Chapter 13: Friend Issues

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Sabre's POV

"No!" Alex just got taken away by that cruel Steve!

"Why wouldn't you let me save her!?" I yell at my two friends that held me back. The Overseer left to go help some other Steve's build knowing that there's nothing he can do.

"She told us to protect you!" Rainbow yells back.

"I don't care! I'm the savior! It's my job to protect all of you!"

"Sabre you can't save us all! Your just a kid!" Galaxy stops noticing what he had just done, I grit my teeth and clench my fists.

"So that's why you held me back!? Because of my age!? I never should've told you!"

"There's a lot of things you don't know Sabre! This is for your protection!" Galaxy shouts. Rainbow just looking between the two of us.

"Keeping secrets from me now? Your just as bad as Nightmare!" I argue and run into the nearby forest to give myself some time to think. I hear them yelling for me, but I just keep running.

I don't want to talk to them right now. Alex could be hurt! She's probably scared! I stop to catch my breath and I hear them make it to me.

"Sabre, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Galaxy apologizes, I don't respond. I don't even look at them.

"Sabre talk to me. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that we promised you that we wouldn't let things change because of your age."

"That's not even the worst part Galaxy, you know something about me don't you? Nightmare said the same thing, or something similar. Why do people keep secrets about me from me!?" I shout not looking at them still.

"Because-... I'm sorry Sabre."

"If you were really sorry you would tell me," I say turning to them. Rainbow looks confused. Maybe he didn't know the secret. And Galaxy just looks guilty.

"I can't." He says.

"You can't tell me the secrets, and I can't let another person get hurt because of me! So if you don't mind, I'm getting Alex back." I start to walk off, I need to find her, I will look everywhere.

Someone grabs my arm. I tug it away. "Sabre," I hear Rainbow say, "We can't let you go, we made a promise."

"I don't care. I'm finding Alex and you can't stop me." This time before I can even start walking Rainbow grabs both of my arms, I try to pull away but I can't. Dumb Steve's always being stronger than me.

"Let me go, Rainbow!"

"Sabre, we can't let you leave! It's dangerous!" Galaxy tells me. Now I'm getting really annoyed.

"I don't care if I have to hurt you! I'm going to save her! No one else will die." I start trying to get out Rainbows grip even more, but nothing works, I don't give up though.

I throw my head back and try to hit Rain off of me, but instead, I hit nothing.

"Sabre stop! You're going to hurt yourself!" But I don't stop I keep doing what I can to get free, I can't let Alex get hurt, no one else gets hurt from my mistakes. I feel bad trying to hurt Rain... but he needs to let me go.

Unfortunately, things don't work out as I plan. I feel something hit my head hard, and within seconds I see darkness.

Rainbow Steve's POV

"GALAXY!!!!" I shout as I feel Sabre stop struggling and go limp.

"I'm sorry! I panicked and I didn't know what to do!"

"You didn't have to hit him on the head!" I yell back, I lay Sabre down on the ground not wanting to hold him up by his arms anymore.

"What secrets are you hiding from Sabre, Galaxy?" I ask being the curious Steve I am.

"I can't tell you Rainbow, it's a secret for a reason."

"Fine, for now, we need to keep Sabre safe and figure out a plan to get Alex back, then I'm making you tell me." He nods, I pick up Sabre again and head back home.


I lay Sabre down on Alex's bed, no reason for him to stay on the couch if there's a perfectly fine bed. I sit in a nearby chair, knowing that if he wakes up he'll run off to find Alex.

I pull out the book I was reading with Sabre earlier, might as well finish it.


I finished the book hours ago, it's dark outside now. Somehow Sabre is still asleep. Galaxy brought me dinner so I didn't have to leave Sabre. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt... Sabre won't wake up, right?

Sabre's POV

I wake up in what seems to be Alex's room. I sit up looking around, I spot Rainbow asleep in a chair. He must have been the one to 'watch' me or whatever.

Speaking of Alex, I have to save her, whether my friends agree or not. I'm going to need a weapon though.

I slowly get out of the bed not wanting to wake Rainbow. I head down the stairs, why when you want to be sneaky the floor creaks so loud? I look around in the other rooms, I come across a weapons rack.

Most of them have dust, so I assume they haven't been used in a while. I grab out an iron sword, then head towards the door. Once I'm outside I run for it, I need to find Nightmare's palace and rescue Alex.

Unfortunately, my plans never seem to work...


My dudes, we've done it! We hit 1k reads!! I didn't think this would happen when I started this story! So thank you so much!

\@^@/ Even Tom came to celebrate!

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