Chapter 16: Memories

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3rd Person POV

There standing in front of them was Sabre, Nightmare somehow knocked out on the ground. Sabre was surrounded by blue and green energy, his eyes were glowing brightly behind his blindfold.

"Sabre?" Galaxy asked cautiously.

"Sta-stay away..." Sabre sounded scared. "I don't want to hurt you." Alex had stepped forward but Sabre took a step back.

"We can help you Elan, come here."

"N-no, I'll hurt you... I-I don't want to hurt you." Sabre yelped in pain holding his head. "What-what's wrong with me!?" Everyone quickly ran over.

"Sabre! Sabre!" They yelled but he didn't respond just kept holding his head, occasionally whimpering from pain.

"What's wrong with him!?" Rainbow asked he was panicking he didn't like seeing his friend this way. Alex seeing the panic, and recalling Nightmare spilling out his plans to her, answered swiftly.

"He's getting his memories back, I can sense it... he also unlocked his powers... it's overwhelming him. I don't know what to do!" Galaxy once hearing this relaxed in understanding a bit but didn't let his guard down.

Rainbow didn't understand how those two could stay so calm! Memories!? What happened to Sabre!? Once the whimpering stopped they turned and it seemed that Sabre passed out from -most likely- exhaustion.

Galaxy picked him up bridal style and walked out, getting out of that palace as quickly as possible. Knowing Dark was still around and Nightmare could wake at any time. The others followed behind him.

\@^@/  🍪🍪🍪 Tom is giving out free cookies today! (Tom also approves of the nickname Tommy)

Once they arrived at the village again they laid Sabre down on a bed in their shared home.

"Alex, tell Rainbow what's going on, tell him everything about Sabre, he needs to know, I'll watch Sabre." Alex nodded and turned to a confused Rainbow and took him out into another room leaving Galaxy with an asleep Sabre.

"Alex what the heck are you and Galaxy not telling me!?"

"Uhh.. a lot. Sabre- er- Elan is my kid."


"Might as well give you the full story. It was a very long time ago, back when Origin and I were still together. We decided we wanted a child, so that was what we did. We had a kid named Elan. He was the perfect kid he shared our eyes one green one blue. He had powers but we- I never got the chance to teach him."

"Why did you never teach him?"

"I didn't want to be with Origin anymore, he changed, and not for the better. Origin got mad, he um, he erased Elan's memory, and sent him through the timeline, he was only seven at the time... I didn't know until recently."

"Oh, I'm sorry Alex."

"It's okay nothing you could've done, it was before you or Nightmare even existed."

Meanwhile in Sabre's head...

"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" A little 4-year-old Sabre ran over with a plushie in hand. "Tha' nice Green Steve gave me a puppy!"

"Aww, did you make sure to say thank you?"

"I always say thank you, Mommy! It's not nice to not use your manners!" Alex scooped up her little boy and held him tight. Origin decided it was his turn to talk.

"Are you hungry little one?"

"Yes!" Origin then took his son from Alex and tickled his sides, giggles filled the silence of their palace.


Sabre watched through his younger self's eyes, watching as he laughs with Alex and Origin. Needless to say, he was confused. He didn't remember this. Were these memories? With that, it converted into another scene.


Alex and young Sabre were sat at a table.

"No." 5-year-old Elan refused.

"Come on Elan you've gotta eat something!"

"I don't feel good. My tummy doesn't want food."

"Do it for Mommy?" Little Elan stayed quiet and crossed his arms. "We can play with your favorite toys later!" He continued to stay silent. Alex huffed. "Fine, you can cuddle with me and Daddy."

"Okay!" He started digging into the food like there was no tomorrow.


Sabre was starting to wonder if these were his memories that he had forgotten oh so long ago, but that wouldn't work. This was obviously a very long time ago, Sabre was too young for this to be his memory. Right? There is no way he was the son of Alex and Origin! Origin is horrible!

Another scene change.


"I gave you chance after chance Origin! It's over! I'm taking Elan and we are leaving!"

"You can not just take our child! You are the queen and I am the king, we rule together! And you are not leaving me!" Origin snapped back.

"Mommy? Why is Daddy yelling at you?" A sleepy seven-year-old Elan came into his parents' room.

"Nothing, it's okay Elan go back to bed."  Elan went to protest but Origin quickly grabbed his arm squeezing it tight, but Elan didn't see anything wrong with it. He just thought his Dad didn't want him to move.

"Let him go! He's done nothing wrong!"

"If I can not have what I love, you can not have what you love either!" He grabbed his son's other arm squeezing them tightly. Elan whimpered and looked up to meet his parent's eyes.

Alex looked so full of motherly rage, but Origin was terrifying, he looked insane.

"Mommy! Why is Daddy hurting me! Mommy help me!"  The last thing Sabre saw before the memory faded was his mother attempting to save him.


Back in the real world...

Sabre shot up out of the bed, panting. Whatever he just witnessed threw him for a loop. He also felt very tired, he assumed since he was in a bed he has been asleep. Why was he so tired then?

He looked down at his hands and gasped. Blue and green energy surged all around them... 'what happened!?' Sabre thought to himself.


I'm seriously tempted to do a one-shot about- The Life of Tom- cuz Tom is a friend of everyone... plus Tom is a lovable dude who wouldn't want to learn a bit about him.

Also, this is the last chapter until next Tuesday. I need some time to sort out the plot, and other things.

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