Chapter 6: Village Problems

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Galaxy Steve POV~ Present Day~

Rain and I headed out to try and find Sabre a while ago, but I don't think we will, he left and didn't want to be found. I wish we could find him, even if it was just for a minute, I want to make Rainbow happy--He's been through a lot, we all have.

"Rain," I said and stopped walking. "I think we should go back, he's not anywhere near here." He turned to me and saw his face. He looked upset, but Sabre is fine and this seems pointless. 

"Yeah, your right, I came to that conclusion an hour ago... I just can't believe he left. I miss him Galaxy, I really do. I didn't get to say goodbye." He looked down at the ground and fiddled with his hands. 

I put a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon we should get back home."

We turned to head back to the village, it was a silent trip but not an awkward one, it was quite peaceful. I wanted to break it but what should I say? For now I will look at the forest scenery. We can talk later.


We make it to the village and of course, something had to break the peacefulness! When Rain and I got near the middle lighting strikes, making us both jump back and other Steve's crowd around. I recognized that lighting, someone is using teleportation... but who?

Sabre's POV~ Earlier That Day~

Living in this castle sucks, I never go outside, I never do anything but reading and draw. I always keep my blindfold in my pocket, I grab it when I feel nervous. Dark and I have been talking, I don't know why, but it seems he is really bored here as well.

Currently, I'm reading a book at the desk I have in my room when I hear Nightmare call Dark and I to the throne room. Seeing no way out of it, I head to the throne room. When I arrive I see Dark standing there already waiting, and Nightmare in his throne with an evil grin. He has the black clothing on again.

"Today, I put my plans into action; Its time to go scare some Steve's. We will be going to their little village, just induce a little fear." Uh oh, I forgot about him wanting to rule over the Steve's, wait did he say we? Please don't tell me I have to go.

"We?" I ask.

"Yes, Sabre, We meaning you and Dark will be by my side." I gulp. "Now Little Sabre, I want to keep you hidden, you already look different. So you need a new name, actually, we don't need a new one. An old one will do just fine." He says.

"An old one?"

"Yes yes, an old one, how about Elan?" My eyes widen at the use of that name, He smirks noticing this. I haven't used it for years! In fact, I barely ever used it! How does he even know about it? 

"How do you even k-know about that?!"

"I know a lot more than you think I do.... and Sabre, if anything happens you do not, DO NOT, say who you really are, or I will kill your friends. I will know. Its time to go Dark, Elan." I shiver, I do not like the thought of that. Somethings up.

Rainbow Steve POV~ Present Day~

When Galaxy and I get back, we get jump scared by lighting in the middle of the village. The other Steve's start to crowd around but the overseer tells them to stay back, I and Galaxy step forward, being the brave Steve's we are. Alex was currently away.

When the lighting cleared a figure in black stood before us. "It's you again! You brought back Rainbow!" Galaxy yelled at the figure. He was the one who brought me back? Who is he?

"Indeed I did, but that's not all I brought." More lighting strikes to the left and right of him. Once it cleared it revealed two more people.

To the right of him was, "Dark Steve!? How you died!" I yell and take a few steps back. He smirks but keeps quiet. Odd. Well I should technically be dead as well... (No Rainbow was a smol bean that went to soon.)

To the left of him was someone I've never seen before, he has blue and green eyes and a yellow hoodie. He looks ashamed? No. Guilty? I look over at Galaxy and he's staring at the other guy too.

"Who are you?" Galaxy asks looking at the other guy. Before the hoodie guy can talk the figure in black does first.

"Oh him? His name is Elan." I see the person shiver, but that name sounds so familiar... where have I heard it before?

"And who are you? You just came to our village bringing Dark and this Elan guy, but who are you?" I ask the figure. He chuckles.

"If you knew that then, heh well- might as well tell you. I am your new King." King? He summons a lighting bolt on himself, and there stand the one and only... Nightmare Steve!? I take a few more steps back in fear, I have no abilities!

"H-how!? What? You were Yellow Steve! Nightmare was gone!" His face gets an evil grin on his face.

"Simple! You can't lock away the darkness. Yellow Steve was weak, but I am not." Galaxy gets into a fighting stance, I follow close behind.

"How cute, you think you can fight all three of us? Actually- how about you fight one of us and the other two leave. Dark now."

"Wait what?" With that, he teleports away and leaves the Elan guy behind. I soon snap out of shock and turn towards him. He looks terrified but gets into a fighting stance nonetheless.

I notice the Overseer sneaking up behind him before the guy can do anything the Overseer hits him hard on the head knocking him out. Something grey fell out of his pocket, I pick it up and put it in mine, I'll look at it later.

He then gets some Steve's to lock him up. I still don't understand what happened! Nightmare and Dark are back... wait, why would Nightmare bring me back? For fun? Why did he leave that Elan guy? I wonder who exactly Elan is.... that name is just so familiar.


Rainbow is on the case!

(That reminded me of the Detective Llama thing)

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