbow held a finger up and pointed across the hall to a door where growls of frustration could be heard, "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, wanna go?" Galaxy asked. Rainbow nodded, and they quietly went over to the door.

"I'm one of the strongest people and I can't even get out of a stupid holding cell! UGH!" Quickly Rainbow and Galaxy opened the door recognizing the voice.

"Alex!" Both Steve's exclaimed. Galaxy was beaming.

"It's great to see you and all but, GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE!" They flinched not expecting that outburst from their normally calm friend. So, that's what they did, they broke the redstone surrounding it and broke some of the bars so Alex could slip through.

"Thanks, guys, where's Sabre?" The Steve's laughed nervously, knowing how protective Alex seemed to get over Sabre. Her face got an annoyed look. "I guess you just gave me my answer as much as I want to scream and yell at you for not doing the one thing I've ever asked of you, I won't because we a have a 16-YEAR-OLD to find. Now come on."

She sped-walked out of the room quicker than a Yellow Steve with Rainbow and Galaxy close behind. They informed her of a few things while they were sneaking around trying to find their friend.

"Where was the last place you saw Sabre?" She asked.

"That way, I think." Galaxy answered.

"Then why are we going in random directions when we could've gone with the only lead we have!? Let's go c'mon!"

Smol Time Skip~

"This place is like a maze!" Galaxy said a bit too loud.

"Dude, do you want to blow our cover? It's a wonder we haven't been spotted yet with all of your blabbering." Rainbow told him.

"At lea-"

"Both of you quiet. Do you hear that? Do you see that?" Alex pointed towards a door, it was half-open, showing a bright light, some laughs could be heard.

"Well, that isn't creepy at all," Rainbow said sarcastically. Galaxy took the lead this time and motioned for them to follow, they leaned against the wall and peeked inside the bright room, it was hard to make out anything, but eventually, it died down and they could make something, or someone out...


I'm pretty bad at cliffhangers, but writers' block didn't stop me this time, unlike the last chapter that sucked.

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