Fluffy Oneshot

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"Lucas, have you seen Sabre anywhere?" Rainbow Steve asked. He'd already looked around where he'd last seen Sabre but couldn't find him.

"Weren't you hanging out with him a bit ago?"

"Yeah, but I lost him and I can't find him! OHMYGOSH! LUCAS WHAT IF HE'S HURT WHAT IF-"

"Rainbow take a deep breath I'm sure he's fine! Wait actually don't-" *screeching noises* "-too late. But I'm sure he's fine; maybe check the top of the Rainbow Tree of Life, he tends to go there a lot."

"Thanks, Lucas!" Rainbow exclaimed running off to find his friend. When he arrived at the tree he was met with the sound of soft snores, intrigued, he followed the sound. What he was met with made him squeal.

It was a little 4-year-old Sabre. Unfortunately, the squeal made Sabre wake up.

"Wainbow?" Rainbow couldn't hold himself back, he went over and scooped Sabre up, slightly hovering from excitement. That, in turn, earned a few giggles from Sabre.

"EEEEEE! You're so cuuutee!!!!!! Not that I'm complaining, but how did this happen, Sabre?" Sabre looked like he was trying to remember.

"A clock! I saw a clock! A clock man did this!"

"A clock man?" Rainbow got concerned.

"Ywes! A clock man!" Sabre noticed Rainbow's look, "Did I do something wong?"

"Nonono! You did absolutely nothing wrong! You're perfect! WAIT! Do you want to go see Lucas?" Sabre nodded excitedly. Rainbows grip tightened on Sabre when he flew over to Lucas, Sabre was smiling the whole time.

"Oh hey Rain, did you find Sabre?"

"Lucas look!" Rainbow held out Sabre like Simba.


"Hi, Lulu!" Lucas cringed at the nickname, yep, that was definitely Sabre.

"Rainbow, what happened?"

"He said something about a clock man." Rainbow shrugged and pulled Sabre back to him, holding tight.

"A clock man? Weird." Lucas responded still trying to take in the situation. It was at this time that Light Steve decided to come over, he didn't notice Sabre straight away as he was wrapped in Rainbow's arms. Lucas waved at Light to come closer.

Light was confused, wasn't Sabre normally taller? Lucas quickly explained the situation to Light. Sabre started squirming, he wanted Rainbow to put him down, but Rainbow didn't want to let go.

"Wainbow can you let me go? Pweeease" Rainbow sighed sadly and reluctantly let go.

"That. Was. Adorable!!!" Another voice chimed in, it was Galaxy Steve this time. Sabre got startled by him, Galaxy was flying above the group. Sabre smiled and waved at him. Galaxy swooped down and grabbed the toddler, flying around with him in his arms.

Sabre's squeals filled the air making everyone smile. Sabre typically took charge of everything, so the stress seemed to build. Seeing him carefree like this was abnormal, but very welcome.

After a bit Sabre decided he was bored and squirmed in Galaxy's hold. The Steve made a noise of unhappiness, but complied nonetheless and set the boy down. Once the kid was back on the grass he walked over to Lucas.


"Yes, Sabre?" Lucas responded.

"Can we pway a game?" Sabre tilted his head to the side slightly, like a puppy.

"Sure, what do you want to play?"

"Hide and Seek!"

Everyone decided to play, Galaxy was the seeker. Rainbow hid in a nearby Rainbow tree, Light hid in the Steve temple, Lucas and Sabre hid together behind a bush. The first one found was Light Steve, then Rainbow, but they couldn't manage to find the last two.

Sabre kept giggling every time someone walked past, so Lucas would have to shush him. Lucas found it quite endearing.

After about 20 minutes of searching, they gave up.

"Lucas! Sabre! We give up!" Galaxy called out, "You can come out now!"

"Wait, shush, do you hear that?" Light asked. "Come on, this way."

Eventually, they found the both of them asleep behind a bush, Sabre was curled up on Lucas' lap and Lucas had an arm around the little one. Everyone 'aww'd'.

"Can we keep Sabre as a kid forever?" Galaxy pleaded.

"No, Galaxy, we'll have to change him back soon. As much as I hate it." Rainbow responded with a saddened sigh. They shook Lucas awake and he picked Sabre up heading towards the Rainbow house...


Time walked over to where his brother was chatting with a Purple Steve, he needed his help with something.

"Hey, Elemental, sorry to interrupt but- heh... I was testing out a new power and I think I De-aged Sabre."

"Time... You did what!?"

"Yeah... ya think you could help me out? Heh heh..."


This was something I made a while back, I don't have another chapter prepared so, this is just fill in.

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