Chapter 24: Regrouping

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Somehow this is still #1 in favremysabre? I did not expect to see that when I checked up on it again!

3rd Person POV

"There you are, you know, I have been looking for you. You hid well, little one. Though, our game of 'hide and seek' is growing tiresome. It was fun while it lasted, but you will not be taken from me again. You belong to me." The figure picked up the smaller and disappeared into the darkness.

With group 2...

"I think they went this way..." Galaxy said with a sigh. The group simultaneously decided to use his powers to track Alex and Sabre, but unfortunately doing so was tiring. Not to mention it was really late at night, or early in the morning depending on your view of it, and Galaxy wanted to sleep.

"Guys, " Light spoke, "Do you see that? It looks like a fire." He pointed to a dimly lit area.

"Hm, let's go, after all, it's the only sign of life we've seen so far, other than a few sheep." Blue shrugged, "Hey Galaxy?"

"Yeah." Came the drowsy response.

"You pointed in that direction right?" Blue asked he got a nod in return. "Then what if it's them?" At that, the tiredness Galaxy was feeling seemed to abruptly disappear.

"LET'S GO!" He broke into a sprint.

"Hey! Wait up!" Rainbow yelled chasing after him.

After a bit of running, Galaxy came to a sudden stop causing Rainbow to bump into him. Blue just rolled his eyes coming to a slow stop -with Light- behind the two.

Looking around, Rainbow spotted figures on the ground, a fire in the middle. Two were dark and lied close together, while the other was lighter and was lying there alone.

"ALEX!!" Galaxy basically screamed. Running over he tried to shake her awake. She let out a groan and shifted slightly but did not wake. So, Galaxy tried again. Same results.

After watching Galaxy try a few times Rainbow and Light shared a look, silently deciding it was pointless. Rainbow walked over and set a hand on his shoulder, effectively gaining Galaxy's attention.

"We can rest here tonight, she won't go anywhere it's really late and I'm tired." Rainbow deadpanned he then went over near Alex and plopped down on the ground. He was asleep in a few seconds. Both Light and Blue seemed extremely amused through this.

Following Rainbow's lead Galaxy let out a noise that sounded like a mix of disappointment (from not being able to wake Alex) and agreement. So, he laid down beside Alex and started snoozing.

Obviously seeing the trend both Light Steve and Blue Steve found a spot to lay and welcomed the sleep that came their way, somehow forgetting about the two dark figures on the other side of the fire.

\@^@/ 🎂 Tom apologizes for not seeing you for so long, so he brought you a cake. (Keep in mind Tom signals a time skip)

Waking up, Alex found she wasn't with the small amount of company she had before falling asleep. There was more. As if to not disturb anyone she slowly pushed into a sitting position.

Getting a good look around she noticed that there were four new faces. She was elated to find Galaxy and Rainbow Steve near her. Then she looked down at the other two, one white and one blue. Due to their proximity to Rainbow, she assumed they were friends.

So now including herself, there was seven- wait seven? There should be eight!

"Sabre!" She whispered as realization struck. Where was her son!? Where was Sabre? No longer worrying about waking everyone she jumped up to her feet.

At this Galaxy was spooked awake, being the one closest to Alex. That created a domino effect, first Blue, then Rainbow, then Light awoke.

Light Steve rubbed his eyes, "What's going on?" He sat up. Galaxy sudden let out a gasp.

"Alex! You're awake!" He sprung up and gathered Alex in a hug, "I missed you."

Alex, after getting over the shock, slowly hugged back, enjoying the tingly feeling she got from his hug. "Missed you too, and as much as I love this reunion... My son is missing!"

Finally both Dark and Shadow Steve stirred, each of them sitting up in unison.

Dark Steve looked around and not noticing the new arrivals, "Alex? Where is Sabre?" He said, effectively gathering the attention of those who had not noticed him and his brother earlier.

Rainbow jumped, "WHY IS DARK STEVE HERE!?"

"Wait... you just now noticed them?" Alex asked, baffled. How could all four of you miss the two others just a few feet away? She wondered.

Shadow stepped forward, holding his hands in the air, "Do not worry! We mean no harm! In fact, we have joined your side. Your squad so to say a—" he was cut off.

"Look we know you do not trust us, you have no reason to, but I think our main priority should be finding Sabre," Dark started in a serious tone, "While Shadow was speaking to you I did a quick energy sweep, as you all seem to not worry about what you should. I gathered that during the night another being came here—" Dark was interrupted.

"Are you sure it wasn't just us? We did come during the night." Blue said, being the current brains of the group.

Galaxy and Rainbow were still to shaken up to say anything and poor Light, standing slightly behind Rainbow, was having difficulty understanding why in the world anyone would trust Shadow Steve or Dark Steve.

"As I was saying, another Steve came here, I can feel all of your energies and it does not match any of you. It was powerful. And I, unfortunately, cannot track Sabre's." Dark finished, Rainbow found it surprising how much earnest worry was in his voice.

"What do we do?" Galaxy was still hugging Alex and could feel how tense with worry she was. He couldn't imagine what she must feel, gaining your son back and losing him so soon after. He would help her, nothing was going to want to come face to face with Galaxy for a long time.

"We find him, we save my son." She said with such conviction it was hard not to agree.


This feels like a filler chapter but it served a purpose, now that I've gotten the whole gang (almost) back together I can continue with the last major plot points I have in mind. We are nearing the end- sort of.

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