Chapter 19: Worse

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3rd Person POV

'Something's wrong.' Sabre thought as he sat up fast, he was enjoying his dreamless sleep but got awoken by a strong jolt through his body, it wasn't something he had felt before, but it was still familiar.

He stumbled through the darkness to the kitchen, what he didn't expect was Alex to be sitting there in the dark sipping some water.

"Uh hey, Alex, what are you doing up? And what's with the lack of lights?" He could barely make out her shrug.

"Just didn't want to wake anyone, but I should be asking you why you're up. Don't kids need more sleep?"

"A: I'm not a kid... B: I just couldn't sleep..." He told her while turning on the lights, they both blinked to adjust their eyes faster.

"I know that's not all, you can't lie to me." She could always read him like a book, motherly instincts or experience, Sabre guessed.

"Fine, I felt a jolt, and I think something's wrong." She looked concerned.

"So you too? This is worse than I thought..." she sighed looking up from her cup (rhyme), "Just go back to bed, we will discuss this in the morning. You look like a zombie." She lightly teased.

Sabre nodded he was tired and in no mood to argue or question her. Once he reached his bed he flopped down and instantly fell asleep.


Dark was still searching, he hadn't found anything yet, and was quite scared to return without anything. Nightmares words continued echoing through his head.

Did Dark really want this? To rule? He thought he did but now he wasn't so sure, maybe what Sabre said was right, maybe that idiot did know something. Maybe Dark was just Nightmare's pet.


Something domestic kept for pleasure.

That's all he was to Nightmare. He wasn't his son anymore.

For now Dark shrugged off these thoughts, continuing his search for the missing four. That's when he saw a light, he decided to follow it- after all he had nothing better to do.

He came across a simple house, similarly built like the ones in the Steve village were but slightly larger. He found the window with the light.

Peaking inside he saw Alex and Sabre. Sabre was back in his signature onesie still wearing the blindfold just standing there in what seemed to be a kitchen. While Alex was sitting down sipping a drink.

They both were talking to each other, Dark thought this would be a good time to get some info, but decided against it. He already found their hiding spot, Nightmare can send his pet out again if he needs something else.

Like always.

Dark took off back to the Palace hoping that because he found something, no punishment would come.

In the morning...

Sabre woke up to Alex coming into his room this time. She looked nervous, which in turn made Sabre mirror her look.

"What's wrong?"

"I think something or someone might be around, I can't figure out what though, I thought you could help... because I think you felt it too."

"Like a jot of energy? Familiar yet can't pinpoint?" Sabre added on. She nodded.

"I'm really worried..."

"Alex we have worse things to worry about... like for instance Nightmare, and Dark are probably still plotting something! And-and, that's all I can't think of but still!"

"What if this was a part of his plan hm? Then it's important! Come on I already have the other two waiting on the couch." Alex pushed. She walked out of the room motioning for Sabre to follow.

Sabre sighed, his bed felt really comfy and he didn't want to move but knew it would be easier if he just accepted that she was the boss of the house.

They both walked out to be met with an upset Galaxy Steve and a cheerful Rainbow Steve.

"What happened, Galaxy?"

"He dyed my favorite fishing rod! It's black! I wanted it purple." Galaxy huffed. Rainbow just laughed. Alex rolled her eyes, all three boys had a prank war going on, but they weren't very consistent. Meaning one prank could be as harmless as cutting an apple wrong and in return, that person would end up getting their favorite thing dyed.

Alex just gave Galaxy a pitying look. Rainbow deciding it was too quiet decided to speak.

"What did ya need us for Alex?"


Meanwhile, at the Nightmare palace.....

Dark arrived to be met with an empty throne room, which was odd so he just called out for Nightmare.

"My king, Nightmare are you here?" Then he came around the corner, a sick grin on his face that could make anyone feel small.

"Glad you made it back~ you better not have come empty-handed!"

"I-I found where they are located."

"Good, good. You came back just in time to meet someone! Someone who I know can help us rule, as he wants the same thing."

"Who might this someone be?" A figure came around the corner, a shiver went down his spine and Dark stared with wide-eyes. 'Nightmare what have you done?' Dark thought.

"So, you are dark. I'm-"

Back with the others... (I feel like this chapter is really jumpy but that's fineeeee)

"I fear that a certain someone has returned." Alex finished explaining the situation to both Rainbow and Galaxy and now she was currently inserting what she thought had happened.

"What do you mean someone?" Sabre asked.

"You remember how you put it? Familiar yet can't pinpoint?" Sabre nodded. "Well, considering both of those two felt nothing and we did I think you can understand where that leads. You're a smart kid."

"First of all not a kid!! Second of all, uh oh, do you really think it's-" Sabre got cut off by a knock at the door, everyone went tense at this. No one knew their location. Galaxy got up and went towards the door hoping it was fine, he opened it and many gasps were heard.

"Miss me?~"



I feel like that was incredibly predictable, but nonetheless, it's a cliffhanger of some sort.

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