Chapter 21: Problems Everywhere

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3rd Person POV

Sabre was walking in the forest making sure he didn't go far, he stopped when he reached a small pond. He sat down by the side and stared at his reflection. It looked the same, but yet he didn't feel the same.

Everything he knew was changing, he had powers. He still had parents. One was a psycho, one was his best friend. He remembered his past.

He was crazy powerful but he couldn't even fly. He watched as his father sent his friends away, hurt his friends. And he just stood there and watched.

"What a great friend I am." He muttered to himself.

"Hello, Sabre." Someone said. Sabre jumped like a cat on steroids. Instantly going into a defensive stance, but once he saw who it was he calmed down.

"Hey, Guardian. What's up?"

"I have come to let you know something, I apologize for scaring you so badly."

"It's alright I was just thinking, it's not your fault, so whatcha want to tell me?"

"More like warn you, I've been letting it slide but I can no longer do that. With the loss of Nightmare, Dark, Origin, and Rainbow in the Spirit Realm, it has become... unstable. Meaning I cannot control it like I once could. How Nightmare Steve got out and had the power to release others is beyond me, but I have that handled. Now to the warning; because the Realm is unstable some of the Steve's currently there could end up here. Good or bad, and you might need to prepare as I cannot send them back yet."

'ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? AS IF WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH ISN'T ENOUGH NOW I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS!? What has my life come to.' Sabre was internally freaking out.

"Okay..." Was all Sabre said.

"Once again sorry for scaring you, and for 'dropping the bomb' as you might say."

'Aha, he's learning' Sabre thought.

"But I must go. As time is something I cannot waste." Then without waiting for an answer from Sabre he left back to his world, meanwhile Sabre was on overload from information and problems. He decided to head back, might as well talk to someone.

At the Nightmare Palace...

"I knew I could never trust Dark, he has always had a soft side." Nightmare huffed he had watched Dark run off, most likely to Sabre, after their little disagreement over Origin.

"Hello, Nightmare." Origin walked up behind Nightmare.

"Welcome back Origin, mind telling me where you went?" Nightmare turned around to face him.

"Sure, I went to see my family."

"Did I say you could do so?"

"No-" Origin pinned Nightmare to the wall by his neck. "But you do not control me."

"I brought you back." He choked out.

"Yes you did, but you should know I am not trustworthy, now for bringing me back I do thank you. Maybe if you tell me where you got those powers I will consider sparing your useless life."

Nightmare knew when he was beaten, so he forced himself to tell Origin where he'd gotten his new powers. Origin got a sickening smirk on his face.

"Thank you but unfortunately, I just can not have you in the way of my plans. Goodbye Nightmare Steve." 

Origin summoned lighting and using teleportation sent Nightmare away to another dimension but not before stripping him of his powers.

"And so the faux King has fallen, but the true one has arisen to take the throne."

Back with Sabre...

"Hey Sabre... are you okay?" Alex asked. Sabre looked distraught. (He needs to get traught, anyone get that reference?)

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking." He answered. Meanwhile, Dark was watching him, with all the time he spent watching Sabre he noticed when he was hiding something. The way was grabbing his arm, squeezing in uneven bouts, and biting his lip showed his stress. He usually came back in better spirits after taking a walk, so this behavior was odd.

"What is really wrong?" Dark asked. Sabre tilted his head to the side. Did Dark really care?

"Guardian paid me a visit. Told me the Spirit Realm was unstable." Sabre didn't tell them everything, but that wasn't a lie.

"Did he tell you anything else?" Alex asked.

"Not much else really, but he did say to just be ready and prepare," Sabre told them. Dark knew Sabre wasn't saying everything and so did Alex, he wasn't the best liar but they decided not to push, seeing as a lot has happened today.

"We should get going we need to find Rainbow and Galaxy." Sabre's stated and started walking off, but Alex quickly stopped him.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Don't worry I'm fine, a break was all I needed." He lied. "We can't waste any time, we have to take care of Origin and Nightmare as quick as possible. We need everyone we can on our side. Dark you're with us right?"

Dark went through his options, deciding he didn't want to be someone's pet, and wanting to protect Sabre for some unknown reason he nodded. -He also did not trust Origin in the slightest.-

"I think staying with your group would be the wiser decision." He wanted to stay with Sabre and his friends. Dark noticed Sabre slightly smile at this but as soon as it was there it was gone, but Dark didn't forget it. In fact, he slightly smiled back.


Sorry about not updating yesterday, with all this COVID-19 chaos I put Wattpad to the back of my mind. Thanks for the fanart everyone who's made me some!

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