Chapter 3: Cell

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3rd Person POV~ 2 months ago~ With Sabre

Sabre woke up on the hard, unforgiving ground of a cell, the room was dark, with no sunlight at all, just a lamp in the corner. He sat up with a groan. 'What happened? Where am I? Oh right, something grabbed me...'

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out but there was no answer, Sabre went to stand up only to find something cold on his wrists and ankles- chains, keeping him from standing. Sabre tried to pull at the chains to break them, but they were strong and tight so he was only hurting himself.

He leaned against the wall turning his gaze to the ceiling trying to figure out a way to escape, nothing came to mind so he called out again. "Is anyone there? Anyone?!" He heard footsteps getting gradually louder, he tensed unknowing of  what will arrive.

The door opened, a figure standing in the doorway. He had black clothing on and a hood pulled over his face to cover up his features. "Hello, Sabre, you've finally woken up, nice to see you again."

"See me again? I don't even know who you are!"

"You know who I am, but you think I'm long gone."

"'Long gone'? Like dead?" Sabre asks, confused.

"You could say that, more like reformed."


"Quit asking questions." The figure snaps. Sabre had only asked 2, he didn't think he was pushing it, but clearly, the figure did.

"I'll ask whatever questions I want to ask!" Sabre yelled, trying to mask any fear he had. The figure stepped closer, a stream light hit him revealing yellow skin.

"You are not in the position to say anything, child!" He takes another step forward. Sabre could now make out that his eyes were red.

"I am not a child! What would you even know about me huh? I don't even know who you are!" Sabre snapped back. Tugging at his restraints.

"I wonder if the other's even knew that a mere teenager was fighting their battles." The figure asked nearing the cell door.

Sabre froze and was now visibly shaking, just because he didn't show fear doesn't mean he didn't have it, and whoever this person was knew how young Sabre was, meaning he could know things Sabre didn't.

"I-I-" Sabre stuttered. He stopped pulling against the chains.

"Good you finally shut up, but with what you can see of me, you should know by now that your worst nightmare has returned. So riddle me this Sabre, who am I?" Once he said nightmare it was like a switch in Sabre's brain flipped.

'Dead, reformed, yellow skin, red eyes. Nightmare. Nightmare Steve? How?! He was long gone! Yellow Steve came back! Nightmare should be gone!'

"Nightmare Steve?" Sabre asked with caution, curiosity quelling some of his fear.

"There we go," Nightmare took the hood down, revealing a smirk, and taking away the shadow that covered his face a moment ago.

"But-but how?! You were gone! You were a Yellow Steve again! You were good!"

"Simple-question--simple-answer. Sabre, you can't just lock away the evil. It's always there, but you can lock away the good, and that's exactly what I did. Yellow Steve was the past--he tried to bury me deep down in his mind, he tried to ignore me, but I came back, I always do." (I ALWAYS COME BACK) He let out a short cackle and went into Sabre's cell.

Sabre backed himself against a wall trying to put as much distance in between him and Nightmare as possible. Nightmare just left the doors open. Sabre so wished he could just stand up and run, but the chains were too strong he was trapped.

Nightmare stopped a few steps away from Sabre, "Isn't this amazing, the great savior cowering under me. Unfortunately, this isn't enough. I have a plan Sabre and you're apart of it."

"W-what do you mean apart of it? What do you want with me?!"

"I want you to join me, rule over the Steve's with me; you're a strong person I'll give you that. With you and Dark as the prince's and me as the King, we will be unstoppable."

Sabre's POV

"No, I would never join you!" 

There is no way, I would ever take part in something so vile! The Steve's just got their peace they don't deserve any of this! I don't either but they matter more.

"You don't have a choice in this, little Sabre. I will break you if I have to, my plan will not fail this time."

He walks right in front of me and I slam my eyes shut, not wanting to know what's next. I feel him put his hand on my head. He takes it away. I suddenly get tired. I try to stay awake but I end up slipping into the darkness.

"They call me Nightmare for a reason."

I find it funny how a song on my playlist about nightmares started playing when I typed that last sentence.

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